Chapter 14

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———————-Ivy/Rose POV-———————
Reiya's ears and tail disappear as my initial shock fades. Sasha recovers from the surprise a bit faster than me and laughs.

"Haha, No we're not dating." Sasha states with a bit of sadness..?

Am I imagining this? I must be...

"Unless, of course Rose... wouldn't mind letting me take her out on a date" Sasha continues with a small wink I almost think I imagined but... "So... what do you say Rose?"

"Oh um y-yea! S-ure... I-If you really mean it... hehehe..." I reply with a very obvious blush crawling up my face. "This isn't some kind of sick joke, right?" I ask a bit ashamed of myself not thinking about it more.

"Wait? You think I might be joking..?" Sasha responds looking a bit hurt.

I look at my feet and frown "The last time I trusted someone they decided I wasn't worthy of any of their trust or love."

"Really..?! Who dared to do such a thing to you?! You are worth all the love and trust one has to give! Who was this asshole? I can beat them up for you." Sasha protectively answers

"N-no, you don't need to beat an-yone up..." I say then whisper to myself "She would really do that for me?! She barely knows me though" I blush with my spoken thoughts.

"Of fucking course I would! You are absolutely amazing and although I don't know much about you... I can tell you are worth everything in the world." I think Sasha blushes a bit as she  tells me this and I can't help but to glance up from my terribly hidden blush and we lock eyes.

What feels like a wonderful eternity later, although it definitely wasn't even close to lasting a minute, an unfamiliar feeling blossoms in my very being. One thought crosses my mind and one thought only: This is my second chance, Sasha was picked by the moon goddess (and blood god) to be my better match.

I glance past Sasha to see Reiya... silently shrieking? And clapping (silently) AND jumping on the spot?! Wtf??? Does she seriously want us together that much? Like damn!

Still distracted by Reiya's surprisingly silent joy party, I don't notice Sasha is centimetres from my face until she quietly says "I'm gonna kiss you unless you don't want me to" the last part in a teasing tone.

Instead of being normal and replying, my eyes go wide for a second then Rose takes control and before I could gain back control she makes us lean in the rest of the distance. Just as our lips meet Sasha's I gained back control only to become so wrapped up in how the kiss made me feel. It was like fireworks but also like being hugged after a hard day, It was crazy but I can't really process it until Sasha slightly pulls away. With a gleam in her eye she whispers "If I had know that was how you'd respond I would've done it a lot sooner" she then pulls back all the way.

I open my mouth to speak but no words come out so I'm just standing there wide eyed and mouth closing and opening silently. I soon process what just happened a fiery blush rises on my cheeks, I'm sure I am redder than a fire truck right now.

Sasha turns slightly to face Reiya and a look of confusion climbs her face. I too look towards where I last saw Reiya to notice her gone..? We then hear a slight groan coming from the ground and adjust out gaze to notice Reiya on the floor just coming back to her senses

"EEEKKKKKK!!!" DOES THAT MEAN YOU ARE GONNA DATE NOW?? PLEASE SAY IT DOES! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE?!!!" Reiya excitedly rushes out while actually doing a little happy dance!

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