Chapter 27

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"Okay miss [Y/L/N], you may lay in bed." nurse told you and you got yourself to the bed. You and Sam were at you first ultrasound, after talking with the doctor about your last periods, it looked like you were at the moment in eleven weeks pregnant.

You laid on the bed, positioned yourself comfortable to the mattress - as comfortable as you just could, and Sam came sat to the chair next to the bed. He took your hand into his, kissed your fingers, looking at your eyes with a small smile on his lips.

Nurse prepared the ultrasound machine. You took a deep breath, trying to calm yourself. You were worried if there was any complications because your little overweight. You had spend too much in the internet reading about pregnancy and risks when you are overweight. And besides that you were more worried because you drink just before you heard that you were pregnant, that what if the alcohol had affected to baby in somehow?

"How have you been feeling?" Nurse asked from you while she kept preparing you.

"Pretty good.. Lots of morning sickness lately, and every single pants feels like they are too small already." You said and sighed deeply. Like it wasn't hard enough to find well fitting pants and now it's going to be more harder.

Nurse told you it's normal and asked you to lift your shirt a little, and you raised it up with your free hand. Nurse asked if it's okay if she's gonna lower your pants a little, so she could go to your lower stomach too. You nodded as an approval, and nurse pulled your pants a little lower. You looked at Sam, who rested his chin on his hands, while looking at you with a soft smile. He couldn't stop smiling, he was so happy about being there with you, seeing your little baby for the first time.

"Okay, this might feel little cold." Nurse smiled to you when she hold the tube of gel in her hand, you nodded and nurse squeezed the cold gel in your stomach and you closed your eyes when you felt the cold against your skin. Sam rubbed your knuckles with his fingers, while he tried to calm your slightly shaking hand.

Soon the nurse was looking at your uterus from the monitor. You looked at Sam, who looked you back, small nervous - but happy smile on his lips. You looked how a single tear fell down on his cheek, and you reached with your hand to wipe it away.

"Is everything alright?" Sam whispered and he kissed your fingers again, without turning his eyes away from yours.

But the nurse stayed quiet. You turned your gaze to the nurse who was looking at the monitor really intensive, her eyebrows furrowed. Only one thing popped into your mind - that there was something seriously wrong. You felt how the pain in your chest started to grow, was there something wrong with the baby?

"I have to ask doctor's opinion on this, I'll be right back." She finally spoke and left the room, leaving you and Sam to the room, with the uncertainty growing inside of you two. You looked at Sam with worriness and fear filled your eyes, your heart beated hard in your chest, and Sam cupped your cheek, trying to calm you down, even though he was terrified himself, but he wanted to stay strong.

Soon the nurse came back with the doctor, and the doctor sat down and started to examine you. They talked quietly, looking the monitor, pointing the screen, while you and Sam were already lost hope that everything was alright. Doctor took his time, going through your stomach from side to side, until he stopped, rolled and pushed the stick to your skin.

"You are right. There's definitely two in here." Doctor said and turned his gaze to you two.

"What?" You lifted your head from the pillow and blinked for trying hold your tears as you were sure you just misheard him.

"Two?" Sam's voice was squeaky as his head snapped to doctor, and the doctor finally turned the monitor to you two and showed from the screen that there were actually two separate fertilized ovum's. Twins.

"The other one was hiding behind the first one, so nurse wanted me to check that she's seeing right." Doctor said while moving the stick so you could see both babies better.

You gasped and put your hand front of your mouth, while your eyes finally started to pour with tears. You were so relief, you were sure that there was something wrong, that maybe the baby had died or something else had happened, and now you saw how there was not just one, but two babies inside of you.

It was already scary enough to have a baby, to becoming a parent, and now they were telling you that you were going to have two? How you two manage to deal that? That was not something you were prepared.

But even it was scary as hell, now you finally realized that how much you were looking for to have Sam's baby, or in this case - babies.

"How is that possible?" You asked while shaking your head, you still couldn't believe that there was two baby growing inside of you. You had no twins in your family, and Sam probably had neither.

"Well, it's not common at the woman your age, with no earlier pregnancies or fertility treatments, but it still happens sometimes." Doctor said while smiling to you gently.

"I guess stars were at the right place with you."

You felt how Sam's hand was still squeezing yours and you turned to look at him. Sam looked at the monitor his eyes wide open, blank gaze in his eyes, and you were sure he's gonna freak out - or rush out of the room and leave for good.


Sam stared the monitor, he looked those two little fetuses what were growing inside of you. Two miracles - two babies. Two little human beings, and they were his. He couldn't believe it. He's becoming a dad, and not just once, but twice. It was more than his heart could ever ask for.

You looked at Sam, he was like he was in another planet, you were sure that now he's going to leave, two babies was just too much. You placed your hand on his cheek, he winced and finally turned to meet your gaze, and then his eyes started to pour tears. You looked his eyes, searching something. Sam kissed your hand and hided his cheek on your palm, wiping his tears in it.

"We're having two babies." He whispered, his voice being quiet while he looked at you with nothing else but happiness in his eyes.

"You're happy?" You asked while tears still rolled down your cheeks. If Sam was ready for this, if Sam was willing to stay by your side, you knew you two could do it together. Something on the universe was testing you two hard, and you two were ready to show it that you could handle anything - together.

"Of course I am." Sam got up and gently pushed his lips on yours and kissed you. You could taste his tears in his lips - those salty but happy tears.

"Are they alright?" You turned to look at the monitor again, and doctor looked at the babies a smile on his face, while the nurse smiled at you too.

"Yes, everything looks perfect, nothing seem's to be worried about. You want to hear their heartbeat?" Doctor asked from you and you two nodded. Soon there was deep, weird sound filling the air as you looked at the monitor, where your little miracles were floating in your tummy.

"Oh my god." You hid your face into your hand again, you still couldn't believe it. Sam was still holding your hand, kissing your head and whispering 'I love you', over and over again, while he looked the monitor where there were your fruits of love, becoming to be ready to came fulfill your lives, while the sound of their heartbeats filled the air around you, slowly filling your heart with nothing else but love.

Helpless when she smiles [Sam Drake x plusSize!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now