Chapter 97

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—————————Ivy's POV——————————

I roll my eyes as Reiya shoves me into a spare bedroom to change. I'm about tell her off for shoving me on my fucking wedding day! But my eyes land on my dress.

"Woww... I forgot how talented Mika is... This is so pretty!" I whisper.

*Someone Hits The Door*

"Hurry up! I can't get you all ready if you aren't dressed!"

"Alright, alright, gimmie a minute!" I reply.

I sigh and undress to my undergarments before taking the dress out of the protective bag. Before I can talk myself out of putting my dress on because it's too pretty, Reiya decides to come in.

"Jeez! You haven't even unzipped it yet?!" Reiya walks over after closing the door and easily takes the dress from my hands.

She unzips my dress and holds it for me to step into. She then zips it up and gently shoves me into a chair before applying my wedding makeup.

"Hey! Be careful Reiya! You almost jabbed me in the eye!"

She huffs a fake laugh "well I wouldn't almost stab you if you sat still! Relax! You should be enjoying today!"

"I can't help it! It's not at all like I'm getting fucking married today! How the fuck do expect me to relax?!"

"Calm down bridezilla..." she mutters under her breath.

"Hey! I heard that!"

Reiya grabs me by my chin holding me still because I keep moving too much and dramatically rolls her eyes.

"Cool. You have ears, congrats!"

"Wow... You are really impatient right now aren't you! What happened?"

She blows out a frustrated breath, "Just had to see the Asshole again because I needed to grab the dresses from my old clan..."

"Wait... wasn't Mika supposed to grab them..? And, wait a minute... where is Mika anyway..?" I realize that I haven't heard or seen her at all since last night...

"She was but late last night she had her baby. It's a girl and they're both doing well as far as I know! Eek! I get to see my best friends get married and am now an official aunt! Hehehe!"

"Oh..." slowly my mind catches up, "Well? What did she name her daughter? How big is she? Was she born with hair?"

"Hahahaha, I don't know. I'll try to get her to stop by tonight during the celebration. But she might just want to sneak off to bed... and she might end up staying at the pack house..." she shrugs, "oh well... I'll do my best!"

I smile and Reiya steps back, taking a look at her work and nods satisfied. Before I can thank her she's left the room and Daisy's come in to do my hair.

"Damn Daisy... you look like a train ran you over... How much did we all end up drinking..? I can only imagine how bad I looked before Reiya worked her makeup magic..."

Daisy gives me a harsh look telling me not to comment on it further so just shrug, "Anyway... How did Sasha and the guys know the state we were in..?"

Daisy quirks her eyebrow and hands me her phone, it's open to view Reiya's Pinstagram posts.

I stare at the screen blankly and my mouth makes an 'o' before i nod slowly and hand back her phone.

"Well hey! At least we're looking hawt! Ahaha!"

Daisy looks at me unimpressed but can't stop herself from chuckling at my remark.

"Sit still now. I've gotta do your hair!"

"Fine..." I sit back down on the chair I had been in earlier, "Go ahead."

"Oh hush, enough of your attitude. We've got to make you pretty..."


", Prettier..?"

I roll my eyes and she gets to work. Not too long later she's just adding the final touches and scurrying out of the room to put on her bridesmaid dress.

*Knock knock*

"Come in?" I call out turning to face the door and my dad opens it a crack.

"You look lovely Ivy... You're mom would be so happy for you and proud. Are you ready to see your little ring bearer and flower girls?"

I nod, "Yea! Duh! Where are the little munchkins?"

Just as I finish speaking my little sisters burst in and my father leaves for a second.

"Rose! You look like a princess!"

"Rosie... am I a flower girl..?"

I chuckle, "Both of you look like princesses too! And yes you are hon. Is that okay with you..?"

She nods excitedly and they both twirl, mesmerized by their dresses. My dad then comes back in carrying Lyath and Mia.

Immediately Lyath surprises me by reaching for me, and accidentally, using his magic pushes me closer to him. "Hi my little man!"

Lyath scrunches his face then screams, "Moma!"

"And how are you little trouble maker?" I tickle Mia, causing her to giggle.

"Dad? Is Rosie going to come home soon..?"

I turn to my sisters, "I'll definitely come and visit you girls and if dad lets you, maybe someday you can come stay with me?"


"Yes really." I look back at my dad and hug him, awkwardly because he is still holding Lyath and Mia...

As I step back, I take Lyath from him and Mia looks at him, "me go mama?"

He laughs and tells me he'll be back soon then leaves to find Reiya.

"So all you munchkins... what do think? Is everything pretty?" They all nod except Lyath... he instead magically lifts something that luckily isn't breakable and tosses it across the room. And. Claps. Happily.

"You really are just full of mischief aren't you Ly?"

"Yep!" He cheerily replies.

*knock knock*

"Everyone is ready now, are you ready to meet Sasha at the alter?" My dad walks in holding his arm out for me to take.

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be dad. I find it crazy though... I had told myself that I would wait until I was a lot older before getting married. Mainly because I always found it strange that although supernaturals are graced with longer lives, majority of them find a partner really early. But yet here I am, not even 17 and about to marry my second chance..."

He pats my hand, "Have you ever asked why supernaturals do that?"

I shake my head.

"Well, think about it this way, if at 16, for the most part, you find someone who is supposed to be your perfect match, why wait?"

I look in his eyes, "True... Now here's a bigger question, are you ready to hand me off?"

My Hybrid TroublesΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα