Chapter 9: James

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Ely has been gone away on business for two days, the doctors have put Jo on strict bed rest effectively shutting down my dependable source of income. Jo has been to the doctor weekly watching the progress of her little sweet pea, yesterday they noticed a slight dip in Jo's levels, nothing overly concerning generally but with Jo's history they decided not to take the chance until they can do some imaging.

Last night I went to go check on everyone and to my surprise they are handling it better than I could have imagined. Jo and Billy have been trying to conceive for a while and I was afraid this news would have sent Jo into a tail spin of depression but she is holding strong.

"How's my baby?" I ask as I make my way into their bedroom.

"Bound to make me throw up everything I consume" Jo adds looking a little green. Morning sickness is no joke based off of her physical appearance.

"I brought you something" I show her the bag containing a doppler so she can hear the baby's heart beat.

"Aw Jay you didn't have to." Jo is fighting back the tears. The hormone roller coaster she has been on for months still a very strong presence.

"No I know but I wanted you to able to keep your mind at ease" I pull it out and begin unboxing it for her.

"Jay I'm only three weeks, we don't have a heartbeat to hear just yet" Jo places her hand on mine stopping me from opening the box.

"Oh, is that normal?" I can't help but ask, I mean shouldn't the baby have a heart beat by now?

"Yes, the doctor said at about 6 weeks we could hear his or her little heart and that would tell me more. For now I'm to sit back and be treated like a queen." She giggles before pulling out a little bell. "Billy gave it to me, he has been waiting on me hand and foot all day." She shakes the bell causing a beautiful ringing sound and wouldn't you know it here comes Billy clad in an apron.

"What in God's name are you wearing" I ask laughing hysterically. Jo has joined in and tears are starting to form.

"What?! I'm making dinner, I'm not great at it and I'm trying to save myself from having scrub stains later" His serious tone just deepens my laughter now full blown hysteria.

"Honey I was just showing Jay my new found queen status, but now that you're here I could really use some Ginger Ale". The green color returning to her face, I hope he hurries I'm a sympathetic vomit person. If she goes I will go too.

Billy turns and heads back down the hall, the laughter only an echo now.

"Jay I know what my bed rest means for you" Jo starts

"It's okay, I think I have a great plan in place" effectively cutting her off.

I continue to tell her about the The Heart of Texas Bridal Conference and my long term plan to go with it. "I plan on offering off just hair and makeup now to any clients marrying in the next 10 months, leaving you time to get back on your feet once my little niece or nephew gets here" placing my hand in her stomach, it's almost a reflex.   "Then once you're ready to go we have reviews and past client experiences to offer the whole damn package. We could be a force to reckon with in the wedding business"

"Jay that's a freaking amazing plan! I'll call Whitney and get her on board, I've already got a few past clients I can call to model for you. And just let me know what booth or spot we get and JB Photography will cover all the entrance cost" Joey is now rattling a mile a minute agreeing to all the things I was hoping she would to make this convention possible all while helping pad my income for a while.

"You know this is something I've chewed this over more than once and this plan you have is a solid one, there is no false hope you're game plan is a good one. It's the long game, that counts in business. So..." Jo cuts her eyes to me and I know what she is going to say, or at least I hope it's what she is going to say. "Let's draw up the paperwork and go ahead and start our partnership now while I'm off my feet. This way you can learn the ropes while we are in our first ever off season".
Holy Shit! I just made my partnership!

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