Chapter 12

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———————-Ivy/Rose POV-————————

Sasha grabs my hand once we exit the café and drags me down the street giggling on the way due to my stumbling. I quickly regain my balance and blush a bit while softly laughing along with her. Suddenly she tugs me around a corner, into an alley and signals for me to duck down a bit to make us harder to see. I nod to her doing as she says and we sneak over to a barely noticeable door painted to look like the wall it was set in. Sasha swiftly opens the door and ushers me inside.

Once we enter, it only takes milliseconds for my eyes to adjust (thanks to my shifter and vampire genes). I don't know what I was expecting but this definitely was not it... I glance around me taking in the gigantic gym filled with supernaturals! I hear a faint laugh and am brought back to reality, looking back at Sasha. She is wearing the prettiest smile I had ever seen and seemed to be enjoying my amazement.

"So, what do ya think?" She asks

"I think you're beautiful!" I stupidly say  "I mean... I think this place is beautiful..!" I quickly spew out trying to cover up my fuck up

"Hmm?" She questions knowingly but luckily doesn't press further... yet... I can tell she will remember my slip up... "So, you like the place?"

"Ahem... Yeah this place is wonderful" I reply certain my face is red with my embarrassment.

"Oh don't be embarrassed, she's so fucking hot! Let's just ask her out already!" My wolf chirps

"No way! Are you crazy?? We literally just rejected Jake and we don't even know if she's into girls!!" I state shocked my wolf suggested such a thing.

"Uhm... Rose? Hello??" Sasha waves a hand in front of my face laughing.

I blush harder and apologize. "Sorry... my uh... my wolf decided to speak up..."

"Heheh. It's okay, my puma randomly speaks up too" she confesses. "In fact, she's been extra talkative recently."

"Really? That's so weird, my wolf has been really active lately too!"

"Haha anyway, this is a perfect place to go if you want to get away from human ears. Although it is mainly a gym, there is also a library and some free rooms people can use here. C'mon let's go to one right now"

Sasha leads me to another door knocks, doesn't get a response and walks in, me right behind. She closes then locks the door when we hear:

"Oh! I guess there was a knock at the door!" A unfamiliar voice rings out.

"Oh my! So sorry, here we can go to a different room you were here first." Sasha says while reaching for the lock again.

"No it's fine! Oh. My. Gosh! Are you two like, together?!" The girl shrieks exitedly. "Cus you two definitely should be! Eeekkkk! Anyway, my name is Reiya! It's soooooo nice to meet you!" She squeals, some cat ears and a tail appearing.

I must not have done well at hiding my shock and surprise because Reiya giggles and says "Oh! I'm a Meifwa or a Cat-Person. My ears and tail sometimes pop in randomly hehehe!"

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