Chapter 36

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Beeping noise slowly reached Sam's brain, when he slowly started to come back to his consciousness. The pain was gone, he couldn't feel anything, and first, he couldn't even remember what happened.

Slowly he opened his eyes, seeing only blurriness. Slowly he felt how there was a hand on his. He looked next to him, seeing a blurry figure sitting on the next of his bed. He focused, narrowed his eyes, tried to focus. Slowly he recognized messy brown hair. And wide shoulders. It was a man. A man was sitting next to his bed and holding his hand.

The figure moved when he noticed that Sam squeezed his hand slightly. Sam heard mumbling, but it was just a nonsense. He closed his eyes again and focused. He took a deep breath, letting all the air from his lungs out, feeling how his right side started to hurt a little. Finally started to hear more clearly, that how someone was calling for him.


Sam opened his eyes seeing now clearly, he looked the figure next to him, seeing now every detail of him. Clear blue eyes staring at him, slight stubble covering his face. It was his little brother, Nathan, sitting next to his bed, holding his hand.

Then he remembered. There was an accident. And that you were in the car too. Sam looked around, realizing that he and his brother were alone in the room, no sign from you. Fear started to fill his mind, worst scenarios going through when he thought that you didn't survive, or that you had lost the babies.

He tried to speak but his throat was dry as a desert, he tried to swallow to moisten it, but he had a lump on his throat.

Nathan saw his older brother's struggle and took a glass of water from the table next to the bed and leaned closer, helped his brother to lift his head to take a sip from the glass.

Sam got a sip of the water and leaned back to the pillow, while he felt how the water moistened his throat.

"Where's [Y/N]?" His voice was weak, and Nathan looked at him with sad eyes.

"She's in the other room."

"I need to see her."

Nathan shook his head.

"No. You need to rest. You got a really bad concussion and broken ribs."

"I need to see her." Like a couple broken ribs could stop him to see you. He has been in even worst place. He got shot in a Panamanian prison, three times on his back, so couple broken ribs and concussion were an easy job for him. Nothing would stop him to go to see that you were alright.

Sam started to get up from the bed, grinning when the pain on his side got worse. Nathan sighed, got up from the chair and walked to the corner of the room where there was a wheelchair. He rolled the chair next to the bed, while Sam groaned from the pain, holding his side while he already was sitting on the edge of the bed.

Nathan knew that his brother was stubborn, and if he won't help him to get to see you, he would walk there by himself. So he helped his brother to sit on the wheelchair and started to roll him out of the room.

Nathan pushed his brother on the hall, silence flying between them. Sam stared front of him, his mind racing fast when he was preparing himself to see you laying in the bed, without your beautiful baby bump. He was sure that you had lost the babies.

Nathan pushed the wheelchair down the hall, and Sam thought it felt like an eternity, it felt like the hall continued forever and forever, the same doors passing by him, white walls continuing like a tunnel, and he is never going to reach his destination.

Finally, Nathan pushed one of the doors open and rolled his brother inside of the room. Sam raised his gaze and saw you lying on the hospital bed, your eyes closed, oxygen whiskers on your nose, and the most important thing - still having your beautiful baby bump.

At least you were in one piece. But were the babies okay? Sam rubbed his face with his palm when he tried to stop his tears to push through, but he couldn't help it, he was so relieved when he saw you.

Nathan rolled the chair next to the bed, and gave his brother some privacy, as he went to tell the nurses that he had woken up.

Sam looked at you, while tears rolled down his cheeks. Your forehead was having stitches, your other cheek and knuckles were covered by bruises. He slowly took your hand to his and kissed the top of it, while tears kept rolling down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry babe. I'm so sorry."

He looked how you breathed calmly and peacefully. He knew that accident wasn't his fault, but yet still he blamed himself. He had promised that he makes sure no-one hurts you, he promised he'll protect you and babies, and now he didn't know were they alright.

He put his other hand gently on your bump, smoothing it lightly with his thumb, hoping, that the babies would kick and tell him they were alright.

"Please princess. Let daddy know you two are alright." He whispered and waited. But nothing happened.

A nurse came to the room, saw Sam sitting next to the bed and smiled gently.

"Mr. Drake, you need to stay in bed."

She walked next to the bed and checked the monitor that everything is alright.

"Are the babies alright?" Sam whispered while he kept his eyes on you, and smoothed your stomach while he still waited for babies to kick and let him know they were alright.

"Both are fine. They had an angel with them."

Sam felt a huge relief when he heard the babies were alright, even he wished he could feel them move inside of you.

"What about [Y/N]?"

Nurse dragged hair strap behind your ear and smiled softly.

"She had an angel with her too. Just bruises and small concussion. She's exhausted from the adrenaline she got to protect herself and the babies. She'll wake up soon. But just in case we are going to keep her in for a couple of days, just to make sure the babies are surely fine, and that the stress won't start the labor."

Sam kissed your hand again, he will not leave you until you woke up. He wanted to be there when you wake up, he wanted to be the first thing you see when you open your eyes.

And he waited. He sat next to your bed and waited. Nathan came back with the doctor, who told him about both of your injuries. That you both are going to stay overnight, and you're going to be couple more days, so they can make sure that the babies were alright and that the labor won't start.

Nathan took a chair next to his brother, and sat down, putting his hand on Sam's back.

"I have informed her friends. They're coming tomorrow."

Sam nodded, while he squeezed your hand. He wanted you to wake up. He wanted to see your eyes and your beautiful smile on your face. That smile, what made him fell in love with you.

Then he felt a slight squeeze in his hand, he looked at his hand, seeing that you were actually squeezing it. He snapped his head to your face, seeing that your eyes were barely open. Tears started to pour from his eyes, as he grinned from the pain when he got up from the wheelchair.

He placed his hand on your head and smoothed your hair as he whispered:

"Hey sweety."

You closed your eyes for a second before you turned your head a little and looked around.

"Where am I?"

Sam kissed you forehead long and deep.

"In the hospital. We were in an accident."

Sam saw how your eyes and pupils widened, and panic started to fill them when your first thought was clearly on babies. He smoothed gently your hair and placed his - and yours - hand on your tummy.

"Babies are fine." He whispered to you, while tears were rolling down your cheeks.

"I guess we had an angel with us." He kissed your forehead again with a deep sigh, while a tear escaped from his eye, which fallen on your cheek.

You swallowed, closed your eyes and squeezed Sam's hand, as you started to cry. You were scared but also relieved that babies were alright. Yet you were in shock that this had happened to you.

Helpless when she smiles [Sam Drake x plusSize!Reader]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora