Chapter 24

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Sam sat on the hall of the emergency room, his leg was shaking against the floor, his arms crossed on his chest, and heart pounding hard when he stared the door where they had took you to examination for almost half an hour ago. They didn't let him in since he wasn't relative. He was pissed, he was your boyfriend for Christ sake! He was the closest person in your life.

You had returned to your consciousness on your way to the hospital, Sam drove as fast as he just could and the staff has taken you immediately to an examination when you arrived. And those half an hour had been the longest minutes in Sam's life. He had no idea what was wrong with you, he got so scared when you collapsed in his arms and didn't reacted to anything.

He stared at the door, nurses and doctors passed by and he hoped that someone could come and give him information about you. He needed a cigarette so bad. But he rushed with you out so fast that he didn't realize to took his cigarettes with him. He wondered if there would be someone outside smoking, who could give him one so he could calm his nerves.

"Samuel?" A young nurse came from the room and Sam stood up immediately, no more need for cigarette in his mind.


"She wants you to go in." The nurse smiled and gestured him to step into the room. Sam took fast steps to reach her, and when he stepped to the room, he saw you sitting in the edge of the bed, your face down at the floor, but he notices that you got now more color in them and he sighed from relief.

He walked to you and took your hand, while cupping your cheek with another, feeling how tears had wet your face.

"You okay?" he whispered and you nodded, squeezing his hand.

Soon the doctor walked in, closing the door behind him and sitting on the chair to next the bed.

"So miss [Y/L/N]." He started to read through the papers he got in his hands, where was all your blood test results, while Sam sat down on the edge of the bed with you, rounding his hand around you and rubbing your lower back.

"Is she okay?" Sam asked when the silence was feeling to take a little bit too long.

"She had low blood pressure and blood sugar, but they are now on balance. I recommend taking easy for a few days."

Sam felt a huge relief when he heard that there was nothing seriously wrong with you.

"But I prefer congratulations are in place. You're pregnant."

Your head snapped up when you looked at the doctor with your eyes wide open. You felt how Sam stopped rubbing your back, while your heart skipped couple beats in your chest.

The doctor looked at both of you, realizing from the expression your faces that this might be a non-hoped pregnancy, and he waited for you to react the news.

You shook your head.

"It's not possible, we used the condom eve-" You stopped and snapped your head to Sam. You saw from the expression of his face that he must have realized the same thing you did. That one time when you didn't use protection. After he came back from his job with Sully and you did it on the table.

"Oh god." You turned your gaze away and took your hand from Sam's and hid your face into your palms.

"You can book a time to abortion, or you can come to first ultrasound in a couple of weeks."

The ride back at your place was quiet. Neither of you didn't say a word. You stared from the window to outside, while Sam tried his hardest to focus on the traffic.

You cursed yourself in your mind. How did you had let this happen?

When you two stepped inside your apartment, the silence was still flying around you two. You hadn't change the word since you left the emergency room.

You walked to the kitchen while Sam stood in the hall, his hands on his jean pockets, looking and waiting for you to say something. You looked down at the table, seeing your half-ready breakfast on it. You sighed and shook your head, you didn't know what to do or say.

"I guess we became parents then." Sam broke the silence. You slowly turned to him, looking him with a blank gaze, and Sam tried to see what you were thinking.

The silence was back. You two just stared each other.

"What?" You finally found your voice again.

"This was clearly meant to be [Y/N]." Sam smiled at you and stepped closer.

Your body was boiling. You felt how the crushing pain started to grow fast in your chest, as the anxiety and insecure slowly started to fill your heart again.

"We had dated for less than a four months Sam!" You raised your tone while you spread your hands, making Sam stop.

"We won't even live together! We don't even know if we can work this out! I can't bring a child to this world when I don't know what happens in the future!" You screamed to him, your eyes pouring tears while walking to the living room, avoiding his gaze so he won't see your tears. But he had already seen them.

"Then we move in together, and made things work." Sam tried to calm you down because he knew what he wanted from his life, he wanted this - he wanted to be with you, he wanted to have a family - with you.

"No, Sam, we won't move in together because we have to! We move together when we want to and are ready to it!" You turned to him, your voice breaking while tears rolled down your cheeks like waterfalls.

Sam stared at you with disbelief. He wanted this. He wanted to be with you, move in with you and spend rest of his life with you.

"Why would you go to fuck that brunette from the club!" You snapped to him and silence filled the air between you two again.

"It was nothing." Sam raised his tone.

"I'm with you, and I don't want anyone else than you!"

"Yeah until you find someone better! I don't want you to be stuck with me just because we had an accident!"

The love and happiness on your heart were gone, now filled with fear and insecurity. You knew you should have talked about everything, but you were too scared. And now you had kept your feelings inside of you too long, that they had started to poison your mind again.

And like it wasn't enough, now you were pregnant and that made things more complicated.

"I don't want anyone else! You are the best thing that had ever happened to me!" Sam's tone wasn't mad or angry, it was more like disappointed and sad. Why couldn't you just see that he wanted you and only you?

You turned your back to him while wrapping your hands around you, hugging yourself. You wanted to believe every word he was saying, but you had built your walls back up on you, made them grow between your and Sam.

"I want to be alone."

Sam stepped closer and reached you with his hand, but pulled it away. He sighed and turned his way to the door.

You listened how the door got open and closed after him, and you fell down on your knees to the floor, and you started to cry hysterically.

You were scared. Everything was happening too fast, and even you loved him and he told that he loved you, you weren't sure if he really wanted to waste rest of his life with you.

Helpless when she smiles [Sam Drake x plusSize!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now