Chapter 10:Ely

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My first out of town business trip that I headed is in the bag, not only did we convince O'Malley and Associates to keep us as their accounting firm for another year we've signed a ten year contract with them thanks to my Associate Sarah.

"You really shined today, I was worried about leaving the numbers to someone other than me but you did great." I assure Sarah as we taxi to our gate. I put my faith in my plan and it paid off, with Sarah's only concern being this client she was able to crunch the numbers saving our client over a million a year in taxes but increased our fees for representation without them batting an eye.

"The way you are heading these accounts and delegating the way you are there is no way you won't sit through more meetings like this" she offered with her mega watt smile.

Sarah is a tall blonde, beautiful smile, amazing intelligence, and a personality that everyone adores. She is a dream when it comes to speaking to our clients, she was confident in her work and really listened to their wants and needs, adding them in before our final pitch this morning. We walked out of there with fresh signatures and something to celebrate.

"You still owe me a celebratory drink, we can Uber together and catch a drink before heading home" she suggests as our catwalk has connected to the plane and the pilot made his final remarks on our flight.

Passengers are springing from their seats eager to get the blood flowing back to their legs and go meet their people at curbside. I texted James my arrival time but she never texted back so I need to catch a ride home and at least with Sarah I can thank her for a job well done and have a drink. I don't like it when Junior Partners pass work off as their own instead of it being a team effort. I owe this to her to make sure she understands we value her work.

"Sure" I say pulling our carry-ons from the overhead compartments. My signal still hasn't returned so I'll just text James the plans from the Uber.

"Our driver will be here in 20" Sarah informs me as we start making our way from the plane.

"You have service?" I ask looking down noticing I still have no bars.

"No I was still connected to the WiFi on the plane and ordered it" she doesn't look up as we make our way from the terminal to the baggage claim but still stays with me through ducking and dodging of the other passengers.

Looking down I still see no signal, damn it! Locating our carousel I lead us over  and wait for the luggage to start circulating. Still messing with my phone someone taps on my shoulder, stepping aside so that they can step up and wait for the bags I keep messing with my phone. I need to get a message out to...

"Hey handsome, looking for a ride?" A familiar voice asks me as they tap my shoulder once more.

Turning around I see the familiar onyx colored messy bun sitting on top of my beautiful girlfriends head. Without hesitation I pick her up and swing her around, James peppers my face with pecks letting me know she missed me without saying.

"Baby you're here!" I say before claiming her mouth. The kiss igniting a spark in my pants, it's been five long fucking days since I felt her body pressed to mine, five days of no kissing, five days of no touching, five days of waiting to feel her next to me again. I'm so wrapped up in her being here I don't notice the carousel start moving and luggage making their way around until the owner claims them.

"I've missed you so much Jay" I say squeezing her making my point very well known as my erection grazes her thigh.

"I've missed you to Ely, more than you will ever know but I am going to try and show you as long as you'll let me." The fire burning in her emerald eyes.

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