Chapter 15: James

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Tomorrow is the Heart of Texas Bridal Conference and all of my work for the last month and half has come down to this.

"You're are going to do great! The final run through with the models turned out perfect. Go home, have sex, take a bath, whatever it is you need to do to calm your nerves and tomorrow I'll be there with Billy cheering you on." Jo has both of my shoulders in her bony grips. Most people gain weight in pregnancy Jo is one of the few that lose weight in the first months, her tiny bump just barely noticeable.

The baby's heart beat is strong, and according to old wives tale it's a girl. We still have a few months to confirm the gender and the party planning for her gender reveal starting up, me and Whitney are doing it through photograph. She will be blind folded and blow a bubble with chewing gum, the photo will be black and white and the bubble with be colorized revealing the gender. It's perfect for her but she has no clue.

"I'm fine, really. You know why?" I grip her cheeks.

"Cabo?" She smiles big, my vacation starts Saturday morning. Ely held true to his promise and booked us an all exclusive vacation in Cabo. Just me and him for a week, no work, no worries, barely there clothing, and more drinks than we can consume. It's going to be perfect.

"My God Yes!" I shriek. "I just wish y'all could come" I frown.

"Nope wouldn't trade this moment for anything" her hands drop to her belly cradling my little niece.

"I know Jo" my hands cover hers.

I'm so excited for her, if it was me in her shoes I would be terrified. Don't get me wrong I want a baby at some point but I don't have my ducks in a row yet. My life is not at that point yet, I'm not ready for marriage yet. Right?


Whitney and I watch our models walk the stage across our booth, photos from the press flash with each one. People stoping to watch as a show carries on, we added another ten models a few weeks ago when the wedding dresses came through. Ten brides and ten bridesmaids were perfect, the dress shop got in on the conference at no cost and it really helped our show and the business.

We have over seventy-five names down on our inquiry sheet, potential business looks great, maybe 'Triple Threat Studios' will be on the horizon. For now, Cabo and my very sexy boyfriend.

"It was perfect", Jo brings me and Whitney in to a hug congratulating us on a perfect show. We have two hundred potential customers, seventy-five will be pre-baby the rest following the birth of Joey and Billy's baby girl.

"Thank you" we say in unison, "Really, you guys did most of the work, my part was easy" Whitney adds.

"Whit without you our models would have had bed head because there is no way I could of prepared twenty girls for the show." I squeeze her again, "You're one us" I pull back winking at Jo.

"Yes, and since our potential client list grew beyond my hopes me and James want to bring you in. Not part owner just yet but we make decisions together, we move forward as one, and when the financial situation is right you will gain ownership." Jo offers.

"Seriously?" The tears threatening to spill from her eyes. We look at each other then back to her and nod our heads before she screams and hugs us again.

Jo did one better for us and hired a crew to come in and take down our booth leaving us  three to go out and celebrate with Billy and Ely. Whitney isn't dating anyone at the moment, between work and traveling back to help with her sister out she says she doesn't have time for dating. Jo and I aren't buying it, so we are secretly looking at setting her up.

Dinner was great, too much food a lot of drinks, virgin for Jo, and all around great company with the little family we have made. 

"I'm so proud of you" Ely wraps his hands around me as I remove my jewelry at the dresser. He slides his head down into the space between my head and shoulder. My hand slides up his cheek and into his hair. I love this man. My eyes lift to him in the mirror his gaze meets mine and in that moment I want him, I want a permanent life with him. I'm ready for forever, I hope he still is too.


"Ely!" I scream unable to comprehend the email I'm staring at.

He comes running into the bedroom ready to take on whatever danger is in here until he looks down and sees me looking at my laptop. "What" his brows furrow lost at the situation.

"Look..... look" I stammer just pointing.

Ms. James Edwards,

We are contacting you in hopes to set up a meeting. We are looking to start a new makeup line marketed for happy brides, after catching your work at the "JB Photography" booth our company would like to explore bringing you on as a possible creator. Please get in touch with our offices at your earliest convenience.

Warm Regards,
Liz Steinman
Creative Executive
ForeverBeauty Cosmetics

Ely's eyes bounce across the screen for a second time, my hands held together under my chin as a hopeful smile spreads wide across my face.

"Holy shit James, this is big!" He finally turns to me, his face just inches from mine, his smile just as wide.

"Really, you think?" I plead.

"Yes really, have you told Jo?" He asks.

"No but she was copied to the email..." my phone ringing interrupting my train of thought.

"It's Jo."

"Please tell me you have checked your email" she spits out before I can even say hello.

"Actually I just had Ely read it." I travel lightly  waiting to gauge her reaction.

"Why aren't you freaking the fuck out?" She screams earning a smile from Ely who has laid down across the end of the bed watching me as I talk to Jo.

"Because I want sure how you would take it?" I cringe.

"What do you mean how I would take it? I'm fucking over the moon excited as you set there pouting worrying about how I might feel. Now get the happy pants on girl you're going to be famous!" Her voice shrills through causing me to pull the phone from my ear.

"I'm living a fucking fairy tale!" I jump up to my feet and bounce on the bed earning another beautiful smile from Ely. "I could end up with my own makeup line!" I shout into the phone at my best friend.

"Yes and it's not could you will end up with your own line, this is huge Jay! I mean sky rocket everything huge!" Jo gushes no doubt through an ear to ear smile.

This is something I hoped for for as long as I could remember and it's with in my reach, all I have to do is make a phone call.

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