Chapter 32

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"Guys, can we please sit for a while?" You said while you stopped and took a deep breath. You always hated to go shopping, and now, even more, when you couldn't find anything to wear since your pregnancy tummy was growing fast, thanks for your uterus and Sam's "amazing sperm" for making twins.

Annie started to look around of the mall, looking for free bench you could sit on. She noticed one bench next to the wall and Janet rushed to it so no-one else could take it.

Annie waited for you, you were nearly six months pregnant, but you had two little miracles growing inside you, so your baby bump was growing fast and because you had already little mass on you, your state of affairs was pretty tough. You wondered how you could manage to hold in there almost four more months.

You sat on the bench and leaned on the backseat.

"Shit and there's still almost half left." You said while smoothing your tummy. Janet grabbed her bag a water bottle and handed it to you.

"Didn't you say they told you twins comes little earlier than full 40 weeks?"

You grabbed the water bottle, twisted it open and took a long sip from it.

"Yeah. But there's still too long to wait." You chuckled at them.

You three sat there for a while, talking and wondering where to go next before you go somewhere to eat until two women were walking past you, stopping front of you and you raised your gaze as your eyes got wide open.

The brunette stared at you, looking your hand which was resting on your stomach, a huge question mark in her gaze before she left a mocking laugh.

"Dear god, Samuel knocked you up and left?" Your friends turned their gazes to see who was talking to you, while you felt how tears were already starting to burn your eyes.

"What did you say?" Janet asked as she couldn't believe what she just heard.

"Or maybe you tricked him to get yourself pregnant and that way keeping him to yourself?" Suzie, one of Sam's old fuck, from the club for couple month's back, stared you with a smirk on her face.

"What's your problem?" Annie defended, but you took her hand and squeezed it.

"Hey, let it go."

Suzie laughed as she moved her body to face you, you lowered your gaze on your feet, as Annie and Janet looked at Suzie with a gaze, that it would kill her right now if it was possible.

"What on earth he sees you anyway?" She continued and Annie stood up from the bench, ripping your hand off from her and stepped in front of Suzie. Annie was much shorter than Suzie but it didn't bother her, Suzie had amused gaze on her face, thinking that Annie had no change with her.

"You should mind of your own businesses." Annie stared deep into Suzie's eyes, while she looked her back.

"You let your friends defend you while you say nothing? You are so pathetic."

Next there was a slap, when Annie's palm hit Suzie on her left cheek. You and Janet wince on the bench, as you stared how Suzie slowly turned her face back to Annie, while a red mark of hand started to appear on her cheek.

Suzie raised her own hand, ready to hit back, but someone got a hold of her wrist, making her turn who it was, only to see it was Sam, flames, and hate in his eyes.

"What the hell you think you're doing?" His voice was deep and angry, he saw from further how Annie stepped up from the bench and soon how she slapped Suzie and he rushed to stop Suzie since he knows what she was capable of.

Suzie ripped her hand from Sam's hold, frowning and stepping little further.

"You're little bitch's friend just slapped me. I was gonna do the same to her."

"Maybe you just could leave and never talk to [Y/N] or her friends again." Sam stepped between you and Suzie as Suzie followed him with her gaze.

"You're really having a family with this chubby?" She asked while crossing her arms over her chest. Sam's blood was boiling. He knew what kind of crazy bitch Suzie was, how she got offended when he didn't want to have a relationship with her, and she had no right to talk about you that way.

"Don't you ever talk about her like that. Your ego really got offended by that I didn't want anything from you than just sex? You are lower than I imagined." Sam stared at Suzie with hate and disgust.

You peeked behind Sam, only to see how Suzie looked intently him with her brows furrowed. People around you had stopped and looked at your way, probably waiting if Sam's gonna hit her, and then there would be guards right away to take him with them.

Sam stepped even closer to Suzie and your heart skipped a beat when you were afraid what he was going to do, but he only leaned closer so only she could hear what he whispered.

"You better leave now, or I'm gonna inform about that little check forgery of yours to authorities."

Suzie's pupils widened when she heard what Sam said, and she knew he could do it, even she didn't know how he knew about it. Sam leaned back and waited her to react, as Suzie turned her way and left with her friend. People around you started to move again, as the four of you watched Suzie and her friend disappear into the crowd.

When there was no sign of them, Sam turned to you, a soft smile on his face. It was amazing how he could move his mood so quickly, but when it was about you, only what he could do was to smile and be a softy. Annie sat back on the bench and Sam kneeled in front of you, taking your hand and kissing your knuckles.

"You alright?" He left a wet kiss on your hand and you nodded. Sam placed his other hand on your stomach.
"What about these guys in here?"

You chuckled. "They are hungry."

Sam lifted an eyebrow. "They are or you are?"

You chuckled again. "Okay, I am."

"Are you finished or do you need to go somewhere yet?" Sam asked while he looked at Annie's and Janet's bags. He always wondered what was in shopping that women liked, and he was kinda happy that you weren't shopping person at all if you were he needed to work all the time so he could finance your shopping so you could get anything you want.

"We could go to couple stores before heading to lunch." Janet told while stepping up.

"[Y/N], you can stay here with Sam if you want."

You looked up and nodded while smiling. You had no intention to continue the shopping, you just wanted to eat something and then go home to take a nap. Annie also stood up and Sam took her place, while you two stayed on the bench while Annie and Janet started to walk to the next store.

Sam kissed your hair and rounded his hand around your shoulder.

"Did you find anything?" He asked and looked at that one bag what was resting between your legs. You leaned down and grabbed it and started to dig whatever was inside.

"Actually I did."

You took two little beige-colored baby bodysuits in your hands and showed them to Sam.

"Beige? Really?" Sam chuckled.

"Well we don't know which gender they are, and neutral color is always a sure choice."

"So you really don't want to know before they born huh?" He asked you, you had talked about that many times. Sam wanted to know the sex of the babies, but you didn't, you wanted it to be surprised.

"It's more fun that way." You smiled and looked at the bodysuits in your hand.

Sam placed his hand on your tummy again and leaned little closer.

"C'mon princess. Show mommy you are in there."

Soon there was a soft kick and Sam raised his gaze to you, smirk on his face and you rolled your eyes.

"You really think that's a sign?" You asked and gave him a quick kiss on his lips.

"What else could it be? She shows you she's there." Sam smoothed your tummy and was sure that there was growing his little princess. 

Helpless when she smiles [Sam Drake x plusSize!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now