Chapter 34

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"Thanks for the dinner." You hugged Elena, while Sam was taking Cassie to bed, since she had fallen asleep in his lap while he was reading her a book on the couch after dinner.

"Anytime, and when the house is ready, let's make dinner there together." Elena smiled at you while giving a smooth to your stomach.

"Of course, there's only babies rooms left, but there's still time to get them ready before they need them." You smiled and turned to hug Nathan, while Sam was walking back to the front door.

You had finally moved all of your stuff to your new house, Sam had worked there a lot, painting the walls, repairing ceiling and floor, making it slowly to a perfect home to the four of you. Upstairs he had teared up the wall between the one bedroom and the smaller room, making it to be a one huge bedroom, to the kids. The other bedroom upstairs would become a guest room, until the babies would be big enough so they'll need their own rooms, when they couldn't share the room anymore.

"Ready to go home babe?" He smiled to you, grabbed his jacket and kissed your hair. You nodded to him and Sam opened the front door for you and you said goodbyes to Nathan and Elena as you walked out to your car.

Sam opened the door for you, and you sat down on the seat, putting the seat belt on, making sure it was firmly under your baby bump so it won't press it.

Sam walked around the car, sat on the driver seat and started the engine, as he started to drive back home.

"Honey, seatbelt." You said him and Sam stopped the car, looking at you with soft smile as he put his seatbelt on. He leaned to give you a kiss on your cheek before he wrapped the wheel again and started to drive.

Your new house was about 20 minutes drive from Elena and Nathan's place. Sam drove slow and carefully down the roads, after all, he had three treasure on his ride, he wanted to make sure you got home safely.

"God every week this is going to be tougher and tougher." You sighed and rubbed your baby bump. Sam put his hand on your bump too, smoothing it gently with his huge palm.

"C'mon daddy's little princess. Show mommy you are there." Sam smiled while he hold his hand on your tummy. You chuckled, you two didn't knew the sex of the babies yet. Sam wanted to know and made sure there's his little princess in there, but you didn't and so you told the doctor you didn't want to know.

Sam was sure that there was two princesses growing inside you, he hoped that there was two, but he was sure there was at least one. Once in awhile he placed his hand on your stomach, asking his little princess to kick you so you would know that he and her had already a bond. You thought it was cute, that Sam was like this. Sometimes there was two kicks, and Sam was sure it meant that there actually was two princesses there.

You had no idea what was waiting for you. You actually hoped there was one of each, boy and a girl. So there would be to your both to kept those awkward sex-talks when they were teenagers. And all the period, night boners, everything. You wanted that Sam had his own share to that, you didn't want to be the only one who told them about sex and protection and stuff.

Sam smoothed your tummy with his thumb, and then - once again - there was a kick. Huge smile raised to Sam's face, and he slowed the speed a little and he looked at you.

"See? There's daddy's little princess."

You patted his hand and shook your head. Sam took his hand and put it back on the wheel, and started to focus on the road again. It started to get really dark, when the sky was covered with dark clouds, it looked like it might started to rain.

Red light turned to traffic lights and Sam stopped the car. He turned to look at you, seeing how you smoothed your baby bump next to him, beautiful smile on your face. He couldn't believe how lucky he was to have you, and those two little miracles inside you.

He never thought he could ever got all of this what he had now. He always thought that he would burn in hell all alone, after all the sins he had done in the most of his life. You were an angel to him, an angel who saved him and his soul from the flames of hell.

Slowly it started to rain, and thunder heard from little further. Sam put the window wipers on when the rain started to grow and he turned his gaze back to you.

He tried to be a better person after when he had found Libertalia. He never was a bad man, but yet he had still made mistakes in his past. Like lied to his little brother. He regret it the most, he should have returned to Nathan right after Rafe got him out from prison. He should have tell Nathan what really was the deal, not lie to him and made up that shitty story about Alcazar. But thank god, Nathan was able to forgive him.

And now he were sure, that he had done something right in his life, that he deserved you, the three of you, and have a family of his own.

You were the most amazing woman he had ever met. Something was just right with you, something on you made him to pull towards you.

He turned his gaze to the back window to look behind your car while he waited for the traffic lights to turn to green. Thunder beated further while Sam saw on the back window the flash of car lights, hear the sound of horn and the sound of the brakes, when the next thing was that another car crashed the back of your car, making your car to move forward from the hit to the middle of the crossroad.

From the left side white car smashed on the backdoor of your car, making your car to spin, until it stopped - and everything went dark.

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