Chapter 1

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Ughhhhhhhhh! My step mother just decided a beating is more important than first period and my father already left for work! Welp at least I will be able to heal myself before I finally get to go to school.

My step mother is right outside of my room and she's locked me in. SHIT! She just unlocked it! Where can I hide?!

My bathroom?


My closet?


The shower curtain will have to work... I should be hard to find. She never searches here.


"Rose!" She sings "come out, come out, wherever you are!" She started to search my closet, then under my desk and under my bathroom sink, so she is now going to look in my bath/shower.

Please! Don't! See! Me! I think to myself.

"Haha!" She exclaims "found you!"

SHIT! I really thought she would give up. She grabs me by my hair and YANKS! I fall off the edge of the tub ledge and definitely bruised my hip. Next she drags me out of my bathroom, through the hallway, down the stairs to the main floor, down more stairs, (all by my hair!) and into her secret torture room.

"Well, what tool should we use today? Hmm?" She questions to herself. "Ah! I know! Your favourite, the silver- lined whip!"

Fuck! She really doesn't know that I'm part Werewolf (well she-wolf).

I start whimpering while trying to get my hair out of her grasp.

"Ha! Maybe I should tie you to the chair already?
NAH!" She states

"Please! Just let me go I will stay out later tonight and for the rest if the week! I will be out of your way after Saturday!" (Saturday is my birthday) I beg. Damn. I hate begging.

"Aww. You'd do that for me?" She asks

" Yes I would! So please! Let me go." I respond

"Too bad! I was waiting all of last night to teach you your place! So, nope! Not gonna let ya go!" She teases


Finally! She stopped! She had to go somewhere. Thank the Moon and Blood Goddesses! I can finally heal myself!
"Heal wounds" I whisper while moving my hand over my back.

"Ahh, much better" I sigh.  welp. Time for school! Better grab a new shirt and run as fast as i can (without my super speed).

"Phew! I made it before lunch!" Geez, she took her time this morning!


Alright school is over! But, what is that great smell?!

Oh! FUCK! I know what the smell is! It's the scent coming from my mate! But, I already know my mate...

Uhhhh! I have two possible mates. That means that after I turn sixteen I will have to choose one and let them mark me. This sucks! I had already imagined my future with my first potential mate! Then again he did disappear right before I turned five...

BUT! He promised me that he would be back on my sixteenth birthday! So, I guess I should start to mask my scent.

BEFORE my second potential mate picks up on it...

Damn, he already did...

And he's coming my way...


Once again I apologize for any grammatical and spelling errors.

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