Chapter 23

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Sam got up from the bed, he put the blanket over you so you keep yourself warm. You had been feeling bad for the last couple of days since you threw up after the club and your fever raised up.

The fever was over after you spend that day on the bed and sleeping all day, drinking lots of water and taking a pill, but you were still really tired and almost slept all day for the last couple of days. Maybe it was just little flu or something, or your body was just recovering from the high fever you had.

You were suppose to go to have dinner at Nathan and Elena's place, but Sam had called them telling you were sick, so you changed the day so you will not risking them to get infected - especially little Cassie. Even though Sam had no any symptoms so it might not be infectious.

Sam did his morning routines and put his sweatpants and tank top on, before he walked back to the bedroom with a note where he wrote that he's going to a run, in case you woke up when he's gone.

Sam went outside and started to jog. It was warm and beautiful morning and Sam thought that maybe you two should go a little walk so you could get some fresh air after spending inside for the last couple of days.

He couldn't have stop wondering were you acting weirdly when you were heading back home from the club because you had seen him talking with Suzie, the women he had slept with years ago. But after you threw up and got the fever, he thought maybe it was just because you were getting sick. It was not because the spiked drink, he made sure that no-one got close to your drink, not after what almost happened last time you were out.

And it was kinda relief that it was probably because you were sick, he didn't want to you to feel insecure because some women what meant nothing to him. He was with you, he loved you, and no-one else.

After jogging for a good 45 minutes, Sam was back at your apartment, only to see you were still in bed, his note untouched.

He grabbed the towel and went to shower. After that, he grabbed his phone and dialed his brother's number, waited for him to answer while he dried his hair to the towel.

"Hey, big brother." Nathan answered on the other side. "Is she feeling any better?"

"I don't know, she's still sleeping. I was wondering to take her outside to catch some fresh air, maybe it will help." Sam tossed the towel to the backseat or your kitchen chair and leaned to the table, looking down at the bowl which was full of fruits.

"Yeah, it's good if she get's some fresh air."

Nathan agreed on the other side.

"Anyway, maybe we should move the dinner to next week, so she's completely healed before we come there." Sam took an orange from the bowl, thinking that he should do you some breakfast and bring it to your bed.

"Elena and I talked about it, and we thought the same. Let's just wait until she gets better, and if she's not, you should visit a doctor to find out what's wrong with her."

"Yeah, she's feeling much better, fever is gone but she's still really tired. But if she get's worse I'm taking her to the doctor."

"Good. But hey, let me know how she's feeling. I have to go back to work."

"Thanks, little brother."

Sam ended the call and started to prepare your breakfast.

Sam poured some orange juice which he had just squeezed from the oranges you had to the glass and put it on the tray. He wanted you to get some energy so you could go outside for have a little walk. Not much though since you had barely eaten for the last days, but something little - orange juice, apple slices and some yogurt with strawberries and blueberries. Lots of vitamins. Maybe after when you had eaten and caught some fresh air, you will feel much better.

He was cutting some apple to the plate, when he heard that you got up from the bed. He glanced over his shoulder, and saw you standing in the bedroom door, face paled as a ghost, your expression of face painful.

"What's wrong?" He asked, putting the knife and the apple down from his hands and started to walk to you. You leaned to the doorframe, holding your hand on your stomach.

"I don't feel so good." Your voice was weak and powerless. Sam stopped front of you, placing his hand on your forehead, testing was it warm, if you had got your fever back. But it was more cold than warm, and he felt how you got a cold sweat on it.

He looked your face more intently, they were white as a sheet, and in every second it looked like it paled even more.

"We need to get you to the doctor." He told you and lead you to sit on the couch. Then he walked to the bedroom, grabbing you some clothes and knelt front of you. He helped you to get dressed, and helped you to stand up. You took a hold of his arm, when you tried to keep your balance, when your head started to spin.

You closed your eyes and took a deep breathe, as Sam got even more worried - what was wrong with you? This was not just a fever or anything. His heart was about to rip off from his chest, when he looked at you and how bad your health was, especially when you had started to feel little better.

"[Y/N], are you alright?" His voice was weak and squeaky, full of fear and worriness. You opened your eyes and looked at him, but slowly his face started to blur away.

Sam looked at you, waiting for you to answer when he saw how your eyes rolled back, turning white, and you collapsed to the floor. Sam manage to grab you just before you hit your head on the edge of the coffee table. He caressed your cheek, calling your name, trying to get you to wake up, but you didn't react anything.

He lifted you into his arms, and he started to rush to the door, while praying inside his head, hoping that there wasn't anything seriously wrong with you. On his way, he grabbed his phone and keys to his hand, before he rushed out from the apartment to take your unconscious body to the hospital.

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