Chapter 20: James

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Two years later

The tires bump along the runway as my plane lands at Austin-Bergstrom International air port.

As we taxi to our gate I pull my purse out from the underneath the seat, digging for my phone so that I can take it out of airplane mode and hope I haven't missed anything yet.

My phone pings over and over with email after email and a text from Parker making sure that I have landed safely.

Parker and I saw something in each other that night of the launch party, kindred spirits you can say. From there he has taken me under his wing teaching me the world of cosmetics. My first line grossed half a billion in sales in the first month on the shelves. Far more than ever anticipated, now I have three different lines out, Southern Glow just launched internationally.

I haven't been home in almost two years, I walked away from what I built here in my career to pursue something more, my dream. Triple Threat Studios has taken the south by storm, I just wish I could contribute more, as for now a silent partner is all I am.

Finding a replacement for me was a difficult task to manage from California but I found somebody that would make me proud.

I stand to pull my carry on down and make my way to the exit of the plane. Looking down at my phone sorting through the emails that have come through I hear the voice that stops me in my tracks causing the guy behind me to bump into me. My glasses fall to the floor, after I get them back on my face I see the blonde that I loathe.

"Oh hey you're ahm Jordan right?" The man to her left doesn't know me from the man in the moon but it doesn't matter he only has eyes for Sarah.

"James" I reply quietly pulling my top lip on to more or less chew on it out of nervousness. This woman ruined my relationship with Ely and now she stands her with another man.

"Oh right, this is my husband Emilio. My stylist used your Southern Glow line for my wedding. I'm really lucky that we could snag some of the products up, they sold out so quickly that first month."

What the fuck the first month? I thought she was after Ely. She sure as hell was there at every freaking turn.

"I'm sorry, how long have you guys been married?" My face is definitely twisted in confusions my eyes bounce between them.

He left hand jets out it front of my sporting and freaking bowling ball of a diamond, "two years next week, we just got back from L.A. for our anniversary" her smile even brighter than before with the tan she has now no doubt a souvenir from their trip.

"Congratulations" My tone very unconvincing, and my face totally giving away my surprise.

Her smile twist into the all to familiar sneer as she walks away from me as if I was beneath her.

My phone jingles in my hand, Billy's name flashing across the screen.

"She's not here yet is she?" I ask as I start to run to baggage claim.

"If you don't get here like now you will miss it and Jo will be pissed, Tell her to get her west coast ass her right fucking now!" I hear Jo scream from the background.

"Please tell me you're on your way." Billy pleads quietly. 

"Yep, my Uber just pulled up, be there in twenty. Hold her legs closed, she isn't having my niece before I get there" I give the driver my change of plans and he barrels out of the airport no doubt breaking the speeding limit, but he heard Jo and he doesn't want any to be in the middle of this. 

"No promises, just hurry"

"As fast as I can, see you in a few" I hang up and then offer the driver another fifty bucks if he can get me there in under ten.

I hand over the cash for my fair plus the extra fifty dollar tip I promised, grab my luggage and head the elevator bay just in time to squeeze on and hit the maternity floor.

"Where is she?" I hear Jo scream as I make my way to her room.

Swinging the door open, "I'm here Jo, I'm right here" I drop my bags next to her hospital bags and take her other hand. Billy on her left, me on the right.

"Ok we're getting another contraction, get ready to push Joey" the nurse talks over everyone. Joey's legs are up in stirrups and there is a grey haired doctor in between her legs and his assistant is handing of instruments back and forth.

"Push Jo" her doctor commands before returning his attention to her very open birth canal.

My face pales at the reflection of the mirror they have pulled down for her to see.

"Jay look at me" Joey instructs, "don't look back." Jo bares down on my hand and I swear she is going to break it and end my career as a makeup artist.

"She has a full head of hair" the doctor announces as Jo falls back to the bed, completely spent. "I need one more good push Jo" the doctor pleads.

Billy sinks down to Jo's line of sight, "come on baby one more and then your done" he pushes her sweaty mess of a hair back up off her face. She sits up and bares down again when the nurse instructs.

The delivery room is filled with a wail if a cry, my baby niece is here. Joey and Billy's rainbow baby.

Tears pour down my face when they lift her up and place her across Jo's chest. She is so gorgeous even covered in all the gunk. Joey and Billy look down on there little miracle baby.

The door burst open and in comes Ely, my eyes find his in the chaos and I freeze.

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