Chapter 16: Ely

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Our flight to Cabo is on time, we are currently sitting in the terminal watching the runway workers load the luggage and fuel the plane. They've still yet to call our flight but that could be at any moment. James has one leg thrown over mine, her sunglasses on top of her head ready for the beautiful sun to welcome us at our getaway. We have ten days of nothing but white sand beaches crystal blue water and each other. Life has been so good the last few weeks and I'm hoping we get to keep riding this high for a long time.

This vacation is about me and her and building on the new found love. We have loved each other for a lifetime but here recently that love has transformed into something more, something we needed to get to but the only way was through pain. I would give anything to take the seed of doubt Sarah planted that day at the airport but in the same breathe I'm thankful, for without it James and I would be in a different place today.

It's been two weeks since I walked into that jewelry store downtown and found this beautiful ring that I keep tucked in my wallet, waiting for the perfect moment to ask her to be my forever. Today isn't that day, but with so much happening in her life I can't help but want to be prepared for that moment.

"Flight 283 to Los Cabos International Airport departing at gate 32 is now ready to board. Those with early check in please make your way to gate 32 and prepare to board."

James and I stand grabbing our carry ons making our way to the gate, the beautiful part of the early check in means we don't have to fight other passengers trying to board or rushing to a seat that seems to be the hot seat; no we get climb on board first and have a few moments to get situated before everyone else.

"I'm so excited I can barely sit still." James shifts from foot to foot as we wait for them to open the door and take our boarding  passes.

"3 hours until we land in paradise" I whisper in her ear just as they open the door and we slide over our passes.

"Enjoy your flight" the attending scans our passes before sending us down the cat walk.

Getting to our seats I put the carry ons into the overhead bins James takes her seat next to the window and I claim the middle seat. Tucking her purse and my backpack under the seat in front of us we prepare for take off.

Half an hour later we are taxing to our runway as the flight attendants go over seat belt safety and emergency procedure.

"Welcome aboard Flight 283 to Los Cabos International we hope you enjoyed our animated flight attendants, our estimated arrival time is 12:56 p.m. It's a beautiful 89 degrees in sunny paradise, those with us for their connecting flight please refrain from looking out the window as you may decide against your destination ." The captain is rewarded with laughter with his small banter.

"Well folks we've been cleared for take off, please check your seatbelts and enjoy the flight." The captain signs off as we turn into our runway.

Our flight was smooth, and we were sitting seaside at the bar by 5 p.m. drinks in our hand and a warm breeze flowing of the sea.

"I can't get over how blue the water is" James eyes dancing along the horizon, the water reflecting back giving them a sea foam color, it's breath taking.

"I can't get over the fact that we are here, alone and no business for ten days. Just us in paradise" my eyes never leaving her face.

Her eyes cut back to me and I see the beauty that is my girl, the love that she has for me, and above all else the pure joy.

She sips from her tequila sunrise before returning her gaze to beach. I take a pull from my beer, the bitterness mixed with the refreshing lime is perfect.

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