Chapter 13: James

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By Monday afternoon Jo and I have my models confirmed and their styles determined leaving us to veg out in front of the tv watching the first season of Grey's Anatomy for the 100th time.

"So are you going to talk about it?" Jo asks through side eye.

Dammit how does she read me like a book, "no" I pop another mouth full of popcorn. "Maybe" I mumble with my mouth full.

Sighing I give up, I sit up face her and fold my legs under me, "So I didn't text Ely back about picking him up so I could surprise him, which all went well- at first. Once he realized I was there we hugged, kissed, and spun around like a cheesy Hallmark movie, but then this long legged blonde steps out from behind him with their luggage. OH and a sour look on her face like I just took her man from her." I spit it all out a mile a minute.

Jo doesn't miss a beat, "Wait! What?" Confusion twisting her glowing face.

"Yeah, She is Sarah Johnson" I say her name like a nagging child, "she was the lead associate on the trip, but if you didn't know any better she looked like a wife who just found out about her husband's mistress. Her fucking frown lines should have been Grand Canyon deep but she's definitely had some work done if you know what I mean." My shoulders shrugging up like I'm telling her a scene from last nights soap. 

Jo's face grows from a scowl to sympathy in  two seconds flat, "Jay please tell me that's as far as this goes." She pleads.

"Well yeah, but I didn't find that out until after I accused him of fucking around on me and then breaking apart completely when I couldn't bare what his answer may be" tears sting the backs of my eyes but I blink quickly to clear them.

"Want Billy to kick his ass?" She lifts her 'queen bell' up ready to ring it.

I still before big rolls of laughter come out of me followed by my signature snort. Joey's determination to remain serious falters  before she rolls to the side laughing as hard as I am. Tears are streaming down our faces when we finally peek up to the sound of voices in the living room, one is Billy's and the other is a low version of Ely's. Both of our eyes widen and our attention turns to the bedroom door. Footsteps are heading our way.

"What the hell is so funny in here?" Billy's silhouette darkens the door before he steps into view.

"She is laughing at me because I have pregnancy gas" Joey's serious expression returns followed by a rush of color when Ely steps in behind Billy.

A smirk on his face as his eyes move from Jo to me, "What are y'all like twelve?" He asks sidestepping Billy before coming to the side of the bed I'm on dipping down to kiss me.

"Get a room! And not mine!" A pillow comes flying at us.

"You do realize you won't be in this fragile state forever and when your not I'm paying you back" I point my finger at her showing her I mean business.

"How about dinner?" Billy asks from behind everyone, "Jo you feel up to a restaurant?" He slides over to her.

"Hell yes! About damn time someone feeds me!" She throws back the blankets and hops out of bed. "Everyone leave I've got to change otherwise I'm going like this" she points to her three times too big shirt and what have to be Billy's basketball shorts.

As if we shared a brain all of hands shoot up surrendering and backing out of the room.

She follows behind us to close the door, "15 minutes!" Before the door is slammed in our faces.

That's our queue to head back to the living room to await the queen.

"Let's do something good." Billy rubs his stomach, like we didn't already know he is starving.

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