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WHEN I agreed to this I didn't know it would be this time consuming and hectic. We were getting online reservations but still no actual bookings yet. With a few well placed words I finally got the permission of the governors son to leak out his future stay at the Grand and the celebration of his birthday at the club. This surely gave us a lot of online buzz and the reservations were rolling in.

  We were cooped up in the office for hours strategizing and restrategizing.  The menus for both the hotel and restaurants was overhauled and improved. The prices of food for the restaurant was reduced. The breakfast menu was greatly adjusted and in all we had some serious positive change going on.

  The dogs accessories were purchased online. And a glance at the clock showed it was almost 5 and I still was not on my way. Without going back to my room I collect my phone, signal one of the cleaners and have her bring me my car keys and drop my charger in my room. A quick fix of my hair and I was good to go. My make up was still intact besides I needed to appear chill.

  I get in my car then call Prince that I was on my way. Traffic was light so I was there in twenty minutes. He was waiting by the curb and on seeing me moved to enter through the passenger side of the front seat.

  "I'm sorry I'm late. Got caught up in work." I say apologetically to him when he was well seated and belted.

  "Its no problem. Besides our house is not far from here." He says non challantly.

  "I get you are angry and I'm real sorry. When I'm working and get in the zone I lose track of time." I explain.

  "And what exactly where you working on?" He asks still not looking at me.

  "I'm helping a friend Roberts to try and revive his hotel. He's been having a rough patch and low patronage so we are working on how to turn things around so he stays afloat and doesn't lose everything." I tell him.

  "Is that why you came to Asaba? Because I was of the opinion you came to see me." He informs me.

  "There was no reason I couldn't kill two stones with one bird. He's been begging me to come help out for a while but I've been too busy. Now that I'm here to help him out and visit you at the same time I can spend two weeks instead of a weekend." I explain.

  "Its good to know that you could come to the rescue of a friend and even stay for so long when I've been begging you for over a year to come visit or allow me visit you." He says indicating he doesn't want to buy my reasons.

  "You should know that I've been busy. I'm here now and if you can't appreciate that then I don't know what else I can do about it. I'm trying my best here maybe you should accept that. Yes my extended stay is because of a friend I'm not going to deny it. But you are the reason I'm here in the first place." I say seething as I park my car in an open space that was thankfully vacant.

  "Its good to know where I'm placed in your lists. Guess wealth really does make one heartless and cold." He tells me.

  Every jab he throws goes straight to my core and almost bring tears to my eyes. This is life and she's a cruel wife. He exits the car banging the door while I alight gently and treat my baby with care. After all I'm in the best position to take care of my assets and properties. I carefully inspect the banged door for scratches and when I find none I lock the door and activate my security system.

  I put myself together and knock on the door that I saw Prince disappear into. A girl who was almost my age answers and opens the door and I paste on a smile.

  "If you meant that smile to be convincing my dear you are failing miserably. You should know my brother can be hard headed to deal with." She says scrunching her face like she's eaten a sour fruit at the mention of her brother.

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