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ME: "But you know I'm missing you right?"
  Mystique: "Yes I know but there is nothing I can do about it right now."

  I toss my phone in the bed then slam my right hand on my dresser hard.

  "Calm the fuck down man. You are too worked up." Says Chris looking up from his notes.

  Exams have started and right now I can barely concentrate on my books cause my heart craves her and she isn't here.

  "She wants to drive me insane bro. How can she give me a week of heaven and just be giving me scraps of attention or the cold shoulder right now?" I ask Chris frustrated and trying not to cry.

  "I get you bro I really do. She must be really busy if she acting like this. It so isn't like Mystique to be so insensitive especially to you." He informs me.

  "Could it be that she's met someone else? I swear if she met someone else I'm going to kill the fucker." I say angrily.

  "She's not the type to cheat on you. You know she wouldn't do that." He informs me.

  "Its been two months I last saw her. I'm missing her like mad right now its like I can't think straight. Absence makes my heart yearn for her but its like she doesn't even feel it. I want her so fucking bad right now my hard on is giving me blue balls. How can she not be feeling these things? If I could right now I would vanish her here right now and ravish her like mad. Masturbation is no longer cutting it and she just keeps giving me bullshit excuses of why she can't come here or allow me come to her. Doesn't she know what I'm going through right now? She won't even pick my video calls for god sakes!" I lament.

  "I understand your plight I really do especially considering your affections towards her. Instead of flying off the handle talk to her more calmly and settle with a video call for now. At least to confirm she is okay." Says chris handing me my phone and returning back to his bed.
  Me: "Baby I'm supposed to been preparing for an exam right now and I can't concentrate. Let me see you to know you are fine at least.
Mystique: " You can video call but we will be brief because this isn't the right time."

  Her replies have me strongly believing she is cheating on me or doesn't miss me like I miss her. A brief video call should confirm or deny my theory so I face time her. She picks and connects the call to a bigger screen making me see that she was in an office. The walls of the office space is made of glass and from the view she is on the top floor.

  She stands from her seat and grabs a file from a cabinet. She is putting on an ash pantsuit and looking real good making my itch more.

  "Baby you look real good. I wish I could have you here right now." I inform her sincerely as she returns to take her seat.

  "I miss you too boo but with Christmas coming everything is tight. There are a lot of things to do before we leave for the holiday. How's your exam coming t ihrough?" She asks concerned and looking at me through the phone.

  "The exams so far has been great. I'm trying to be good considering the fact that I miss you like mad right now." I inform her.

  "Come on don't be like that? I want you here right now but its too choked to spend time with you. How's the modelling gigs coming?" She enquires.

  "Its been real good and the pay is outrageous. My agent says you have been avoiding his calls." I say.

  "I will call him later. He wants me doing a photoshoot with one French model like that. Its actually payment for a debt I owe him. I don't have the time right now. He is going to have to wait till next year. How's Chris?" She asks.

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