Chapter 41: Ely

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Chapter 41: Ely
Today is the day of days, there wasn't a big load of excitement and there definitely was some big wig execs taking ground breaking pictures. Nope it's just me and James, Jo is taking a few pictures for us as we shovel away some dirt with the other workers.

"You know," Billy bumps his elbows with Jo's earning him the look, "we moved out here for peace and tranquillity all we got is some loud free loading neighbors" his shit-eating grin is a mile wide.

Jo busts out laughing, "I know it and the tiny one is eating up all the food."

James cuts her eyes at those two, she is minding her manners but her eyes are telling them just what she has to say and they both try to stifle their laughter.

"Freeloading? Really? Fine I'll show you freeloading, I'm finishing off the banana pudding I made last night. I know you've been saving the last of it for yourself at one of your late night feedings, but I'm going to eat it." James drops her shovel and throws her gloves at me and stomps off toward Jo and Billy's.

"No!" Jo stars after her, "that is the thing I've been looking forward to the most tonight, it gives me a reason to want to get out of bed for Paislee's late night chow down." Jo is over dramatic, hands flying in the air trying to sell her story so Jay won't eat it.

I start to roll my eyes and stifle my laughter, I know James isn't going after that pudding. She could not make it fast enough but our little sweet pea did not like it and Jay was sick most of the night.

"Say you're sorry." Jay half turns back to her and crossing her arms in front of her. I swear she has a baby bump but both girls say it's too early and Jay is just probably backed up. Either way she wears it well.

Billy has picked up a shovel and started digging away along the same lines of the construction workers. He started this mess and now he's hiding out.

Nope not on my watch, I'm not dealing with the wicked sisters alone.

"You better take it back otherwise Jo will make you do the late feeding and I'll be up holding Jay's hair back again. And frankly I'm wore out so go fix it." I point to the girls while my other hand rests atop the shovel.

"Fine" he grumbles pushing his shovel to the ground. We aren't helping very much on breaking the ground and I'm sure we are more of hindrance than a help.

"Hey Kirk!" I holler at him over the crews work. "I think I'm going to take Jay in before the Texas sun sets her on fire, she's already heated because of Billy." I laugh it off but know these hormones are not to be messed with.

"Sounds good, as long as we stay on schedule we may be laying rebar and getting the plumber out here so we can lay concrete in the next few days." He turns watching his crew, his eyes bounce around to all of them. "Look, just know if you need anything talk or vent out frustration come see me we'll put your suit wearing ass to work." Kirk laughs, but my family lived on a farm, we had ranch hands and daddy had the firm. He got the best of what his dad left him while following his dream and his boys learned the value of hard work. I may wear a suit to work but that doesn't mean I don't have rough hands. 

"My fiancé is pregnant, I'm going to need to blow off some steam." I hand him the shovel and take off towards the house.

There are boxes everywhere, empty ones and some still full of stuff, I make my way through the maze and into the kitchen where Jay is making sandwiches. I stop and lean on the corner of the wall and just watch her, she is humming something but I can't quite make it out she hasn't noticed me yet so I take a quiet step forward and that's when I hear her humming the bridal march. My heart skips a beat at the fact that she is excited about getting married. I can't wait. 

"Whatcha doing babe?" I snake around her and settle into my favorite spot. I feel her cheek rise as she smiles.

"Making everyone some sandwiches, you hungry?" My hands lay across her stomach while my thumb mindlessly moves back and forth.

"Yes please" I kiss her below her ear and pull back to go wash up.

We sit around the dinning table with Billy and Jo and baby Paislee is on top in her bouncer. Her little arms moving with no coordination but for her they are purposeful.

"So let's talk wedding!" Jo says when there is a silent moment because we all have food in our mouths.

I should have known this was coming, my eyes cut to Billy and I see his have grown in size. Neither of us want to talk wedding.

"I want it before the wheat harvest. But not this year! I'm going to be a huge!" James says before taking a big bite out of her sandwich. She is so tiny I don't know where she keeps all the food she eats, even when she wasn't eating for two.

"No you won't." Jo waves her off, "you'll be what five months, six at the most. Your bump will be adorable at that stage, you don't pop like a can of biscuits until you eighth month or so." Jo adds before taking a big drink of her sweet tea, the ice clinks against the glass.

"You want to get married before the wheat harvest?" I ask pushing my empty plate away and pulling my own tea to me.

"Yea, I mean you used it to propose so I thought it would be fitting if your parents would let us marry in their wheat field." She pops a chip but doesn't take her eye off of me. I know she is gauging my reaction tho this revaluation.

"I bet dad won't mind plowing some of his crop down a little early to make a clearing for us." As a matter of fact I know he won't, not when momma tells him too. He may run the firm but she runs the farm.

"Maybe we should do it in a couple of months." Jay says out loud but you can see in her eyes she is thinking this all through.

"Yes! Okay next on the list is a dress." Jo gets up grabbing a scratch piece of paper and starting a list. I knew these two were alike but I never figured she was a make a list kinda girl, but I should have known.

James and Joey disappear down a long tunnel of wedding y'all and planning. Billy picks up Paislee and we head out to the deck and enjoy the nice weather.

Texas heat has been known to start fires if the conditions are right and when you live this close to the Gulf add the humidity and it makes hell look like a place to cool off. But today, today the humidity is low and we haven't come close to triple digit numbers. So we are soaking it in before all of Texas depends on our air conditioners.

"Well if they are gonna talk about it we might as well too, but in a manly way." Billy finally puffs out as he holds little Paislee and gives her her afternoon bottle.

"Yeah probably, I'm going to have to call my parents and let them know what Jay is planning. I don't think it'll be a problem. If we can get it close to the barn we can set the reception up in there and no one has to travel between places." I take a long drink of my tea, the outside of my glass is sweating and the cool condensation feels good.

"Well that squares that away, but I was thinking more along the lines of your brother." Billy is watching me carefully but I don't think he notices my jaw going rigid at the mention on that man, he is no long my brother. Only by blood are we kin.

"Yeah well," I let out a long sigh, "he ain't invited if that's what you mean. I don't think the jail will let him out for something like that and since my dad is refusing to help him make bail I don't think he will be a problem." I lean forward, never in my wildest dreams would I think my lazy ass brother would turn to violence to get something he wanted. Hell I didn't even know he wanted what I had, at least not by the way he acted when we lived together. And let's face it we were never really close in life, we are two different people cut from very different clothe.

"Well that takes care of one, but my buddy down at the D.A.'s office informed me this morning Sarah did make bail." He is patting Paislee hoping for a good burp out of her before he lets her have the rest of her bottle.

"How the hell did she come up with her bail? It was set at one point five, fuck ten percent of that is still a nice chunk of change." I eye him like he is the keeper of all the answers.

"I don't know man but we need to figure out what do without letting the twins in there know."

He's right, knowing she made bail is the last thing I need Jay worried about. Ignorance is bliss especially now with her carrying our baby.

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