Chapter 2

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You woke up in the morning when sunlight shined through the window straight to your face between the curtains. You groaned and hide yourself under the blanket. You weren't that drunk when you left the bar last night, but those couple shots had hit you on your way back home. And now you had an awful headache. You tried to fell back asleep but didn't manage to do it again.

You tossed the blanket away from you and swung your legs over the edge of the bed while rubbing your forehead with your palm. You sure needed some coffee before you manage to do anything. Although you didn't plan to do anything specific today.

So you stood up and walked to the kitchen, pushing the coffee maker on, since you had made the coffee ready last night, so you could just push it on and wait for it to be ready. You headed to the bathroom and looked yourself in the mirror.

Your hair was messy, and you had black circles around your eyes. You didn't manage to fell asleep for hours when you got back at home since your anxiety had rolled over your body when you started to overthink about the case what happened in the bar.

You sighed and grinned when you remembered that your friends had given your number to that older man you had talked couple words on the terrace. Why did they need to do that? Just like he was ever even going to call you.

You open the faucet and waited until cold water poured on it. You filled your palms with the cold water and splashed it on your face to get the sleepiness out of you. You leaned down to the sink and sighed once more before you turn off the faucet and took a towel from the hook next to the sink and dried your face into it.

You walked back to the kitchen and poured coffee into your mug and walked to the fridge to grab the milk. You took a sip of the fresh coffee and you felt how your headache almost started already to fade away.

A morning without a coffee was the worst.

You walked to the couch and opened the TV, while sitting down on your other leg, while hooking the other one against your chest. You saw your phone blinking a green light on the coffee table front of you.

You leaned to grab it and opened the group chat you had with your friends.

Annie [09.38am] - [Y/N] everything alright? You're not mad, aren't you?

You sighed. You were little mad at them for giving your number to some random older man. He could be criminal or something. You typed an answer.

You [11.13am] - We'll he's not gonna call me anyway so it doesn't matter.

You placed the phone on your lap and started to surf through the channels, but soon your phone vibrates for another message.

Violet [11.14am] - Have a little faith [Y/N], you are gorgeous.

You blew the air between your lips.

You [11.14am] - Yeah right.

You locked the screen and threw your phone to the other side of the couch and took a sip of your coffee. You are not gonna have that conversation again with them.

You left the channel open where there came some nature show about elephants and how they had an excellent memory. You chuckled to yourself, you certainly didn't have that quality.

When you finished your first cup of coffee you stood up to get another one. While you walked back to the couch you noticed your phone was ringing. It was muted so you could only see the number on the screen. You furrowed your brows together and took the phone in your hand. A number you didn't recognize tried to call you.

You sat down and accepted the call.


"Hi, is this [Y/N]?" Deep man's voice asked from the other side.

Helpless when she smiles [Sam Drake x plusSize!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now