Chapter 47

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Sweatdrop was slowly dropping down on Sam's temple when he focused. His eyes were fixed to the target while his hands were shaking.

If he makes a mistake, he will hear from it for the rest of his life.

He closed his eyes for a second before he snapped then open fast. He needed to focus. He cannot lose his focus, not even for a slight moment of a second.

The sweatdrop slowly fell down his temple to his cheek, skipping his stubble when it made its way down to his jaw.

"Okay Samuel, now, take carefully hold of his ankles... Both of them. Yes, good, and now, lift them up so you can put the diaper below him."

The nurse was teaching Sam to change his little princess and prince's diapers.

You looked from the bed, little Sandra in your arms, biting your lip when you tried not to laugh at the sight on the other side of the room.

Sam looked like he was trying to solve a puzzle which would cost his life if he fails. He didn't even blink when he tried to do exactly what the nurse told him to do.

He tried that you will change them, you had done it before, he tried to invoke to the mother instinct, but you said that he needs to learn to change them too and that you had already done it many times, and he needs to start doing it too.

So there he was, standing next to the table, little Aaron laying front of him, Sam taking hold of his little ankles and lifting from them, putting the diaper below Aaron, and putting his legs back down.

The nurse told step by step next to Sam what to do next, how he needs to work on with a baby boy when putting a diaper so he won't pee all over him.

Sam didn't change Nathan's diapers ever, he had been grown out of them when he needed to start taking care of him. And it took him a long time before he changed Cassie's diapers too, but those were just panty diapers, you just put them on to her like pants.

But this, this was far more harder he had probably ever done on his life.

You chuckled on your bed, looking little Sandra who was sleeping in your arms.

"Daddy is a little nervous there." - you whispered and gently kissed her tiny head.

You looked how Sandra made funny faces after your soft kiss, then you heard how her tummy growled and you needed to bite hard your lip to not to burst into a laugh.

"Little surprise to daddy huh?" - you chuckled quietly, looking back at Sam who was already putting pants on little Aaron.

"Well job Samuel. Now you can take him to Y/N and took Sandra here." - the nurse patted Sam's back softly, Sam taking carefully little Aaron from the table, making sure he was supporting his neck.

He had become more confident with his little babies. He was first afraid he doesn't know how to hold them properly, how to support their neck right, but you and the nurses had guided him, so he was now little more braver to take them to his arms from the bed or from the table.

He lifted little Aaron up, looked at him and kissed his cheek before gently placing him in his arms as he made his way to you.

You looked at Sam with a playful grin, when Sam put Aaron in your arms and took Sandra instead.

"What are you smiling at?" - Sam asked while placing a kiss in Sandra's head.

"Nothing." - you pouted as you looked how Sam's nostrils widened and he slowly lifted his head up, his eyes widening slowly.

You hold your laugh as you looked hoe Sam wrinkled his nose before he looked at you with a desperate gaze when he realized what kind of surprise his little princess had in her diapers.

"Are you kidding me?"

You couldn't hold it when a small laugh escaped from your mouth.

"Have fun daddy."

"No no, you do it!" - Sam tried to assure you nut you shook your head.

"Nope, you need to learn to change poop diapers too." - you nodded your head toward the table and the nurse and Sam looked at his little princess with a frown.

"You teased daddy princess?" - he sighed as he slowly started to walk toward the nurse.

You wrapped your blanket around Aaron, smoothing his little head and touched his cheeks.

Soon you heard how Sam started to gag roughly on the other side, quickly snapping your head up to see he had taken couple steps back, holding his hand front of his nose and mouth.

"How that small can shit so much?!"

"Language!" - you yelled at him, as the nurse took his arm, made him step next to the table and guided him how to wash her.

You watched amused how Sam tried to hold his gags, his eyes welling up with tears when he tried to keep himself together when he washed little Sandra.

You got distracted by the doctor, who appeared from the door, greeting the nurse and Sam, who was unable to move his eyes off from Sandra when he was focusing on her.

"Hello miss Y/L/N, how are you feeling today?" - he walked next to you, a soft smile on his face.

"I'm good, still a little tired and all." - you smiled him back, swinging little Aaron in your arms.

"Everything looks good right now. You are ready to go home. We will keep the babies here a little longer, but you can visit them every day." - the doctor told you as he went through your papers.

"The bleeding you asked earlier is totally normal, as long as it does not cause any pain, dizziness or nausea, in that case, you need to call here immediately."

You nodded to his words, you had been bleeding since you gave birth, and you got little worried about that so last time the doctor visited you you asked about that from him.

Even the nurses told you is totally normal after giving a birth, you were still afraid it's something that should not happen. But if the doctor said is normal unless it won't cause pain or other symptoms, it calmed your nerves a little.

Sam came back with little Sandra to the bed, as the doctor told you what kind of medications he orders you and what you can do when you get back home.

"And if you have anything that is bothering you, you can call here, our nurses are more than happy to help you. Becoming a parent is a scary thing, there are lots of things going on in your minds, especially when having twins. Is more scarier to have two babies instead of one." - the doctor smiled softly when he looked at the four of you, he knew you will be fine, but he also knew that both of you were scared of what happens when you get the babies home with you.

"I know you will be fine." - he added.

"Thank you doctor." - you said as you felt how a tear escaped from your eye, again.

"Don't worry, your hormones will be messed up for a long time. They will steady with time." - the doctor told you, as you nodded and wiped the tear away from your cheek.

The doctor stood up from the bed, offering his hand to you.

"Good luck, and congratulations again." - he shook your and Sam's hands, both of you thanking him again before he left.

You looked at little Aaron in your hands, sighing long while letting him to take hold of your finger, as Sam kissed your head.

"Ready to go home mommy?" - he leaned his cheek on the top of your head, making you sigh again.

"I just want to take them home with us." - you whispered, feeling how the tears sting your eyes again.

"We will get them home with us, when they gather some strength here first." - Sam kissed your head again. He also wanted to take them home with you two, but he knew it wasn't possible, not just yet.

And when that day comes, he will make sure your life will be perfect, and that the three of you never miss anything, that you will have anything you ever needed.

Helpless when she smiles [Sam Drake x plusSize!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now