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  "YOU are so done for. You didn't even tell me your best friend that your babe was the special guest speaker, that's really not nice." Says chris walking up to me and clasping me on the shoulder.

  "Even I didn't know. She wanted it to be a surprise and it really was. Where are you headed to by the way?" I ask him.

  "The dorm. Is Mystique joining us?" He asks

  "She said she would. Hope you don't plan on bringing Mirabel over though?" I ask him looking at his companion like trash that she was.

  "I'm sorry Prince I was hoping to get a chance to apologise to her if you wouldn't mind." She said looking apologetic.

  "I mind! I mind a lot. What brought about your mind change? Did her billions change your mind? Well Chris if you want our friendship to be intact then I don't want this gold digger anywhere near my girlfriend. She ruined the day for me yesterday and I will not allow a repeat." I inform them walking away.

  "She really wanted to apologise and I thought it would be fun watching her do that after she had called her a sugar baby." Chris informs me with a laugh.

  "As much as it would have been interesting, I don't want her anywhere near me or mine. She gives off bad vibes and she is a lousy talker." I say walking the distance to my dorm.

  We both walk for a few minutes in silence when he decides to break the silence.

  "I knew she was wealthy but I didn't know she was that loaded. I told my dad that the first time I met her she didn't give off billion vibes. She was chill and we talked for hours, she never made us feel inferior at all." He says deep in thought.

  "Like she said she wasn't born into wealth so she knows how the journey goes. She's different and I try not to focus on her finances. But most time I do think about it and I question myself. I don't get what she sees in me that has her standing by me and making me feel like the biggest man in the world. She is unique. Most times I believe  she doesn't remember she is wealthy." I sincerely inform him.

  Hearing her give a detailed description of how she was able to build her empire. One of the famous magazines had mentioned her among the billionaires under 30 to watch out for.

  "She is head over heels for you and that's the important part. It doesn't hurt that you are endowed and know how to use it." He says winking at me.

  "You always know how to make every discussion sexual." I respond on a laugh.

  "What's there to hide? I've seen you naked and I've heard you talk to her on the phone about what you would do to her. So don't pretend you are not riding her hard." He says playfully.

  "You are a pervert Chris. So you've been checking me out all these while? And here I thought you were contented with your steady supply of pussy." I reply him shaking my head and laughing.

"I'm more than contented. I'm thinking of taking a break from girls for a while. I envy you man and would not mind having what you have. It just haven't been so easy getting a girl who has her head screwed to her shoulders the right way." He says looking kinda forlorn.

  "Be patient a girl would come, you just have to be ready for her when she arrives." I tell him, repeating what my dad told me years ago.

  "Is she coming by to the dorm later?" He asks me concerned. Considering we are roommates he knew how devasted I was yesterday when she didn't let me spend the night with her. He got my frustration.

  "Yes she is. Besides she hasn't seen my mum and sister. Without being told she knows she has to see them." I reply.

  "Have you met her family? Seeing how she is cozy with yours." He asks curiously.

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