Chapter 1

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"What about that guy?" Your friend Janet asked you and pointed with her finger behind you. You turned your head and saw a guy leaning on the bar counter, his phone in his hand. You grinned and turned back to your three friends, who chose to bring you to bar to see some guys.

"No? But he's good looking." Your other friend, Violet asked and took a sip of her drink.

Your friends had taken their life goal to find you a man. Yes, you have been single for a long time, and you haven't had any contact with men for years. On the other hand you didn't mind of being single, but on the other hand, it would be nice to sleep in someone's armpit.

But it annoyed you when your friends tried to point you almost every single man they saw. Like you could take anyone you wanted.

You looked your friends, two of them having beautiful engagement rings on their left hand, and one of them just moved in with her boyfriend. You had always been the single one. You always were the 'fat one'.

You always compared yourself to them. They were skinny, or beautifully curved, they had beautiful faces and they always take care of themselves. Beautiful make-up, hair always put on right, pretty clothes who fit them perfectly.

You never wore make-up, you never had, you never manage to learn to do them. And because you were little overweight, it was hard to find pretty clothes which didn't show all your fats through the fabric or weren't hanging on you like some sacks.

You were really insecure about yourself and your body. You always felt everyone was staring at you and whispering mean things about you. You avoided places where there were lots of people, you hated being around people. You rather were alone at home, than in a huge crowd.

And now, when you were sitting in a bar with your three gorgeous friends, you tried to figure out an excuse why you could go home. Especially when your friends kept their whole attention on you. You hated that.

You took your purse and started to look your cigarettes and lighter from there. You needed to get out of there just for a moment. You excused yourself and left your friends to the table and headed outside to smoke.

You opened the door to terrace and sighed from relief, there were the only couple of people outside. You put your cig between your lips and flicking your lighter, without any flame coming out of it. You tried again, without success. You sighed and shook the lighter and tried once more but it looked like your lighter had out of gas. You closed your eyes and cursed yourself if you wanted to smoke that cancer roll, you needed to ask someone for a light.

But before you manage to finish your thoughts, someone spoke next to you and you spooked.

"Need a light?"

You opened your eyes and saw a man standing next to you. You needed to tilt your head back since he was much taller than you. He flicked his lighter and you tugged your cig into the flame and took a drag lightening your cig.

"Thanks." You smiled a shy smile at the man and lowered your gaze to look down on your feets, hoping the man go away. But you saw how his feet stayed next to you.

"Are you here alone?" You heard him asking and you rolled your eyes. 'Oh god, do you really have to do this shitty small talk?'

"No, I'm with my friends." You told and took a drag from your cig, not having any attention to continue the conversation.

"Do you have one of those 'girls night'?"

You raised your gaze to the man, who was talking to you. You noticed he was little older than you, he had receding brown hair slicked up over his head, and even there was dark you noticed wrinkles on his forehead and around his eyes.

Helpless when she smiles [Sam Drake x plusSize!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now