Chapter 3

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You [11.47am]

If I die, it's your fault.

Annie [11.47am]

You are not gonna die. Calm down.

You [11.48am]

I hate you guys

Janet [11.48am]

We love you too. Tell us how it went! Have fun!

You took a drag from your cigarette, normally you didn't smoke when you weren't drinking but you were so nervous you needed to calm your nerves somehow. You had stood for a while now behind the corner near the cafe where you were supposed to meet that mysterious man Sam, who you met two days ago at the bar. You almost call it off many times, but your friends told you not to do it.

You were so nervous. You didn't know even what to wear. You didn't exactly know if this were a date or just, coffee? So you choose to wear your favourite light blue tight jeans which felt really good on you, which was pretty rare, normally jeans felt to be too tight on your stomach, but this one what you found fit you perfectly and you used them always when you had something you need to look "like a person". You had just a regular t-shirt on you and a wine red open sweater.

You dragged your cig and looked at your phone to see the time. Almost twelve. You sighed and thump your cig under your shoe and turned the corner to head to the cafe. When you walked closer you saw a man with familiar ugly denim jacket standing front of it. He really did have that hideous jacket on your date? Date? Oh god, you just thought this as a date. You really wanted to turn around and run and just dump him.

But you just swallowed and gathered your courage, and continued your way, looking at that man standing in front of cafe back towards you. You took a deep breath before you reached him and stopped behind him.

"Umm. Sam?" You asked and he turned around, he had a cigarette hanging between his lips and it almost fell off when huge smile raised to his lips. So he took the cig out of his lips and greeted you.

"Hey [Y/N], glad to see you to show up and not to dump me."

Oh, this guy was a joker you thought. You chuckled a little and looked down at your feet. You were really insecure about yourself. You waited for him to smoke his cig so you could head inside. But he had already thrown his cig away.

"Shall we?" He asked and you raised your gaze and nodded.

You two headed inside and walked to the counter. There was a young woman behind it who greeted you two with a huge smile.

"Hey and welcome, can I have your order?"

Sam turned to look at you and you told that you just took a coffee, Sam turned to the woman and told you to have two coffees.

You started to search your wallet but Sam stopped you.

"Hey, I asked you here and it's my right to offer."

You looked at him and placed your wallet back into your bag.

When you had your coffees you headed to the table on the corner. You sat down and placed your bag on the floor next to you and sat down the chair. Sam sat opposite side of the table, he didn't take his hideous jacket off.

"So [Y/N], what do you do?"

You took a sip of your coffee and tilted your head.

"I'm unemployed right now. You?" You looked at him under your eyebrows and noticed that he had a tattoo on his neck. Four flying birds and you couldn't wonder what was the story behind those.

"I'm working with my good friend with these, businesses." He said while looking at your eyes. You wonder what those "businesses" were, but didn't ask anything. You were really uncomfortable and couldn't look back at him so you started to look around you.

You noticed two young women behind the counter, looking at your way, whispering something. You started to feel anxious, they probably were whispering how a man like him was drinking a coffee with a girl like you. So you lowered your gaze to your coffee and furrowed your eyebrows.

Sam noticed that you were really uncomfortable and your body was tensed. He couldn't figure out why. Were you just nervous? Was it because you two didn't know each other? He looked at your face and tried to learn them. He saw full of sadness in them, even though you tried to hide it. Has someone hurt you in the past?

"So what change your mind?" He asked and you just shrug your shoulders.

Sam asked you a couple of questions and you answered them and asked the same question from him. Slowly you started to feel better and your body relaxed a little. He was really nice, even he looked little rough, you could say immediately that he has a good heart. You started to think that maybe he really wanted to have coffee with you.

You especially loved when he talked about his niece and you kept the subject on that. You followed his expressions when he told about what he does with his niece.

Sam noticed how you relaxed and weren't so tensed anymore. You even smiled and laughed at his jokes. His heart melted when he saw your smile, even it wasn't full, but it was much more than that shy smile you gave him when you met two days ago.

He tried to joke as much as he could. He loved your smile. He watched intently when your lips raised up and parted a little, showing your white teeth behind them. He also noticed that little dimples showed on your cheeks when you smiled.

You actually had a great time with him, even though your mind screamed at you and your negative thoughts haunted you. You couldn't believe that this guy would be interested in you, there must be some other reason why he wanted to meet you. You tried to push all those thoughts away and enjoy yourself, but the situation was new to you and you couldn't change your years and years of hiding behind your walls.

After you finished your coffee, Sam offered you another one, time flew when you two talked and learned more about each other. When you were finishing your second cup of coffee, you noticed he was staring at you, how his hazel-brownish eyes had locked into yours. You felt how you cheeks started to feel warm and that they start to turn slightly pink.

You smiled a little and lowered your gaze down. Oh god, why you blushed? It was all new and weird to you. You barely knew this man and he made you blush. It was your first 'date' with him and you felt really good. He sounded sincere when he talked to you, his eyes were filled with warmth when he looked at you and his smile was real.

You couldn't believe any of it. You couldn't believe that this man could be interested you or find you attractive. So you tried your best to not to become too comfy with him. Oh god why you need to feel something when someone seems to be interested in you? You Weren't that desperate, weren't you?

Sam saw your little blushing and his heart skipped a beat when he saw that little happy smile on your face. And he was right, your happy smile brightened the whole world. But it wasn't enough for him, you little happy smile wasn't enough. He wanted to see how your eyes smiled with your lips. Even though you were smiling now, sadness still showed in your eyes. And he wanted to see how your eyes sparkled.

He was eager to see you again. He wanted to know you better. He wanted to made you feel good and keep you smiling, you were too beautiful to be sad. He thought that world needed your smile, it needed it to brighten it up.

And most of all, he wanted to be the reason behind your beautiful smile.

Helpless when she smiles [Sam Drake x plusSize!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now