Chapter 37

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You laid on the hospital bed smoothing your tummy, while Sam sat on the bed with you, his arm around your shoulder and other hand holding yours. You had been in the hospital for almost a week now. Sam refuses to leave you alone so he was sleeping on the chair next to your bed, he went to the home to shower and change clothes and your friends were with you meantime, he didn't want to be alone for a second.

Now you were waiting for the doctor to come to made one last ultrasound before he let you to finally go home. You and Sam talked with the doctor and you choose to have a 3D ultrasound, to see the babies properly and see that they really were okay.

You were really worried, you haven't felt the babies move since you woke up after the accident. Doctors and nurses told you that the babies were alright but you were still afraid that there was something wrong since there was no movement for almost a week.

Your mind wandered, and Sam noticed it. He got up from the bed, and pulled the chair right next to it and sat down, without letting his hand go from yours.

"You okay babe?" He moved the chair little closer so he could lean the bed with his elbows. You nodded slowly and sighed deeply. There was one thing going on your mind after the accident, and you wanted to share it with Sam, even there was a change that he thinks you were crazy.

"I saw something." You whispered. Sam smoothed your knuckles gently.


"When I was unconscious I saw something."

Sam waited and kissed your hand, asking you to share with him what you saw. You sighed deeply and closed your eyes like you tried to see it again.

"When I lost my consciousness. It was dark. Very dark. I was sure I was dead. There was absolutely nothing around me, no sound, nothing."

Sam kept smoothing your knuckles and waited, he knew what you meant, he was rounded that darkness too.

"Then, I heard a laugh. Little boys laugh."

Sam's heart skipped a beat and he raised his gaze to look at your face, your eyes were still closed and you took a deep breath. He had a feeling what you were going to tell him, but was that even possible?

"He called me mommy. He called me. Like he was inviting me somewhere. Then I saw a flash of little boys face."

You smoothed your tummy while smile raises to your lips when you remembered that little boy's face. You swallowed the lump away from your throat when you open your eyes and turned to look at Sam.

"I think it was our son. I think we are having a son."

Sam rubbed his face with his palm and brushed his hair with his fingers before he took a deep breath. You looked at him and wondered how he probably thought you were crazy.

"You think I'm crazy." You nodded, and wonder that you should not have said anything.

"No. I won't. I think we are having both." Sam said and rubbed his jaw.

"What do you mean?" You lifted your head from the pillow and looked at him more intently. Sam looked you back and rubbed his stubble on his throat before he put his hand on your stomach and smoothed it softly with his thumb.

"I saw a little girl. Just before I woke up in an ambulance."

You stared at Sam with your eyes wide, when the doctor came inside with the ultrasound machine. Your heart started to race on your chest when you tried to figure what that meant? Why did you saw a little boy and Sam saw a little girl? Did that mean something? Was that a sign that you are having both? Were those actually your babies who you saw? Was that even possible?

The doctor prepared you, putting the gel on your stomach and starting to examine you and Sam took his hand away from your tummy. You squeezed Sam's hand while looking down at your stomach with your brows furrowed. It sounded impossible.

Soon the doctor turned the monitor to you, and you heard your babies heartbeat. Both were strong and loud. You looked at the monitor, seeing your babies faces more clearly with the 3D picture. You can already see their features, their nose, jaw... And they looked so beautiful. You squeezed Sam's hand, while Sam kissed your knuckles when you two looked at your two little miracles.

The doctor told that everything looked fine and you were ready to go home, but if you start to have any constructions or you started to bleed, you need to come back to the hospital right away.

There was a good change that babies survive if they choose to born soon, but they hoped that they would stay inside for six more weeks. They told you you need to take really carefully for the next weeks, avoid any stress and keep yourself calm.

You listened intently every word what the doctor told you while nodding your head and looking your babies on the monitor.

"What sex are they?" You asked and Sam's gaze snapped to you. Earlier you didn't want to know the sex of the babies so he was surprised that you wanted to know now, but he had a pretty good feeling why you wanted to know now. The doctor looked at the monitor, moving the scan on your stomach.

"Here's a boy." He pointed to the screen. Sam's heart skipped a beat, was there no princess to him? The doctor moved the scan a little to see the other baby better.

"And. Here's a girl."

You turned to look at Sam with a huge smile on your face, while tears started to roll down your eyes. Sam put his hand on your stomach and smoothed it with his thumb. You were having both.

"I told you there's daddy's little princess." Sam smiled back at you, he was so pleased that he was getting his little princess. You sighed deeply and wiped your tears away, when there was a kick and both of your gazes snapped to monitor, looking at how the babies moved.

"Which one kicked?" Sam wanted to know, he wanted to know if it really was his princess to reacting his voice.

"Little girl there is little more active than a boy." The doctor smiled while he looked at the monitor, seeing how your little baby girl was changing her position a little. Your little boy was calmer than his sister.

Sam got up and sat on the bed next to you again, kissing your hair while he looked how your little prince and princess were happily floating inside your tummy.

Police had investigated the accident, they had heard the witnesses, including Sam who told them what he remembered what had happened. How you were at the traffic lights and someone crashed your car from behind you and later another car smashed from the left side when your car had moved to the middle of the crossroad. They talked only with Sam, after doctor recommend that it was better to not to let you talk about the accident, so you avoid stress.

Police had told Sam, that they arrested the young male driver who drove to the back of your car, and that he is suspected of endangering traffic and driving a car under the influence of drugs. That they had interrogated him and that he had admitted his guilt. The driver of the white car who crashed your backdoor were no suspected for anything.

There has been truly an angel with you, with all four of you. That accident could have been really fatal, there was a really good chance that you could have lost the babies from the hit - or the stress after the accident. Doctors were sure that your labor will start from the stress, and they were surprised that it didn't happen.

The doctor turned off the ultrasound machine and told that nurse will come to prepare you to finally go home. He shook both of your hands, wishing you all well and that the babies will stay inside for a little moment.

When he walked out of the room, you and Sam stayed still on your hospital bed. You couldn't wait to sleep again your own soft bed, you couldn't wait to eat proper food or wearing your own clothes.

And start to finally properly prepare babies room for your little prince and princess.

Helpless when she smiles [Sam Drake x plusSize!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now