Chapter 16

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———————-Ivy/Rose POV-———————
I take a few steps back without taking my eyes of of Sasha. I can barely believe what me and Rose just did! We fucking kissed her! I mean like we decided to kiss her again after she had initiated the first one!!! OMG... I just realized, that was my first kiss!!!! Woah...

I was always lead to believe that my first kiss and first everything would be with Jake. If I'm honest, I think he still expected me to give him my virginity... Which is a bit worrisome because he has changed so much from when we were kids. I'm not even sure he would have the decency to respect it if I were to tell him no. Especially since I rejected him... He's definitely going to want me to hurt. Oh well *mental shrug*.

"So your name isn't Rose..?" Sasha questions once she realizes I'm not absorbed in my thoughts anymore.

"Yea... Sorry about not being totally honest earlier, I had just been going by my wolf's name for most of my life so when I fully gained the connection with her I had to switch back to my birth name." I explain "Part of the reason I went by my wolf's name was because my mother was a she-wolf so it made me feel closer to her..." I continue while becoming slightly quieter"

"What do you mean by 'closer to her'..? Didn't you just leave your birth home..?"

"Well, my mother actually passed away when I was pretty young. She uh- she couldn't handle the thought of having to live through a third child dying at age 16. Due to my late siblings and myself being three way hybrids, our chances of surviving our sixteenth birthday are really slim..." I whisper this all willing myself not to cry, not now... I have gone through too much to give in now.

"Oh... I'm sorry to hear that... Can I ask what type of hybrid you are? It may sound really forward of me but, I want to learn everything I can about you and I want to be able to understand you as well as your experiences" Sasha says this softly and had taken a few steps closer to me, still leaving a small gap.

I nod my head and decide that I don't care how pathetic I seem. I inch closer to Sasha, unconsciously, and slowly begin retelling my childhood... or at least what I remembered.

(Time skip to retelling the past week)

"So that was all manageable until about a month ago... Since I had known my mate earlier and he was an Alpha to be, he had to go into training early and be separated from me. He came back to pack territory on my 16th birthday as planned, what definitely wasn't planned was me having a second mate. The other mate was meant for my vampire side I guess but he was a lord to be, which means both of them would be extremely territorial and over protective of me. Therefore, the lord and alpha at the time had decided that their sons would literally fight until one of them successfully placed a claim on me. Which I sure as hell wasn't going to let happen easily. They were back and forth on who had the upper hand through it and the mate I had originally met ended up getting a few seconds between the second ones attacks and caught me off guard..." I slide the collar of my shirt down my shoulder a bit to reveal the almost faded mark.

"Me and him, who's name is Jake, went into the forest that was behind my house and surprisingly didn't complete the bond right then and there which I was glad about. However looking back, I should have known something wasn't right when he didn't even suggest it... Anyway so during the week I was in the Alpha quarters in the pack house, Jake was extremely irritable and refused any of my offered help. I was trying to help him because we were expected to take over a week and a half after I was marked. Then I guess it was three days ago, he full on lunged with no regret at me. He knew that I had been abused during the years he was training and didn't even seem to care! Actually, he enjoyed the fear that flashed through my eyes and told me that I should be afraid of him! That's when I had enough and began packing my stuff. He didn't even notice I had been packing... Two days ago I marched right into his office to find him cheating on me, which was honestly perfect because I had gone in to reject him anyway. I rejected him then told my best friend and father what happened and that I was leaving. After that I just hopped on a bus caught sight of you then today I actually met you." I finish and notice I was practically standing on Sasha's feet and I was also bawling... when did that happen..?

"Ohh, Ivy... It's okay... I know karma will hurt him more than you were hurt. I just know it" Sasha comforts then she wraps her arms around me and walks us over a little bit to sit us down. She pulls me impossibly closer and lets me curl up into a ball on her lap and just cry. I didn't know I needed this as much as I do...

(Half an hour later)

*gasp* "Oh my goddess... I am so sorry I got snot and tears all over you... I-I didn't mean to... I-I can clean your clothes for you! J-just uhm... give me them ne-xt time we s-see each other and..." I frantically rush out worried about how Sasha will react, the step-bitch and her torture in the fore-front of my mind, I start nervously shaking.

Sasha looks a bit sad but completely understanding. Quietly she starts stroking my hair murmuring to me how I was safe and that she would never hurt me and would never let anyone else hurt me if they tried.

About a minute later I fully calm down and look away from Sasha embarrassed, still on her lap. Remembering I am on her lap I slowly start to get up but she stops me "Hey, it's okay. I don't mind, in fact I kinda like it..." Sasha clarified, pulling me back onto her lap fully.

"O-okay" I reply with an appreciative smile and relax back into her.

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