Chapter 88

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As me and Sasha approach the café, I have to stop to compose myself. I can't believe what the step-bitch had done to her own flesh and blood! Guess there's nothing I could do to change it...

Sasha squeezes my hand and whispers to me, "Deep breaths Vee... Deep breaths..."

I nod and inhale deeply in an attempt to calm down then we take the last few steps to the Café. I don't know what I was expecting but, only a few meters from the door I see a very pregnant woman with blonde hair and bright blue eyes. After glancing around again I am led to believe she is Mika.

She must have been told what Sasha and I look like because she slowly waddles her way over to us, "...Hi... I'm, uh... I'm Reiya's sister, Mika..."

"Hello, Mika. I'm Sasha, this is Ivy. We're the brides... Am I right to assume that we're the only ones to have gotten here on time, beside you..?"

"Correct." She then mumbles, "Even though Reiya promised to be here early..."

I give her a smirk, "The only time she's ever late is when she's getting down..." I laugh once Mika understands.

"No way... She wouldn't... Would she..?" Mika looks semi-horrified.

Sasha jumps in, "Yea, she would..."

Mika's eyes widen and then the door jingles, signalling a new customer.

Reiya rushes over out of breath and looking flustered, "Oh! Hi! Sorry I'm late... I... Uh... I just got caught up... with... something... heh heh heh..."

Sasha and I share a knowing look and then raise our eyebrows suggestively at her. "Rrrrighttt... something..." I quietly add, "more like someone..."

Reiya suddenly takes out a wooden baking spoon and holds it menacingly, "Want to repeat that last bit, slightly louder, Ivy..?"

"Nope! I'm fine!"

Mika then steps in between us and grabs the spoon, "Rei... Don't be mad that she called out your actual reason, it's not like your attire really hides it anyway..."

Reiya glares and pouts then wrenches the spoon back and puts it back wherever she got it from before sending a response towards me, "At least I'm not going at it like bunnies..."

"Ahahahahahahahahahaha! Bunnies? You're saying that Sasha and I fuck a lot..? Pffft! The only reason you can't be called punctual is because you always get distracted. Anyway... at least you made it haha"

"Will you two be more mature?! And quiet?!" Mika exclaims before shrinking away blushing from all the attention that shifted to her.

(One hour passes)

"So, you have everything you need..?" I ask Mika as we all stand up to leave.

Mika nods and gives a shy smile before turning around and waddling out to the street.

————————-Silas's POV-————————

I can't believe I forgot about meeting ip with everyone to meet  Reiya's sister! Fuck! Hopefully I'm not too late...


"Oh, Shit! I'm soooo sorry Miss..." I loose my train of thought as my eyes meet the bright blue ones of the women I bumped into. "Uh, have we, uh, haven't we met before..?"

Her eyes go wide and her breath catches before she blinks rapidly while averting her gaze. "Uh-uhm...Possibly..? M-maybe..?"

She starts to rush off, slightly waddling due to her obvious pregnancy. I notice some rolls of fabric on the sidewalk and hurriedly pick them up, "Miss! You, uh, you forgot some stuff!"

The woman turns back to me and hides her face, "...r-right... um, th-thanks."

"No problem... Are you okay though? I bumped into you pretty rough... Also, what's your name by the way? It would be nice to have a name to go with your beauty."

"I-I'm f-fine heh heh... M-my name, is uhm... My name is Mika..."

Like a flashing neon sign, I remember that Reiya's sister's name is Mika and that she's a clothing designer. It all clicks as I also take a quick scan of the buildings around us. "Y-you're, you're Reiya's sister... Aren't you..?"

"Y-yeah... uh... How do you know who I am..?"

"Oh, I'm Silas. One of Reiya's friends..?" I then mumble,"at least I think she considers me one..."

*Mika giggles* "What, haha! You don't even know for sure if you're my sisters friend?"

My cheeks flush slightly and I awkwardly rub the back of my neck,"Well, I don't exactly think it's normal to ask someone if they consider you as a friend..."

Mika shrugs then quickly gathers her rolls of fabric and waddles off with a faint blush. Only after she gets a good distance away, I internally curse at myself for not asking more and getting to know her.

How could I let my fucking mate walk away without any attempt at bringing up our connection?! This is the second flipping time I've let her get away! Jeez. What if I don't get another shot at telling her?

————————Mika's POV————————

Why was it a bit difficult to look away from him?, goodness his smell just ugh! So much comfort.. but also his eyes of embarrassed concern... its.. cute..

Enough of that i need to head home before he.. realizes im not home.

...Speak of the devil and they shall appear...

"Where have you been?! You dared to leave without my permission!? Did you really think I'd let you whore around? Because I won't! You and your body are mine so don't try and get away from me..."

I shrink away practically hoping the ground will open up and swallow me. Where is my sisters confidence when I need it? I hate how he acts like I'm some sort of possession... and mainly it makes me hella uncomfortable how he is with me at all..

"N-no-" he cuts me off and i gave a soft whimper of fear.

"So I'm right huh? You have just been whoring around! You disgusting slut, you're lucky that I put up with you! If it weren't for me you'd have been on the streets long ago..."

At this point I'm frantically shaking my head, denying what he's accusing me of. Does he actually think I would 'buy fabric' just to sleep with some idiots? That's gross and the thought of it makes me sick. He never got the time to understand me he would know im actually a amazing loyal wife... But i want out...

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