Chapter 14

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The five of you headed to the club. Violet and Christian had chosen to head home when you were walking to the club since Christian had drink too many beers and was too wasted to get inside.

Once you were inside, you walked to the counter and ordered drinks. Sam was a gentleman and paid yours and you gave him a quick kiss on his lips. You found an empty table in the corner where your group sat.

Sam wrapped his hand around you and pulled you against him. You smiled and took a sip of your drink. The club was full of people, there were people dancing on the dance floor and you moved your body on the beat. Sam looked how you moved next to him, admiring your confident, even though it was partly thanks to alcohol, but he still enjoyed watching you being like this.

You felt how Sam's eyes were on you, and you turned your face to him. Sam looked at you under his eyebrows and gave you a wink.

"Enjoying what you see?" You asked, leaning your head on his shoulder, looking up into his eyes.

"Oh you bet I will." Sam told you and leaned to kiss you.

"Well wait until this ass shake on the dance floor." You smirked at him and Sam felt how his cock started slowly to get hard. He can already see you shaking your body on the floor, he could feel you rocking your ass against him. He leaned to kiss you again, this time more eagerly, letting his tongue to enter your mouth to entwine with yours.

Soon you heard how one of your favorite songs started to play and you withdrew the kiss, asking girls to join you on the dance floor. Then you turned to Sam.

"You coming?"

"I'll going outside to smoke but I'll be right behind you."

You gave him a quick kiss before you left the table with your friends, while Tony stayed in the table to watch your drinks and keeping your places.

You headed to the dance floor, your hands up in the air, while you shake your head from side to side on the beat of the music.

You closed your eyes and let the music lead you. You enjoyed your life, letting everything around you fade away when you moved your body and sang from the bottom your heart.

In a moment you felt hands around your waist, and something pushing against your back. Your smile grew even bigger and you rocked your hips against the bulge on your back, while you bend your head back and opened your eyes, ready to kiss Sam on his lips.

But it wasn't Sam who was behind you. It was some random guy.

You spooked, stepped away from the stranger and turned to look at him with a shock.

"C'mon babe, don't stop." The guy told you and came closer, placing his hands back on your waist, and trying to pull you closer. You pushed his hands away and his behavior changed when you didn't let him near you. Janet and Annie were now standing behind you, telling the guy to fuck off.

"C'mon, I just wanna have fun." The guy tried to approach you again, but a hand on his shoulder made him stay in place.

"You're going to find your fun from somewhere else."

The stranger turned to see who was talking to him and when he saw Sam, his face paled when he saw Sam's rough appearance, and his muscles through his fit t-shirt he was wearing.

"Sorry, I didn't know she was with someone." The guy raised his hands as a surrender and left.

Annie and Janet asked if you were alright and you nodded to them, lowering your face to the floor as Sam walked to you.

"You alright baby?" He placed his fingers under your chin and raised your face to meet his. You shook your head.

"I - I'm sorry. I thought it was you." You told him.

Helpless when she smiles [Sam Drake x plusSize!Reader]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz