Chapter 37: Ely

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"Why didn't you call me?" Jo is waiting for all three of us as we step into the apartment. Her hands are on her hips until she sees Jay and then she rushes to her squeezing the life out of her.

"Jo I can't" Jay breathes out before Jo let's go and turns into Billy's arms. I haven't let go of James since I got her away from those two. If things would have played differently I could have lost her today.

"I think we're going to go get cleaned up" I say looking down a James. There's something there, something I can't put my finger on. I'm going to figure it out one way or another.

"Give me a minute with Jo" James says pulling out of my arms.

I hesitate before catching sight of Billy who is pouring himself a drink. I actually want one of those, "Alright I'm going to go get a drink then" I eye Billy who's already pulling a tumbler down for me and pouring the dark amber liquid over two ice cubes.

The girls walk off to Jo and Billy's room as we step out into the balcony. They door clicks shut and I fall down into a chair.

"You okay?" Billy's hand lands on my shoulder. I'm so exhausted I just hang my head and shake it. The tears are burning in the back of my eyes, I try to hold it together but end up failing miserably.

"No man" my lip trembles, "I almost lost her. When she collapsed I thought..." my words catching in my throat with the lump that's stuck.

"Man" Billy blows out a breath. "I know, we all were afraid." he doesn't look at me he just sinks into the seat next to me.

"I've lost her once and some how got her back I wouldn't live through losing her again." The tears stream down my face as I look up and take a sip of the dark liquid. The burn feels good down my throat helping dissolve the lump.

"I don't think any of us could have lived losing her like that." Billy's words are quiet.

We sit outside staring off the balcony and onto the skyline of Austin. I was so scared of outsiders that I never saw my own brother turn on me. I was wrapped up in my own pitty party to see what was right in front of my face this whole time.

"Thank you for helping" I turn looking back at him.

"Ely I know you would have done the same had it been me in your shoes" he turns to me before he continues, "look I'm not as good as Jo is at times like now but I'm going to give it a go. The good Lord puts you on this earth with a premade family, but sometimes there a people in that family who are toxic. Unfortunately that is your brother, he was a tumor that needed to be removed. But then He puts people in your life who will be the family you choose. We are family, and as far as I'm concerned I'm your brother. If someone is trying to take what is yours know I will be right there with you trying to fight to keep it." He takes a sip and turns himself back to the skyline.

"As far as I'm concerned you are my brother too, and it doesn't make any difference if we have the same momma or not. Just thank you for everything."

Billy nods and then downs the rest of the contents in his glass, "You do what you need to to protect that girl, brother or not you hurt her and Jo is going to make hurt you." We both laugh knowing it's true. "Ely you stay here as long as you need in order to protect what's yours. Let me let you in on a little secret that I don't even think Jay knows. Security inside the city is hard to come by, trust is misplaced and people get hurt. Since she's agreed to marry you maybe it's time you find y'all self a house, out in the country. Maybe close to the one we just closed on." He whispers that last sentence.

"Y'all got a house?" My eyebrows pop up

"Yea, ten minutes outside the city but it looks like you're hours away, there is just land as far as you can see. And the land next door is for sale, no house but maybe you could put one there." He goes for the door before dropping down to my ear, "Remember who our girls are, you might as well consider it a done deal. Besides we can help each other out keeping our family safe." He pulls the door open leaving me to think about what he just offered.

I'm going to have to get with Billy on the address and Jack to look into the land and maybe give me some recommendations on builders. I bet Jay would love living next door to Jo and Billy is right, security is great but they aren't family and they don't know which persons they should be worried about. James did say she wanted to move, and with the news of Billy and Jo it makes it even better idea.  My brother got in passed our security with her and they ruined our loft. I need to talk to her, but I'm pretty sure she will be on board with this.

The night sky is lit up from the city and below people are carrying on with out a care in the world. Walking right past someone who may bring harm to them and not even realizing it. I love Austin, it's home but let's face it it is still a big city, heavily populated, in the country there is far less people. You can look out at night and see more stars than neon lights, you hear the katydids sing not the passing of cars, music, chatter, and sometimes sirens.

We can start fresh, maybe that's what we need more than anything. It took two years of us being apart for her to see that love wasn't scary, not if you were lucky enough to have found it. We found it and I'm done waisting any more time, she said yes and now we take the first step toward a new life. One more suitable for the us that is now.

I get up and toss the rest of my drink back and head back in to start over new.

As I walk into the apartment Jay and Jo are on the couch holding each other. Billy must be showering or taking care of Paislee. I stand watching my girl and my sister do what they do.

Jay turns and I catch her eye, Jo follows her and we stay for a moment, "Can I steal her?" I lift my glass, my finger gesturing to Jay. They look back at each other and hug one more time before Jo gets up. She walked over to me stopping in front of me, "Thank you for bringing her back." Her voice only loud enough for me, she lifts up on the balls of her feet and she kisses me on the cheek. I give her a small smile before she turns and walks out of the room.

I step over and sit my glass down on the table and make my way to Jay. "Come on" I lean down and grab Jay's hand. She doesn't say anything but she puts her hand in mine and we make our way to the guest bedroom.

I close the door behind us and turn the lock. Turning back to her she stands watching me, "I'm going to start us a shower and we're going to get cleaned up and then you're going to lay down while I hold you all night so I know you're still here and safe." I step up to her.

"Okay" Her voice is small but she wraps her arms around me and she tucks her head into my chest. The tears sting my eyes as I wrap around her. Please I can't lose her I send up a small silent prayer.

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