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I drive to the airport to pick up Prince who had flown in with Chris. I pack my car and go wait for them in arrivals. I see them almost immediately. Prince has on a yellow T-shirt and jeans trouser and is slugging a bag pack identical to Chris's own. I run up to them and hug Chris first before I hug Prince briefly. Its crowded in here and we really don't want to attract attention to ourselves. He wraps his hand around my waist and pecks my forehead with a smile.

  "Do you need a ride Chris?" I enquire.

  "No my brother is picking me up." He tells me.

  "I see your friend still hasn't collected her car. I'm beggining to think I got played." Says Elliot from behind me making me jump.

  He hugs his brother really happy to see him, shakes Prince then gives me a long lustful stare down causing Chris to clear his throat.

  "I think we need to leave Elliot." He says indiscreetly trying to point to Prince.

   "There is no need to rush. He should appreciate the beautiful view, we've got all day." Says Prince making the three of us laugh.

  "I see you have some balls. Impressive!" Says Elliot to Prince.

  "I don't mind you looking. We will have a problem when you touch." Prince tells him coldly his demeanor changing within minutes.

  "I think it's time we left baby. It was nice seeing you again Chris, don't be a stranger. Elliot behave yourself." I say gently tugging Prince to where I'm packed.

  "Cool ride babes!" He whistles on seeing the Ferrari.

  "Its not mine it belongs to a friend. I'm thinking of buying it from her though." I inform him opening the doors and we both enter inside. As soon as the doors were closed Prince is on me, running his hands all over my body and kissing me passionately.

  "You want to kill me right?" He asks between kisses. "Showing up looking this sexy with this short gown. Your aim was to drive me crazy right? It took all my will power not to push you to the ground in the crowded hall of the airport and ravage you silly." He informs me.

  "Its a good thing you didn't. Pull yourself together until we get to my place." I tell him smiling.

  "Do you leave far from here?" He asks running his hands on my thighs.

  "Nah! Not really. Just twenty minutes and we are at my place." I assure him.

  "Okay I can wait as long as you are all mine when we get to your place." He says with a mischievous smile.

  "Yes. When we get there you and I would start our week." I promise him.

  He fastens his sear belt and I fasten mine. During the drive we chat about different things. He tells me about his modelling and how Marc was planning on getting him more expensive gigs.

  "How has it been so far?" I ask him curious.

  "Its been good. Not exactly what I expected though. I was expecting something totally glammed up but I've come to realise that the models gracing front covers of magazines are just people like you and me." He says serious.

  "How are you coping with the pressure to look and fit into a particular stereotype? I can see you buffed out since I last saw you." I comment on a smile.

  "Marc knows there is no way I would alter myself just to take a shoot. He has promised to get me jobs that would suit me as I am. I now workout but its to be better, stronger and smarter. Now I can comfortably bounce you around on my dick while upright without the support of a wall or door." He says laughing out loud.

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