Chapter 43

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Sam left four days ago and you hadn't felt so lonely for a long time. You missed his voice, you missed his warmth, you missed how he snored next to you when you woke up in the middle of the night to the bathroom. You even missed the way he teased you.

You missed everything about him.

Every morning you woke up he had sent you a message to wish you and the babies good day and that he loves and misses the three of you, and every evening he send you a message to wish you good night. He even send you some voicemails and told you to hold your phone on your tummy so the babies could hear his voice.

You were sitting on the couch watching tv when your phone rang. You took your phone and saw on the screen that it was Annie. You accepted the call and lifted your phone in your ear and greeted your friend.

"Hey [Y/N], how are you feeling?" Annie asked gently from the other side. You surfed through the channels when tried to find something to watch.

"Bored. Big. Uncomfortable." You answered as you changed the channel in each word.

"Hey listen, I'm leaving for a town for a couple of days, Rambo needs a place to stay because my sister backed down, I was wondering if you want to take him? He's good to keep you company while Sam is gone."

You couldn't help it when huge smile raises to your lips. Annie's cat Rambo was the sweetest, cutest and fluffiest cat you have ever seen. And it would be lovely if you could have him for a couple of days to keep you company.

"Of Course, I could use some warm furball purr in my lap." You said, smiling.

"Great, I'll bring him tomorrow morning?" Annie asked and you two talked about the details.

On the next day, Annie brought Rambo to your house. That white and black furball immediately felt himself like home, jumping on the couch and looked at you like he was waiting for you to join him. You stood in the door with Annie, looking at him.

"Okay, so give him food in the morning, you can give him those treat sticks once a day and keep dry food all the time on the plate." Annie put her hand on your tummy and smoothed it softly.

"Getting tired already?" She asked and you nodded.

"Yeah, I wish they would be born already but I don't want them to come before Sam get's back."

"Don't worry, I'm sure they will wait till their dad comes back." Annie smiled and hugged you.

"Have a nice trip," you wished to her, and as Annie left you walked to the kitchen to grab some water. Soon you felt how someone was pushing your legs, and when you looked down you saw Rambo walking in your legs.

"Hey, you got food already today, you need to wait until tomorrow." You smiled and Rambo meow you back. You poured the water into your glass and walked to the couch, as Rambo followed you like a little puppy.

When you sat down on the couch, Rambo hopped next to you and curled himself right on your side. You smiled and patted his long soft fur gently. Soon you heard small purring next to you and you sighed as you turned to look at the tv.

You spend almost all day sitting on the couch, with that little furball laying next to you, purring. Every time you walked into the kitchen, he followed you with loud meow's filling the air, while he pushed you on your legs.

You took one of the treat sticks, and the meowing went more loudly. You smiled and hold the stick in your hand in the air, as Rambo hopped on his back legs and grabbed the treat in his mouth to put it on the floor. You smiled as you looked that cute to enjoying his little snack.

Helpless when she smiles [Sam Drake x plusSize!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now