Chapter 96

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I walk out of my old room and decide to find Oak before I leave to pick up the dresses. I easily find him in his office with a contemplative expression on his face.

"Oak..? What's on your mind?"

"Oh... You're already done baking..? I had meant to come down to see you but when I came and checked my office, I got distracted... I leave my office unlocked once and someone decides to snoop!"

I can tell that he's probably been here for a long time and he's been scheming to try to find who came in here. "Oak? I'm going to go grab the dresses for Ivy and Sasha," then I mumble, "from my old clan," I resume speaking normally, "would you like to come? I can clearly see that you need to get your mind off this for a little..."

"Hm..? Wha..? Oh! Wait, wasn't Mika supposed to be grabbing their dresses?"

"Yeah, but last night she had her baby so she's currently at the hospital waiting for the all clear to leave. So, in order to make sure the brides are ready in time, I'm going to grab the dresses... Now, are you coming or..?"

"Oh, uhm, okay..? Yea, I'll come!"

He still looks extremely unfocused but I walk with him down the stairs and out the door. "I don't actually remember where the clan is exactly so um, are you aware of any large groups of people who look a tiny bit like me and Mika?"

Nodding, he leads the way. As we get farther away from the Coven and the main town, I start to recognize my surroundings.

"Okay! I know the way now! Come, we should probably go around to the side or back before we're within view... I don't feel like being shot with a dart or worse and I really don't want to be spotted by the asshole..."

Oak turns to me, "The asshole? If he comes anywhere near you, he's as good as dead."

"I know but still, I would prefer to not be wanted for another murdering of a clan leader..."

"Wait... So the bounty from a while ago was accurate?! You have killed a clan leader?!"

"No duh, how else did you think I escaped..?"

Suddenly I notice that forest around us has become eerily quiet...

"Well, well, well..." a familiar voice calls out, "if it isn't my long lost sister..." *soft chuckle*

"Flare?!" I whip around to face the voice, "How are you?! I am soooo sorry for not coming back for everyone..."

She quirks an eyebrow and gains a mischievous sparkle in her eyes, "Now who's this hunk?"

"...Um... My name's Oak..? I'm—"

"He's mine Flare, it turns out those 'fairy tales' about mates and stuff is true! But seriously, you try anything and I will make you regret even looking at him..." I've gotten in between Oak and Flare, preventing her from getting closer to him.

"Reiya..." she pouts dramatically, "you know me! I would never do anything like that..!"

I give her an unimpressed stare, "right, and I fly on rainbows."

"Uh... Aren't we kind of in restricted time? We can only lallygag so long before we become the cause of a delayed wedding..." Oak taps my shoulder and begins to walk towards the clan houses.

"What..?" Flare questions and follows behind me and Oak, slightly confused.

"Nothing Flare, just on a tight schedule..."

"Riiiiigghhttt..." she walks right past me and when Oak looks back she begins to exaggerate her movements.

I huff out a breath then speed up and shove her away from him. "Oak, please don't let her act like that. She's trying to catch your attention."

Once I get to his side he whispers, "Reiya, you should know by now that I'm not going to go hook up with someone. I'm here with you not anyone else so don't worry!"

"Okay... now where would Mika hide those wedding dresses..." I glance back at Flare, who just shrugs and walks off. "I guess we'll search her old secret spots and possibly find a hint or something..."

We begin searching the main Clan house and surprisingly, we're able to catch Mika's stale scent which leads us right to the dresses!

"That... was a lot easier than expected..." I confess to Oak.

*Someone clears their throat*

The colour drains from my face as I turn to see who just walked into the room.

"Wow! I didn't think you'd come back so easily! Well I hope you know that you're now going to the cells... Y'know? Since you killed father a few years ago, then became a runaway bride... The Clan probably won't be too happy you're back." Asshole roughly grabs my arm and yanks me away from Oak.

I can't even register how tightly he grabbed me before Oak's vampire side comes out and takes asshole to the ground. "Like I said earlier, he's as good as dead if he gets close to you..."

"Well thank you. Now let's get the fuck out of here before Clan members see me standing near his unconscious body..." We carefully lift the wedding dresses and somehow manage not to wrinkle them as we run away from Clan territory.

(At The Coven House)

"Ugh, how much do you want to bet that Ivy's still sleeping even though it's late afternoon?"

I turn to Jasmine, "I'll bet you $10 that she'll show up freshly showered but a frantic, nervous wreck at 4:30."

"Deal, if she's not showered but shows up you only get $5 same if she shows up before 4:30."

I nod and we shake on it. Low and behold, just as the clock changes to 4:30, Ivy rushes in jittery but fresh out of the shower.

"Pay up." I hold my hand out to Jasmine with a smirk. She rolls her eyes then hands me the $10 bill.

*Ivy scoffs*

"You seriously bet on when and how I'd show up?Really? Of all the days you could've been betting on me, you chose today?!"

"Why not?" I shrug and usher her into a spare room to change.

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