Chapter 36: James

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I can hear people talking and their voices are familiar but I can't see anything, my head throbs to the sound of footsteps. I can feel my head leaning against another person. I wonder if they can see, if they know what is going on.

Slowly I force my eyes to open, just barely but I can still see two people walking back and forth. The person next to me is in a dress and has an apron on. This room is familiar but I can't put my finger on where I know it from. 

My eyes droop shut but not before I see a picture of a boy, a boy I know.

My eyes are so heavy, the darkness over takes me and I spiral back down. Nothing hurts, I can't hear anything, but my body knows something is wrong.

"Sshh it's going to be okay sweetheart" a sweet voice says just loud enough for my ears.

"Momma?" I can't see her, but I want to so bad. I force my eyes open again and my cheeks are wet. I've been crying but I didn't know it.

"No baby I'm not your momma, at least not yet." The sweet voice says again. I turn and see Ely's momma next to me. She's been crying, and the fear in her eyes is barely there as she tries to save face and tell me it's going to be okay.

"Where are we?" My throat is dry and my head hurts as I speak.

"Listen to me Jay, Emmett or Ely will be here any moment and we'll get out of here, ya hear me?" She has her momma voice on and I wish mine was here.

The tears begin to pour out of my eyes again as I see Emerson come in.

"Em help!" I cry.

"No sweetheart I'm not here to help you, I'm here to take everything my brother has away, that means you if necessary. I'm going to finally get what is mine, he's been taking my life from me and I'm through being his fucking door mat" his face is twisted and the evil in his eyes changes the person in front of me.

"Honey if you would have just stayed away I would have gotten rid of that other bitch and then I would be wearing that ring." Sarah pops up behind Emerson, her arms snake around him it's almost endearing, almost.

"You see when I married Ely and gotten to partner at the firm and been on easy street. I would have left him penniless and me and Emerson would have all that we could ever wanted. Being partner means they couldn't get rid of me just because Ely got his poor little heart broken." She kneels down in front of me pushing me back. I try to put a hand out and catch myself but they are tied behind my back and I crash to the floor banging my head.

"Now listen here missy.." Sarah backhands Eleanor hard. Emerson jumps up and grabs her arm as she goes to do it again.

"Don't fucking touch my momma." Emerson comes to her rescue only to turn to me and the evil in his dark eyes still burning bright. "You need to hit someone, hit this fucking bitch" he kicks my legs.

"Don't you dare, that girl is family and if you can't touch me you sure as hell can't touch her" Eleanor's voice is firm. She doesn't seem to notice the blood running down her face.

"She isn't family momma, she is just some fucking trash my brother brought in." Emerson says pacing the living room.

"What..." I swallow trying to help my dry throat. "What do y'all want?" I look back at them still laying on the floor. I can feel the blood running down my forehead but I can't think about that right now.

"What do we want? Are you fucking stupid! You and Ely have everything; money, perfect fucking careers, the perfect relationship you two get everything." Sarah seethes.

"If you want money just... just tell me how much and we'll get it for you. You could have just asked if y'all needed help." My vision blurs by the tears.

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