Chapter 44

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Sam was still in Egypt and you tried your hardest to not to stress too much. Your friends, Nathan, Elena, and Cassie visited you and you had a couple days Annie's cat with you to keep your mind calm. That little furball slept with you in bed, sleeping next to your tummy and purred gently.

You woke up in the middle of the night when you felt that your stomach hurt like hell. You have had Braxton Hicks contractions for last week but the doctor said there was nothing to worry about, that they come and go, and they were probably because of the stress. So you moved to lay on your other side, placing the pillow between your legs better and sighed deeply and tried to catch your sleep again.

Maybe ten minutes later you felt how there was another one, this was more painful, and you cursed in your mind.

You got up and choose to walk a little around the house and drink some water and wait for those pains to stop so you could go back to sleep. You just wished that Sam could come back home already so he won't miss the birth when it was going to happen. It was just a matter of time when your little prince and princess choose to come to this world.

You walked to the kitchen, putting lights to the living room and kitchen and took a glass of water yourself, drink it right away and took another glass, and started to walk around the house, while smoothing gently your baby bump. Once in awhile you felt burning pain in your stomach and it made you grin.

You headed back to the bedroom with another glass of water. You were about to put the glass on your nightstand next to the bed when there was another pain in your lower stomach, and this time it was more painful than any before, and it made your grip from the glass slip and the glass drop to the floor.

You realized that these weren't Braxton Hicks contractions anymore, these were really painful, they grew and they became more often, so you grabbed your phone and called to Elena, so you could ask her to come to get you to the hospital.

You dialed Elena's number and put the phone on your ear, while you grinned from the pain when the pain kept lingering on your lower abdomen. Soon there was a sleepy voice greeting you on the other side.

"Elena." You breathed hard while smoothing your baby bump when the pain finally stopped.

"Hey [Y/N], is everything alright?"

"I woke up like an hour and a half ago to the pain and it does not go away and they only get worse." You told her and took a deep breath.

"Okay, we need to go to the hospital, it looks like this is it, your labor has started." Elena's voice was calm and steady, so she wouldn't freak you out, but you could feel how you were already starting to panic.

Sam wasn't home yet. You felt how tears started to burn your eyes when there was another painful contraction and you whined from the pain, and it made you bend yourself down. Elena woke up Nathan and started to dress up on the other side of the phone.

"Honey, I'll come there as soon as I can, get dressed and got your bag and wait for me."

When you hanged up with Elena, you immediately dialed Sam's number, hoping he had some battery on it and he could answer, while walking to the living room. Your heart stopped beating when you heard unknown man's voice on the phone.

'The phone number you have dialed is temporarily not in service.'

Not in service? You had just in the evening talked with him on the phone. Has, has something happen to Sam? Did, did he die? He promised nothing won't happen to him, he promised he won't die.

You panic raised when the worst scenarios started to fill your mind.

'Sam is dead and I have to raise our kids alone.'

'Sam is dead and our babies would never get the chance to meet their father.'

'Sam is dead and he never managed to see his little princess and little prince.'

Another contraction cuts your thoughts and you needed to sit down on the couch, while you hold your bump and grinned from the pain.

Soon you saw the flash of lights making shadows to your living room when Elena turned to your driveway. She had a spare key so she rushed inside, and she found you in the living room in your nightshirt holding your tummy and grinning from the pain.

"Okay honey, breathe. Breathe." Elena kneeled front of you, asking you to focus on her breathing and you followed it. Elena took a deep breath, and slowly breathed out and you looked deep into her eyes and followed her actions. When the contraction was over, Elena helped you to your feet and you started slowly to move to her car.

"Did you call to Sam?" She asked and you nodded.

"Yes, but his number was out of service."

"I bet he just broke his phone again.." Elena tried to assure you while he slowly helped you to walk to the car.

When you were in the front door of your house, you felt how something whooshed from you and your eyes widened, as Elena looked down at you feet, seeing how your water fell down your thighs to the floor.

"Okay. Stay calm. Your water broke. Don't panic. Let's just get to the car, and we go to the hospital okay?" Elena stayed calm and she kept her voice steady and determined to not to freak you out. She kept talking to you and it helped you to keep yourself calm.

When you got yourself into the car, there was another contraction and you bend yourself in half on the front seat, as Elena pushed the pedal down and started to rush to the hospital, while she had your phone in her hand and she was calling your midwife that your water just broke and that you will be in the hospital in twenty minutes.

You screamed from the pain when the pain got even worst. You had been overnight in the hospital, Elena stayed next to you the whole time, while you waited desperately that Sam would somehow rush in through the door. You wanted nothing else more that he would be there with you right now.

"We need to start pushing soon." The doctor told you when two nurses started to make you ready to deliver the babies. You shook your head while breathed fast, you didn't want to do it without Sam.

"Where's Sam?!" You cried as you looked desperately into Elena's eyes, searching for a hope in there that she had heard of him that he knew the babies were coming. But Elena looked you back with sad eyes, Sam didn't even know you were in the labor. And even he knew, there was no way that he would get there on time from the other side of the world.

"[Y/N], we need to start pushing now, wait for the next contraction and push as hard as you could." The doctor looked at you and his voice was calm but determined. Elena wiped your forehead with the towel and whispered to you that you could do it, that Sam would be proud of you.

She helped you to lean off from the bed, to wait for your next contraction so you can start pushing and deliver your little babies to this world.

"Okay, [Y/N], it's time to start pushing." Doctor told you and you started to push as hard as you just could.

Helpless when she smiles [Sam Drake x plusSize!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now