Chapter 4: Ely

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Usually James wakes before me, she gets too hot because I'm always snuggled around her. But this morning I wake before she does, I take a moment to take in everything around me, take in James. Even though I've stayed here before, we've made love before today it's all different. Like I'm seeing it through someone else's eyes. James is laying on her stomach, her leg is hitched up and sticking out of the sheet She's always hot even in her sleep she searches for coolness I laugh to myself. Relentlessly I untangle myself from her and decide to make her breakfast.

I'm able to sneak out without disturbing her, she is naturally a heavy sleep only waking to the annoying tone of her alarm or if she is too hot. I know she has an early morning for today, luckily the firm gave me the rest of the week off before coming in next Monday to start client meetings for the heads of the accounts that I will be over now, unfortunately most of my job will be to present and defend the numbers of those below me, I am the face to these accounts so meetings will be a large chunk of my day to day. That doesn't mean I won't be double checking the figures, I'll be damned if I get made a fool out of because some accountant underneath me is still too wet behind the ears. 

Instead of a big breakfast that needs to be laid out I make her my famous breakfast sandwich, fried egg, sausage (although you can opt for bacon, she just isn't a big fan of it) hash browns on toast. I always have a side of fruit but all she has is berries so instead I mix up a quick smoothing splitting it into two glasses. As I'm getting everything ready to surprise her with breakfast in bed I feel her hands wrap around my middle and she presses her cheek into my back slightly lower than my shoulder blades. She is a tiny thing, and honestly I'm terrified she may crack if I get too rough with her but she always seems to take more and sometimes demand even more beyond that. She is a feisty thing but she is mine.

"You spoiled the surprise" I say turning in her arms so that we are front to front, her arms never letting go of me. I wrap mine around her and pull her to the balls of her feet and give her a quick kiss. She tastes of mint, when did she go brush her teeth? How did I not hear her? She is more stealth than I could ever of imagined.

"So, since Whitney is our visiting her sister will you be getting off later than usual tonight?" I ask as we sit down to the pub table for breakfast.

"No shouldn't, our schedule isn't any more booked than normal, I'm just adding hair into my mix of beautification today" she says before taking the first bite of her sandwich. As she closes her lips around the sandwich she rolls her eyes before closing them, that my friend is how you know you have pleased your woman with food. No women can resist the first bite of a great meal that she didn't prepare.

"I was thinking that I would go ahead and start looking for an apartment, you remember Jack? Well he's dabbling in real estate so I thought I'd stop by his office and look at his listings. Maybe there will be a nice condo available." I manage between bites.

I'm gauging her reaction to what I've just said she has just agreed to move in with me I don't want to push this too hard but I don't want to wait forever either.  My brother is getting more annoying with his childish behavior and waking up to James this morning after her agreement has changed things for me I'm ready to start this next part. I'm not asking for her to go dress shopping or to name our kids but man if moving into together isn't a dream come true what is.

"Yea you should totally go see Jack, I'd love to see what his opinion is. But remember Ely I'm not going to be living off of you, this is a partnership and so it needs to meet some of my financial needs." She says matter of fact. I'm not going to argue now and spoil the morning but you better believe I'm going to take care of this woman. Regardless of her threats.

I want to see her succeed in her career and I know she is looking at the potential partnership between her and Jo. All of that is a big deal and if I can help make that become a reality for her I'm going to, dog house or not.

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