Chapter 6

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On the next day, you were heading to the park, with thermos bottle full of coffee and two mugs in your bag. You were a little bit relaxed now than you were couple days ago. Still, you had your mind haunting you by telling that he has no interest in you, that he was only nice to you, for some unknown reason.

Sam waited for you in the park, smoking his cigarette, looking around, hoping to see you and wishing you didn't have second thoughts. You had a great late night call last night, and he hoped it made you feel little more confidence.

Then he saw your figure further. Smile raised to his lips and his heart melted when he saw you coming towards him, a little happy smile on your face. He certainly hoped that he and your little date was the reason behind your smile. He took last drag from his cig, before dropping it on the ground.

You were looking down at your feet, without any idea of the expression on Sam's face when he looked at your way. You looked down at your feet, trying to focus on your steps and trying to ignore your panicking mind and heart.

When you reached him, you two greeted each other with smiles, small 'hey's, and headed to the park to find a bench where you could drink your coffee and talk.

Things were going great, you two talked like you had been friends for years. Maybe it was because your late night call, but things were much easier now. He told you funny stories about him and his little brother, about his mind-blowing adventures, and finally telling about his little niece, who he adored so much.

He told you how once he was babysitting her, and they choose to make some pancakes. But somehow they manage to spread all the flours to all over the kitchen, how they had a great idea start an egg fight, and his brother and his wife came home, only to find two of them in the kitchen, covered with eggs and flours and whole kitchen being a mess.

And you started to laugh. You could see him and his niece running around the kitchen table covered with eggs and flours. You let your laughter fill the air when you couldn't hold it back.

Sam's heart melted when he heard you laughing. He followed how you laughed from deep down on your stomach, just like you had done the day before when he saw you with your friends. It was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard. And he started to laugh with you, your laugh was very contagious.

He raised his hands on the bench's backrest, and the other one was resting behind your neck, his palm hanging on the other side of your head. His arm slightly touched your neck and you flinched. You laugh stopped like it has hit the wall and Sam noticed the fast silence what filled the air, without knowing why it happened.

You tightened your jacket around you, it looked like you were cold but that was not the case. You just started to feel really insecure and you started to hide behind your safe walls when you realized you were becoming too comfortable with him.

"[Y/N] what's wrong?" In his voice there shined worriness and sincere, but you were already starting to be too far away behind your walls so you couldn't hear that.

"Nothing, nothing." You said while changing your position a little, which made you move further from Sam, even it was just inches he saw that you were pulling yourself away from him.

He moved closer to you and took a risk, and placed his hand on your thigh.

"[Y/N] tell me, what is it."

Your gaze snapped to his hand on your leg. You stared that huge palm in your thigh and you felt how your breath started getting heavier, anxiety raising inside of you like a hurricane. Sam followed how your eyes were fixed on his hand to your thigh, how your lower lip started to tremble. He knew he went too far so he took his hands away.

"I'm sorry, sorry." He raised his hands up as a surrender and he could never have imagined what you were going to say next.

"Yeah, you are sorry that you tried to make a move on me because you thought being nice to me made you get between my legs?"

You were furious. You had pulled your walls back up and all your negative thoughts had filled your mind. There was no way this guy was sincere with you, you were sure he was just being nice to you so he could have sex with you. Just like you were easy because you were overweight and all he needs to do to be nice and made yourself feel that he cares about you, so you'll sleep with him.

Sam looked at you with shock, he never could have imagined that you thought that way about him and his actions to get to know you. He tried to remember if he had really said or done something that made you think that way. But he couldn't figure out anything, not inappropriate touch or word, nothing.

"I thought you were diffe - actually I didn't think anything, I always thought you were the same as the rest of men and I was stupid to let my friends poison my mind."

You stood up and took your bag and started to head away from him. Tears now rolled down on your cheeks, you knew this all along. It took Sam a moment to realize what you had just said before he manages to run after you. He called you but you didn't turn, how could you when your face was filled with tears, shame had filled your body and soul that you were actually hoping something.

Sam grabbed your arm and tried to turn you to face him but you kept going, you didn't want to face him, you wanted him to leave you alone. Finally, he manages to made you stop, his huge palm squeezing your arm, not hard enough to hurt you but hard enough to keep you still. Your eyes were fixed on the ground and your eyes poured with tears.

"Look at me [Y/N]."

You shook your head.

"You really think I'm nice to you just to get between your legs? Did I really have acted like that to make you think that? I like you, I know it's really soon for knowing each other just a couple of days but I think you are a gorgeous woman and I really want to know you better."

You turned and finally met his gaze. You just stared into his hazel-brownish eyes. Your heart raced in your chest when you tried to internalize what he had just said. Yes, it really was too soon, you had seen each other just couple times.

"Did I have really acted like that, so you really think that of me?" He asked you again while looking deep into your eyes. He saw in your eyes that you really didn't think that way of him. You were just scared. But what and why you were scared, he couldn't tell.

And beside the fear, he saw the sadness and hurt in your beautiful eyes better than ever, and the fact that all of that was his fault, killed him from the inside.

He wanted to do the opposite, he wanted you to be happy, not sad. He wanted to see your eyes sparkling from joy, not being filled with sadness and tears. He wanted to see your lips raised to smile, not trembling hard to avoid the sobs coming out of you.

He wanted you to see yourself as he sees you. Beautiful, gorgeous woman with good heart. He couldn't understand why you were so insecure. He couldn't understand why you were hiding behind those walls, without letting anyone inside.

And when you didn't answer him, without thinking it any better and without hesitation, Sam cupped your cheek with his free hand and pushed his lips against yours.

Helpless when she smiles [Sam Drake x plusSize!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now