Chapter 7: Ely

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Monday morning has come far too quick for my liking, we just barely got our stuff in the door and now I have to go back to work. Vacation time is something we may have to look into in the near future. I can't get enough alone time with James.
James is still snuggled close to me, usually I find her sneaking away, she says I put off too much heat. Not today, she's is wrapped up in our new bedding hugged up under my arm. I take a moment to cherish this feeling. How did life go from mine and hers to ours in under a week, don't get me wrong I'm not complaining but if you had told me this would of happened this week I wouldn't have believed you. I hear the pitter patter of the rain against the windows, looking over I see why she isn't pushing away, we left the balcony door open last night. James loves the smell that a promise of rain brings and opening the door was our only way.

My alarm hasn't gone off which leaves me a little more time to enjoy this, her soft breaths dance across my neck and I lay perfectly still trying to stay in this moment a little while longer.

Being promoted to Junior Partner means I'm up before dawn, luckily we live much closer now so the time didn't change my morning routine much.
"I'm not ready to go back to the real world" James mumbles into my skin.

"Me either Jay, me either" I wrap my arm tighter trying to steal as many seconds as possible. But James has other priorities, promising priorities as she moves her hand across my chest and down to my most prized body part. A sly smile ghost across my lips as I lay back and let her take the lead.


"Breakfast" James hollers as I finish my shower. Throwing on a pair of shorts I make my way into the kitchen, she has gone all out for my first day; eggs, bacon, toast, and a bowl of mixed fruit litter the bar. Sinking into one of our new stools I take my place eyeing the spread, "You know you will spoil me if you keep this up" I say through bites of my bacon. James' breakfast is a lot more tame than mine, she hates bacon so instead she is having fruit and toast not as filling as mine but for her petite frame it's probably more than enough.

"I don't have to go in until 11 so I thought about stopping at 'At Home' to pick some stuff up for the apartment before going in. Jo has an unusual client today" she says furrowing her brows.

"Newborn, so all I have is light makeup with the mom and then I'm done. It's not like her to take these kind of clients on while she is struggling to start her own family."

"Maybe there was good news last week" I throw out hoping to pull her mind off of the why and focus on the now.

"Maybe, do you need or want anything today. Since my schedule is light I can run some errands if you need me to."

"No but if you get groceries will you grab some Bai drinks, doesn't matter the flavor I just like them after my workout." I say taking my dishes to the sink before heading back to get ready for work.

"Yep can do." I hear James say before she starts loading the dishwasher.

I'm not sure what her true reason was before when she wouldn't move in with me because the last few nights she has been on top of all the chores, she won't even let me near the kitchen.

Rushing through getting ready I manage to catch her as she is finishing up the breakfast dishes, dipping down to kiss her goodbye "I love you, and I'm so excited for today to be over." I say wrapping her in my arms, not caring that the front of her shirt is damp from the dishes I dip down for a second kiss.

"Nervous?" She asks as I break the kiss.

"No but today is the first day that I won't sit at work worrying how I'm going to con my way into staying at your place." I chuckle swatting her on the butt before grabbing my briefcase and heading out.

"You're a lucky man Ely Sackstin" she yells as I head out the door.

"You don't even know" I whisper before I close the door behind me.

My morning as been two meetings followed by a conference call with some of the clients I'll be heading now, nothing too mundane just a lot of logistics.

While planning my afternoon meeting with my new team my secretary buzzes,
"Ely?" Mallory asks through our connected line.

"Yeah?" I grumble trying to get through my notes before lunch. Today's has spiraled and I feel like my feet have yet to catch their traction.

"There's a tiny dark haired women here" she whispers trying to keep my visitor from hearing.

"Send her back" I chuckle knowing it's James. Although I thought she would be at work. This mornings shoot must not have taken long if she is here by lunch.

Straightening up my mess so we can sneak out for lunch, James burst through my door "You will never guess what!" She half yells.

"Uhm- I'm not really sure what." I say confused by the amount of giddiness pouring off of her.

"Joey, my best friend Jo" she stops for dramatic effect, reading the gleam in her eye I know.

"Are you serious?" I ask unable to avoid the same giddy feeling for Jo. Joey and Billy have been together for six years, Billy wasn't a pledge to my fraternity but once he and Jo started dating he became like a brother to me. He works in marketing and has done some work for my father and the company, not to mention we sneak off for a guys night out every once in a while. They have been trying to get pregnant for two years, the last 9 months she has been fertility treatments which has made Billy come running trying to hide out when her mood swings get to be too much.

"Yes! I'm going to be an aunt and you're going to be an uncle! That's why she booked the newborn shoot this morning her baby fever is officially a full blown ailment!" James dances around my office.

It is heart warming that she is so excited for them, hell we all are. I can't help wondering if this will give her the push she needs to pick up speed with our relationship. I would love nothing more than to make her mine officially.

"Let's celebrate our new found titles with lunch?" I suggest taking advantage of her mood.

"That's why I'm here we are going to lunch with Jo and Billy so I came to rescue you" her fingers weaving into mine.

"Sounds good my next meeting is at 2 so I need to be back by 1 so I can finish preparing " I say placing my hand on her back ushering her out.

"Mallory were going to lunch, oh and this is James. My James." I introduce the two

"Oh my you're James, I'm so sorry. I promise next time I'll recognize you." Mallory says blushing.

"No worries, just keep him in line for me" James jokes as we head to the elevators.

Lunch with Joey and Billy was amazing. She is going to be on constant supervision, her chances of miscarriage are high but by her levels she is three weeks along so she has a long time before they can say she's out of the woods. She is cutting hours back at the studio meaning James will have to rely more on her freelance operation but it could mean becoming partners sooner than they both thought.

Back at work I hit the meeting riding the high from Jo's news, "Okay so here's the lay of the land so to say. Each of you will work with only one client. So familiarize yourself with your client, I will meet with each one of you once a week to go over the figures. If a project comes along demanding more than one body then we will bring on another and some junior associates. So delegate appropriately and my door is open. We are a team and we will progress as one. I've given each of you the introductory files to your clientele familiarize yourself with the details. Those of you who have contracts coming up for renewal please get with me for those are my priorities."

My associates gather up their files and leave the conference room with no word. Sitting down at the head of the table I scrub my hands over my face hoping that this is the right way. When I was an associate we dabbled in each one of the accounts meaning fingers were pointed when a mistake happened.

I'm not going to sink because no one has the balls to take responsibility, I'm going to make the most out of this and prove to not only my father but his partners that this promotion was a waste but I am partner material. It's time to hit the ground running and that's what I plan to do. Gathering my files I leave the conference room and head back to my office it's time to make the world mine.

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