Chapter 5

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You walked back and forth in your apartment. It was almost nine o'clock in the evening and Sam hadn't texted you yet even he told he would. You already started to feel awful, why did you ever were expecting him to text you? Maybe he was trying to be polite and just told you that in front of your friends? This was exactly why you didn't want to keep your hopes up, especially with after so short time.

You wanted to text your friends and tell them that you haven't heard from him, but you choose not to. If they ask, then you tell them you were right. You laid on your couch on your back, hiding your face in your elbow while placing your phone on your stomach. Your deep sigh was the only thing that filled your quiet apartment.

Sam was heading home from his brother's house. He had been smoking like a chimney for the last couple of hours. He had written you a million messages but always erasing them, until writing another one just to erase it again.

Once again he re-read the message he had wrote to you. Why was it so hard to send a simple message?

And so, once again he erased the message he had written to you, and choose to call you instead. He went to his contacts, choose your number and hit the green call button. He placed his phone to his ear and took a long drag from his cigarette while waiting for you to answer.

You were laying on the couch when your phone started to ring. You spooked and jumped up to sit, almost dropping your phone to the floor.

You looked at the screen and your heart started to race when you saw Sam's name on the screen. Is he calling you? Why is he calling you?

You stood up and walked around your couch, biting your fingernails and looking at your phone. You took a deep breath before you accepted the call.

"Hey." Your voice was trembling a little.

"Hey, how was your day?" He asked you and you felt how your hands started to shake. Why on earth were you reacting like this?

"It was good. How about yours?" You asked while you stopped your walking around your couch and stood in front of it.

"Better after I saw you." He immediately regretted his words but he couldn't take them back anymore. He rubbed his face with his palm. Now he surely had spooked you.

Your eyes widened open, your heart was racing in your chest and you needed to sit down because your legs were shaking. It was all weird and new for you, you thought you were only dreaming or something. This wasn't happening.

When you couldn't manage to say anything back, he needs to check that your call was still connected, since he was sure that you had ended the call. But the line was still on, and he waited for couple more seconds before he chose to speak again.

"So are you still willing to have coffee with me again?" He sure hoped he didn't spook you so you wouldn't turn him down.

You tried to ease your racing heart and your hands for shaking. God, you had met this man an only couple of times and you were already feeling this way. This was not good, this was not good at all.

You swallowed and closed your eyes, already regretting what you were going to say next.


Sam left silent sigh from his lips. He was relieved. He threw his cigarette away and wonder what you two should do on the next day. He figured that maybe seeing you in a place where there were lots of people weren't a good idea, so he wonders if you should go to a park or something.

"What about we have thermos bottle full of fresh coffee, grab a couple of sweet pastries and go the park enjoying the fresh air?"

You wondered why he was suggesting that, but you couldn't help that it was a better idea than going to some cafe, where there are people looking at you and whispering in a small saloon.

"That sounds pretty great. So, who bring coffee and who get's pastries?"

"Ladies choice."

Oh, what a gentleman you thought.

"Okay, I'll bring the coffee." You said, stood up and went to the kitchen to search your thermos bottle. You knew you had one, but you just didn't know where it was.

"It's a deal then. So what's you've been doing today? Besides gossipping our date."

You literally facepalmed yourself. God, you felt so uncomfortable talking things like this, especially when that was exactly what you were doing with your friends.

"Not much. Just hanging home." You opened the cupboard and tried to see what it has been eating. You saw the bottle behind of everything and started to clear your way to get to it.

"So you were gossiping about our date to your friends?" Sam teased you, he was sure your friends didn't let you get away without giving them information, after all, it was thanks to them you two even had a date.

"Oh god please can we change the subject?" You rubbed your forehead with your palm while waiting for the water to pour on the bottle so you can wash it. You were not going to tell him what you talked with your friends.

"No." Sam smiled with himself, while he was at his apartment's door, fishing his keys out of his pocket.

"And why is that?" You rolled your eyes, closed the faucet and headed back to the couch.

"Because I wanna know what you told about our date." He smirked while stepping inside and throwing his keys on the table next to the door and taking his jacket off.

"Do you wanna see tomorrow?" You said with serious voice but weren't so serious since you had a cocky smirk on your face. You had a feeling that he was just teasing you so you choose to do the same.

Sam stopped and got scared. Were you going to blow off your next date? "Yes."

"So let it be, okay?" You smiled and leaned to took the remote to open the tv. This time Sam heard on your voice that you were just teasing him.

"Fine." Sam chuckled, lingering the letter i.

"So, what you've been doing after having dinner with your brother," you asked while surfing through the channels.

"I actually just got home." Sam told while sitting down his own couch, opening the tv.

"Woah, that was a really long dinner." You chuckled, you always threw some stupid jokes when you were nervous, and that was pretty much always when you were talking to a new person.

Sam laughed, he was pleased that you were feeling comfortable to threw some jokes at him, since your cup of coffee you didn't talk so much.


It was almost midnight when you were laying on your bed, and still talking with Sam on the phone. His voice was calm and really sexy and you could listen to him forever.

You enjoyed talking to him. Maybe it was because you couldn't see each other, it was much easier to talk on the phone than talking face to face. It was easier to you when you didn't saw how another person was watching you because you always felt that they were just examining you in a negative way.

Your eyes couldn't stay open anymore, and you knew you needed to get some sleep until you wanted to see him with dark black rings around your eyes next day.

"Hei Sam."

You got only a mumble as an answer. He sounded pretty tired too. He had also moved to lay on his bed, trying to keep himself awake, because he wanted to talk to you. You sounded a lot more self-confident on the phone, and he loved to hear that side of you.

"Maybe we could continue the conversation tomorrow at the park? I can't keep my eyes open anymore."

"Yeah, probably a good idea. So, two o'clock at the park?" Sam checked while rubbing his eyes.

"See you then. Good night Sam." You smiled at the phone.

"Good night [Y/N]." Sam smiled at you back, he heard from your voice that you were smiling on the other side and couldn't help it when your beautiful smiling face was slowly appearing to his retinas.

Helpless when she smiles [Sam Drake x plusSize!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now