Chapter 14: Ely

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Monday morning comes quickly, James is dropping me off at the curbside check in Quincy and his junior associate Jackson should already be here, I was running behind getting one more round in the sheets with James before I leave. This time I'll only be gone for three days and it's a male only trip.

As I walk into the terminal I quickly find Quincy but do not see Jackson. I make my way over and set my stuff down before sitting down in the seat next to him.

"We still on time?" I turn to Quincy just in time to see Sarah making her way over with Jackson. Fuck me!

"You weren't approved for this meeting what are you doing here?" I stand up putting my hands on my hips, I'm fucking livid and I'm trying to keep my tone under control before TSA takes me down.

"Oh well Mr. Monroe approved it, you had me helping Quincy remember?" Sarah's tone is clipped but she is definitely annoyed at my welcoming.

"No this is my team, and I told you not do any more than help" I scrub my hand over my face, James is going to be pissed! "Fuck" I blow out under my breathe, turning around I catch Quincy's face, he was just as clueless as me.

"Listen to me you work on my team, you do as I say! You will sit back and Quincy will lead this with the help from me and Jackson, you will sit back and take notes." I'm facing her again with my finger in her face. "Do you understand me?"

"Sorry but do I look like a petulant child? Hmm? No I'm here as a team player to nail this account." She sneers back at me. Her clear blue eyes like ice.

"This is my team not yours, if you're ever offered Junior Partner and I mean if then you can call the shots until then you follow them." I bark as they call our flight. This shit isn't going to fly, whatever she is up to better come to an end and quick.

"What the hell are y'all looking at let's go." I grab my stuff and head to the line for boarding.

Finding my seat I put my stuff in the overhead bin and take the window seat and before I know it Quincy and Jackson sit down in the emergency exit row leaving the middle seat vacant for the Sarah. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I pull my head phones out and plug into my phone turning my audible book as loud as it can go and lay back and close my eyes. Thank God we're only going to Oklahoma City.

I make it to Oklahoma City without a single word exchanged between me and Sarah. I plan to send dad an email as soon as I get to the room.

We Uber to the hotel and I make my way to the reservation desk, please God let them have another room. I send a quick prayer up as the employee behind the desk as how she can help me. I sure fucking hope so lady.

Everyone heads to their rooms and we agree to meet back downstairs is 30 minutes. That gives me plenty of time to call my dad, fuck the email he needs to know now what has happened.

"Son is everything alright?" He grumbles into the phone.

"No dad it's really not." I sink my head between my knees.

"What's wrong Ely?" The concern growing in his voice.

"Mac approved Sarah on this trip. She went above my fucking head dad to get on this trip." My stomach is turning, this is going to be so bad.

"You didn't know she went to him? Mac said you told her to ask if she wanted to help since there was already three of you going. I thought it didn't sound like you but with the history with her I thought maybe." His voice trails off as the sound of Mary comes from his background telling him Mac is on the other line.

"No dad I didn't, I'm at a loss at what to do" I stand up and pace the hotel room.

"Alright son, okay I'm stepping in now. She will receive a write up for deceiving upper management to get on an out of town meeting. Along with that write up she is going to moved to Isabelle's team upon return from the suspension that will take effect the moment you guys land back in Austin. I've got to go Mac is on the line and I'm going to pass along this decision." I blow out the breathe I've been holding, sending a silent thank you up.

"Thank you dad, I know I may be using our family tie to solve this but I can't lose her." I admit the fear from my core.

"I know son, I know. Call your mother tonight she wants you and James over for dinner soon."

I agree and let him go so he can talk to Mac, straightening myself I slide my suit jacket back on and head out to nail this meeting.

Ely- Love you and miss you baby.

James- Love you, get back here quickly! She signs off with a kissing emoji.

I smile down at my phone when the elevator stops at the floor below me. When I look up I see Sarah getting on. Great.

"I'm not going to bite" she says reading my face.

"Yea" I say under my breathe and choose to ignore her the best I can for the next two days, that's all I need to make it through.

"Let's go" I say stepping out of the elevator before her, fuck curtesy she screwed me and she knows it.


Come Wednesday morning my team has nailed another account and now I head home to my girl. I'm definitely taking vacation after the conference we need a beach and hotel, our own little world. This shit with Sarah could derail everything for us, I want her to marry me not leave me.

Thankfully there wasn't room on our return flight leaving Sarah behind, if she only knew what was waiting for her back at the office. She crossed Mac and he doesn't take deceit lightly, the suspension dad talked about was extended a month, with a 120 day probation period starting upon her return to work. She is also no longer approved for traveling, making her talents virtually useless to Isabelle and her team.

Sometimes fate steps in and rights the wrongs, and I'm thankful for fate. 

James is hopping with excitement once she sees me turn the corner to baggage claim, and I can't help but put my panty dropping smile on.

I cup her face and kiss her deeply once our bodies meet, "God I've missed you, we are so going on vacation once the conference is over. I've even sent in my request."

James smiles brightly at my admission, "Really?" I hug her to me tightly while she rests her hands behind my neck. It's moments like this, when I see her big emerald eyes sparkle with the promise of tomorrow that keeps me on my toes. One day the time will be right, James won't run scared when I drop to a knee and ask her to be my wife. That day isn't today but I can see the possibility in the future, maybe even the near future.

If things go right with this conference we could be one of Jo's first clients after the baby gets here. For now the promise of tomorrow keeps me happy.

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