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Contrary to what I thought, I'm having a good time. Mystique is in a very good mood and is extra lax and loving this evening. She was looking like a wet dream come true. I don't know how I got this fortunate but I'm no longer going to mess it up.

  I see the way Vince looks at her and the looks he's been throwing her way. I always knew he had an interest in her but I clearly underestimated the degree of lust. He had been so carried away with staring at her in the hotel that he had forgotten his girlfriend who was also gorgeous in her own right.

  Its been a memorable evening thus far and I plan to make it more. Jane couldn't attend today because she had a photo shoot for a clothing line so I was going to spend the night. The atmosphere is lit and I have stepped fully into my role as a boyfriend. My hands was constantly on my girlfriend. We were on extreme PDA tonight and I was loving it.

  We've been drinking monster all night and I might be on my sixth can right now but who is counting. I know all this energy is going to be channeled into sex and I can't wait.

  The first time I saw Mystique in her outfit I had wanted to have her instantly and she had turned me down promising later. While waiting for the elevator I had gotten a chance and that Vince and his girlfriend had chosen that particular crucial moment to make an appearance, ruining my fun. Anyway no problem she was all mine for the night.

I excuse myself to go ease myself in the rest room, on getting there the line was long so I opted to use the bushes outside after all it was dark. There are couples pressed on the walls outside at the back of the club making out and some smoking. I walk straight to the bushes ease myself then turn back to head inside when a sight catches my attention.

  There is no way my eyes can be deceiving me. Standing right in front of me arguing with an older man is Steph. The argument looks pretty deep but the loud music from the club is obstructing the sounds. After quarrelling for some seconds the man gives her some cash and drags her to the car park. I walk behind them quietly so as not to get caught.

  They reach ajeep at the back and the man opens the boot. Before I can figure out what is going on he extracts a condom from his pocket while she raises her dress and rests her elbows on the inside of the boot. The man then proceeds to fuck her from behind muffling her screams with his palms over her mouth.

  I'm so disgusted by the sight that I turn back on my heels and walk away. She has cleaned up just to come prostitute herself at the club. I never knew she had stooped that low. And to think I risked my relationship with Mystique by stupidly sleeping with her. I really need my head examined.

  As I walk back to our seat I see that Vince has made himself comfortable and his girlfriend was no where to be found. I don't understand this guy. Every time I turn my back he his desperately trying to take my place and I don't even see Mystique trying to ward him off. She is all smiles  with him and they talk like they are long time friends. I know he deliberately asks her about mutual countries they've been to just to make me feel left out. Being the angel that she is she always brings the conversation to a topic I can relate with.

  "So what are you guys talking about?" I ask interrupting their discussion and sitting close to her.

  "Just a trip to Paris." Says Mystique making light of the subject.

  "It would seem Mystique here has been to almost all the popular joints in Paris. She was just filling me in on some of her adventures. You must have heard all the stories by now though." He replies taunting me.

  "Actually no! I'm happy she is well travelled but when we are together we don't swap stories of her travels we make our own memories especially when we are able to leave the bedroom. But if you really want to know more about the exotic side of her be sure to read her books. She gives excellent descriptions there." I reply him trying to appear unaffected by his jab and nonchalant.

  Mystique kisses me on my cheek with a smile and I kiss her on her lips, making a big show out of it.

  I watch as bottles of champagne are being transported in caskets to different tables. I've heard of boys burning money on drinks but its the first time I'm observing it first hand. Really young boys are busy popping bottles of champagne and using the content to wash their Iphones and wrist watches. Most where even using the content to wash their gold chains.

  "Are you impressed?" Ask Mystique seeing what has captured my attention.

  "I'm not impressed. I'm just surprised that someone who is thinking well will get expensive drinks and pour them away without drinking them. Makes me think if money makes people do stupid things." I inform her.

  "Money sure makes a person want to do crazy things. The first time I got an alert of my first millions I sat down on the floor and cried for hours. The tears wouldn't stop. I've also noticed that money has a spirit that just pushes you to spend it and if you are normally competitive by nature you spend to out do others." She tells me.

  "So what's the most expensive thing you've bought to showcase your wealth?" I ask curious.

  "My cars."

  "You don't look like one who does crazy things with money though?" I inform her.

  "That's because I like my shit lowkey and expensive. People tend to underrate things that are not flashy. So I go for those things."

   Three hours, two rounds of sex later and we're lying in bed naked.

  "What gift are you getting Vince? I'm not trying to pry I'm just curious." I say to mystique who is running her hands over my chest drawing patterns.

  "I'm getting a pendant customized for some clients of mine so I was thinking of getting him one too. I might get a gold neck lace to go with it. Apart from that I don't know what else to give." She replies.

  "Hum! That's original. Thought you were going to just get a gift from the store for him." I said slightly jealous she would go to that length to get a guy that means nothing to her such a gift.

  "Actually this gift is cheaper than picking out a gift from a gift store. A watch would cost me more than the necklace and pendant. People tend to expect original things from you when they ask for gifts and those shit are expensive. He is someone who's used to the good life and expensive thing. The necklace and pendant will cost me less. I already checked." She replies looking at me.

  "If you say so. My birthday is by October 6 what will you get me then?" I ask teasing.

  "A dozen boxers and singlets. That's the standard gifts from girlfriends to boyfriends." She informs me with a smile.

  "That's cheap." I reply tickling her.

  "Its the unspoken rule. I didn't make it." She replies.

  "What did you gift to your exes?" I ask conversationally. She doesn't like to talk about her past relationships and I don't know why.

  "Nothing. At the time I didn't have money and they had so I really couldn't afford to get them anything worth while so I didn't bother."

  "What did they gift you?" I ask.

  "Different things."

  "Things like?" I press.

  "Nothing important. Why do you want to know anyway?" She asks.

  "So I know what to get you for your birthday." I inform her.

  "The only birthday gift I want from you is for you to be successful. So focus on your education and get good grades." She says seriously.

  "That's not a gift." I inform her.

  "Well its the only gift I want from you." She insists.

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