Chapter 7

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He fucked up. He knew he had fucked up at that moment his lips touched yours. You had just accused him to only wanting you to get in bed with him, and now his lips were against yours. But he couldn't pull away, no. Your lips were like glue and he was stuck in them. The moment he tasted you he knew he wanted no-one else but you.

But you didn't push him away. For first you froze. You didn't expect him to kiss you. Part of you wanted to push him away, slap him on his face and told him to leave you alone, that this was that kind of action to make you think he just wanted to get you into bed. But as Sam has predicted, you didn't really think that he only wants to get a bed with you. Your mind poisoned you to make you think that, so you could stay behind your safe walls.

Instead, you felt how your walls started to broke around you when you felt his soft lips on yours, kissing you with kindness and warmth. The kiss was real and you felt it. You felt how your walls broke down and all new feelings washed over your body and soul. All those feelings you never thought you could have. They washed over you like a wave, and you felt like you were drowning.

His taste was like a drug to you, you only wanted more.

When he realized that you didn't push him away but you slowly answered his kiss he felt like he was flying above the clouds. He released your hand on his grip and placed his hand on your back and pushed you against him.

It felt like the kiss lasted forever, that the time had stopped around you two. That you two were not two, but just one person on this entire planet.

When he finally pulled away, he saw in your eyes a little joy in them, even the expression on your face was shocked. He smoothed your hair while dragging hair strap away from your face and smiled at you.

"I really like you [Y/N]. Give me a chance to prove it to you."

You swallowed.

"Why me?"

"I told you. You are a gorgeous woman. You are beautiful from the inside and outside. Your heart is kind. Why are you so hard on yourself?"

You felt how another tear rolled down on your cheek and Sam immediately wiped it away with his thumb. His touch felt like a feather on your skin and it sends shivers all over your body.

But you couldn't answer to him.

"Give me a chance [Y/N]." He whispered. You heard how his voice was trembling a little and you finally started to let yourself to believe that he might actually really like you. Even though your mind tried desperately to build up your walls back up. But you could still feel his lips against yours, his words howling inside your head telling that you should give him a change, so your walls stayed low. So you nodded to him as an answer.

He pulled you against his chest, kissing your head and rounded his hands around you. You carefully rounded your hands around him and laid your head on his chest while closing your eyes. You felt his heart pounding against your cheek and couldn't believe that you were in this situation.

You didn't want to be scared anymore, you were tired to run away. You wanted finally believe that you too deserved to be happy, that you were lovable.

Sam offered you to walk back to your apartment. It was weird to walk with him hand in hand. And it wasn't him, you had asked if it was okay to take his hand. And he was more than delighted to take your hand, especially when you had asked for it. You two talked that you'll take it slowly, step by step, in your pace. He told you he didn't want to push you. You had told him that you were scared, that you'll hurt your wings and disappoint but he promised to you he'll never hurt you.

When you were downstairs in your house you stepped on the stairs.

"Well, this is me." You turned, still holding his hand. Sam looked at you, your eyes were now on his level when you stood on the steps. You didn't know what to do, you haven't used to this kind of situation and you had no idea what to do or say.

"I'll be out of town for a couple of days. Maybe another date when I'm back?" He asked while smoothing the back of your hand with his thumb. You looked down where your hands were entwined and couldn't believe how good his touch felt.

"May I kiss you again?" He asked he wanted to make sure you were feeling comfortable. You nodded before you raised your gaze back to him.

Sam smiled, took a step closer, placed his hand behind your neck and pulled you closer to give you a small, gentle kiss on your lips. You felt how butterflies flew on your stomach, and how the warmth of his lips spread in every part of your body.

Sam pulled away but left his face just inches away from yours. He smoothed your hair and you couldn't look him into his eyes.

"You are beautiful." He whispered before he nuzzled his nose against yours. You grinned and examined air from your nose. You weren't used to that someone says something like that, that someone might think that you were beautiful.

You started to walk up the stairs, letting go of his hand. He stood still and watched how you walked up to the front door. When you were up, you turned to see him standing there with eyes sparkling, a huge smile on his face and you couldn't help but smile him back.

And when he saw that happy smile on your face, he knew there was no turning back. Your happy smile showed a slight second your confidence to the world and that made you even more beautiful in his eyes.

He knew that you will come drive him crazy, that you'll drive him wild. And he couldn't help that he was totally helpless when you smiled.

When you closed your front door behind you, you leaned your head against the door and closed your eyes. You were terrified, you were scared, but also you were so happy and you never thought you gonna feel that way ever again. All these new feelings inside of you were almost too much to handle. You didn't know what to do.

You grabbed your phone from your pocket, there were just three people who could help you. Your phone had vibrated many times, you knew it was because your friends were asking how your date was going. You opened the group chat and went through the messages.

First, they were talking about something else, but then there were questions to you how it has gone.

You [17.36pm] - Guys, I'm back at home.

Janet [17.37pm] - So, how it went?

You [17.37pm] - He kissed me.

Annie [17.39pm] - Okay, don't say anything. We come to your place tomorrow, we bring some wine, we order pizza and you tell us everything.

Helpless when she smiles [Sam Drake x plusSize!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now