Chapter 72

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—————————Ivy's POV—————————

I sigh, gosh these babies can be a handful! I have tried everything to get Mia to calm down and Sasha has tried everything to calm Lyath down!

"Sasha, let's trade. Maybe they'll be happier with a different person holding them..?"

"I doubt it but lets give it a try Vee." I half smile at her and we trade babies.

Surprisingly, Lyath does calm down but Mia doesn't. I shrug then go find Mia's baba, (her bottle) hoping she's just hungry. When I'm bringing it back Mia reaches out for it. Smiling I hand it to Sasha who lets Mia hold the bottle. Thinking that she was done having a fit we both sit down on a bar stool.

Obviously, we were wrong because seconds later Mia has thrown her baba to the the ground (luckily it was a hard plastic so it didn't break). Groaning I hop off the stool and crouch to grab it. Lyath seems to think it's funny and uses his magic to make the bottle roll away.

"Lyath, you are so cheeky! Why must you do this to me, huh?" The grin he gives me breaks my composure and I start laughing.

Lyath claps and laughs too then starts bouncing excitedly. "Mmma!"

"Aww... Aren't you the cutest!" Sasha coos to Lyath as I continue to chase around the bottle after setting him down.

Finally I manage to pick up the bottle and Lyath make the most adorable pouty face until I lift him up too. I look at Sasha who seems to have figured out why Mia was fussing. I'm about to ask when I notice Mia gnawing on her finger. Guess that she's starting to teeth... yikes...

Seeing how close together Mia and Lyath were born, he's probably starting to teeth as well which will be painful... He already has fangs! More teeth are just going to add to his jaw of razor sharp digits. Damn!

"Ouch, that looks like it might hurt a bit..."

"Not as bad as it could if it was our little man." I nod agreeing.

"Probably means we should go out to buy some teething toys for them. Two teething hybrids are difficult on their own, add moving into that and almost every situation becomes a nightmare..."

Sasha nods and I go into Reiya's room to find Mia's special hoodie. Lyath tries to be helpful but ends up making a big mess instead. Eventually we locate it and bring it out to Sasha, who's waiting out front with the double baby stroller. She hands me Mia and scoops Lyath from my arms.

It takes a little bit of work but I manage to get Mia's sweatshirt on and strap her into the stroller beside Lyath.


I'm about to say 'yea' but then realize I need to grab my wallet, "Oh! Uh, almost. It might help to have money to buy the teethers"

Sasha laughs, shaking her head and I rush back inside for my small purse. Grabbing it and a few soft baby snacks I run out to Sasha. Once we've double checked the stroller to make sure it still had changes of clothes and diapers for the babies, we set out.

(A few blocks later)

"Here! This place looks like it should have some, right?"

I laugh and look at the store, "Sash, a convenience store isn't going to have teething toys."

"Oh... Right. I don't know where we're going if I'm honest haha"

"That's okay," I peck her cheek, "we should be able to find a toy store in the next block."

She nods slowly at first, then gains confidence in my answer and we begin walking again.

(One block later)

"Here we are!" I gesture at the store we've stopped at, "There should be good teething toys here..."

"Okay, what do they look like?"

I take a second to remember what my younger half-sisters had when they were teething. "Well, if memory serves me right they are a squishy sort of plastic with different textures on the outside... I believe that a few of them have a liquid inside and some are meant to be frozen..."

"...How do yo— oh, wait, I forgot that you have younger 'siblings'..." I can tell that Sasha remembers that they're the step bitches kids and isn't too happy being reminded of the bitch.

"Hey," I'm talking softly and leaning into her, "I'm okay and right here... She can't and won't ever hurt me or anyone ever again."

Sasha takes a few breaths then closes her eyes and nods before we walk into the store.


I look up and notice a bell that lets the shop workers know there are customers. Pecking Sasha's cheek again I lead and help manoeuvre the stroller around the shelves.

"Excuse me, miss?"

I turn to the person who spoke, "Yes?"

"If you would like, I can bring the stroller to the door and you can just carry the babies..?" I know that the employee is just trying to be kind while also trying not to worry about stuff possibly getting knocked down.

"Oh, thank you! That would be really helpful." I  unbuckle Mia and Lyath.

Sasha squeezes around the stroller and picks Lyath up, leaving me to carry Mia. I lift her and the employee smiles thankfully, then manoeuvres the now empty stroller to the door. Me and Sasha try not to be completely untrusting but can't help but to sneak glances at the stroller every few seconds. Once it's been parked and it's wheels are locked we un-tense.

"Alrighty... Let's find those teethers." Sasha smiles at my mock excitement and we start browsing the shelves.

Eventually we find the baby section then make our way to the teething toys. I look at a few but then chance upon a few animal shaped teething toys. With a weird excitement I scan through what animals are in stock and grab four.

"What did you find Vee..?"

I hold out the four shapes and smile, "I found the perfect ones!"

"Yeah? Why are those,"she points to them, "perfect?"

"Well... this one's a puma, this one's a cat, then this one's a wolf... and there's even a bat!" I know I have an almost crazed expression on my face but still Sasha laughs and nods.

"They are pretty perfect, only one problem... whose are whose?"

"Oh! Well, although Lyath isn't a puma shifter, I thought he could have the puma and wolf. Then Mia would get the cat and bat! So it'll kinda match us as well as Reiya and Oak!"

Lyath and Mia clap happily then reach for the toys, picking up on my random excitement. Sasha smiles at me then starts walking to the cashier. I put the four toys on the counter and the employee scans the tags.

"Alright! So today we have a secret sale and you found some of the few items that are a part of it! Since these are on sale... instead of costing $10.00 total, they cost $5.00!"

"Huh, thats lucky..." I un zip my purse and grab my wallet.

"Yup! How will you be paying?"

I grab a $5.oo bill and hand it to her.

"Okay..! You're good to go! Make sure that you clean those off with non-toxic soap thoroughly before letting your kids have them!" I smile and nod a bit overwhelmed by the cashier girl's enthusiasm.

Sasha somehow contains her laughter and we thank the employee from earlier before strapping the babies in. I blow out a breath once we're outside.

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