Chapter 21: Ely

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I freeze the moment my eyes connect with James. I didn't think she would make it on time, her flight landed 45 minutes ago and she beat me. I'm never going to live this down with Jo.

James offers a small smile before turning around and watching the new little family. I walk up behind her and peer down at their princess. She is beautiful and Billy is so screwed, she is going to have him wrapped around her little finger in no time if she hasn't already.

"James.... Ely" Joey and Billy look at us, "meet your Goddaughter Paislee Ann Baxter" they both look back at their miracle baby. They have kept the name a secret from everyone out of fear they would lose her before she was considered full term.

We both say hello at the same time, instinctively I reach out to put my hands on James' shoulder but catch myself and instead shove them into my pockets. James doesn't even notice, her eyes never leaving Paislee. She has fallen in love with this little girl.

The nurse finally comes over to take little Paislee to get her cleaned up and weighed. James and I are asked to leave the room while the doctor finishes up with Jo. Billy has followed the nurse over to the little bassinet so they can check to make sure she is healthy. His fatherly instincts already kicking in.

James and I walk back down to the waiting area as the finish up with Jo and get everything cleaned up.

"Shit" James turns back to look down the hall we just walked.

"What do you need?" My boyfriend instincts return full force at the sight of her debating to go back down there.

"I just left my purse, with my money and my phone in it" she decides against going back to the room.

We walk into the waiting room and it is filled with family waiting for news on the arrival of the newest member. Some are wearing buttons that say 'team boy' or 'team girl' on them.

James and I make our way to the back by the vending machines were there are two chairs together. I notice her eyeing the snacks, she probably hasn't eaten since before her flight. Pulling out my wallet I grab a few dollars and hand them over to her, she hesitates at first but takes them and heads over to survey the goods.

"I'll pay you back once we are allowed back in the room" she says over her shoulder.

"Share a coke with me and we'll call it even." I say turning my attention to the television in the corner. It has been muted but subtitles roll across the bottom, the Astro game is on and they are up 7 to 2 it's the bottom of the eighth.

James sits back down and passes over the coke for me to open as she tears into her chocolate bar with almonds. She has always been a sucker for chocolate with any kind of nuts in it. She breaks off a piece and passes it to me as I pass her the coke after I took a drink.

Words are limited between us, neither one of us really sure where to begin.

"I saw you that night" James finally breaks the silence as she sits back with her legs folded under her. I turn my head back to her, my elbows stay resting on my knees.

"What?" my brows furrowed confused to what she is talking about.

Her emerald eyes could burn a hole right through me if she really wanted to with her stare.

"At the launch party in L.A., I saw you in the crowd" she bites off more chocolate.

"Oh, yeah I took a later flight. I didn't think you would want to see me but I couldn't miss that no matter were we stood in our relationship" I sigh returning my attention the the double our replay by the Astros.

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