Chapter 33

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My vampire side is on edge and I am no longer respecting the Lord's authority as I am staring straight into his eyes. "I am not just 'mated' I am engaged! And the act only mentions a two-part hybrid, not a three-part hybrid. Therefore, I am excluded from the enforcement of 'The Last Act Of A Lord'. I am finished with being told what I have to do because of who I'm mated to or who I'm expected to be!" I storm out of the Coven house, Sasha close behind with an equally fuming expression painted on her face.

We literally are running fuelled by our rage. As we burst through the door of our rented home Reiya jumps scared by the noise. She was once again nose deep in a book and as soon as she started reading again.

"Reiya!" I shout accidentally consumed by anger. "I didn't mean to yell... sorry... uhm... Reiya, would you like to help me with something?" I try again.

"Sure! How can I help?" Reiya curiously looks at me.

"Well, we need to get as much information about a Vampire Lord's last act. The local Lord has basically threatened me with it and I need to figure out how to resist it. In most cases I know it's impossible to resist but, I haven't heard one thing about three-way beta/right-hand born hybrids. If we can find more on either three-way hybrids or right-hand born hybrids, we might be able to figure out how I can get out of being compelled."

Reiya's eyes sparkle with excitement and curiosity. "I'm on it! I will go straight to the super-natural library and borrow as many books on Vampire Lords as well as any mentions of this 'last act'!" She rushes past us, puts on her shoes and practically flies across the lawn.

I look at Sasha and shrug. "I better get searching for information on the inter-webs." Plopping onto a couch, take out my phone and being browsing the web.

Sasha nods slowly then goes to the kitchen. I can hear her grabbing food and mind link her to get me something too. Once she walks back over, she hands me a giant bowl of plain potato chips and sits down beside me with her own.

Because I don't want all the oily chips rubbing off onto my hands then my phone I just keep lifting the bowl one handed, to my face taking huge mouthfuls each time. Sasha laughs quietly and begins feeding me instead. I'm about halfway through reading an article when my phone begins to ring.

"Hello, Ivy Martin speaking." My face definitely shows my annoyance but I don't let it seep into my voice.

"Ivy! I just thought I should tell you what has happened since you uh, left the Coven House..." My dad seems worried but also relieved about something else.

"Oh? What happened Dad?"

"Well I'll tell you the better news first... The better news is that there has already been a replacement selected to take my place as the right-hand from the new moon and on."

"That's great Dad! But what's the bad news..?" I know worry is identifiable in my voice.

My dad sighs, "Well, I unfortunately cannot do anything to stop the Lord's plans for the new moon involving you and Oak... He has made it very clear that there is no swaying his decision either." My heart drops and throat tightens.

"O-oh..." is all I can choke out, realization sinking in that if my father even tries to help me the Lord will make sure my father is too busy. "Th-thanks for telling me... W-What does the Lady's opinion seem to be?" At this point, I have no real hope for the Lady to be able to do anything.

"As you know..." my father is selecting his words carefully and speak with some pain in his voice, "The Lady doesn't have as much power or authority as she should. Our coven has always been... a little, behind on the current views of human society..."

I breathe out heavily, "Yeah... I-I should probably get researching, I love you dad. Thanks for the update..." I hang up and fall back into the spot I had been sitting. "Welp... I guess we're on our own for getting out of this predicament. At least we have 5 weeks before the new moon."

"Don't worry, I have seen the strength you hold and I believe that if you really try to resist, you will be able to." Sasha pulls me onto her lap and nuzzles me. I cuddle into her embrace, let a deep breath out and pick up where I left off in the article I had been reading.

(A few hours pass)

I must have drifted off at some point when scavenging the internet for information because I open my eyes and see that I am tucked into the bed. Sasha is at the little desk reading something on her phone and scribbling down notes. Getting up from the bed I stretch then walk a few steps and plop myself onto Sasha's lap.

*soft laugh* "Did you have a good rest Vee?" Sasha adjusts her position and loops one arm around me. I yawn and simply nod.

A knock rings through the bedroom door, "Come in!" I call out and Reiya skips in.

"So, I found out lots of re-assuring things! The best one is that not only is it possible to resist the compelling aura of a Lord when they enforce their 'final act', the higher one's rank and lower their percentage of Vampirism is, the more likely it is for them to survive!" She sounds cheery but I can tell there's something she isn't telling me.

"Reiya... What's the catch..? There is no way that what you just told me is all you found out."

Tears begin forming in her eyes and my expression softens " who does resist *sniffle* becomes..." She won't meet my eyes, "...becomes extremely weakened... or at least their Vampire side does..."

"Well that doesn't sound fatal... why are you so saddened?" I speak softly to her, a confused tone audible.

"I-I meant that they be-become weakened massively to the aura's of any Vampire who is attempting to compel them... a-fter the new moon..." she's once again looking at the floor, tears silently pouring down her face. I do the only thing I can think of, I get up and hug her until she is able to calm down.

As Reiya re-gains composure and I am beginning to pull back, there's a little kick. At first I thought I had imagined it but, Reiya looks at me excitement all over her splotchy face. "Reiya, I think that your baby just kicked me..." I barely can keep a smile off of my face when Reiya begins laughing with joy.

My laughter joins hers within seconds, her happiness contagious. I am so happy that what Jake did to her seems to no longer plague her mind. The pain he caused both of us is immeasurable but I'm glad to see she doesn't let it haunt her the way it haunts me.

I begin thinking about how long it has been approximately since Jake had raped us and my laughter fades. "What's wrong Vee?" Sasha looks concerned and I try to shrug it off at first.

She looks at me with that 'tell me before I dig for it' look and force myself to speak, "I-it's been just under two months since i-it happened... Which would mean there's-there's just over a month until the babies, well baby I guess, is due. This would also mean that around the new moon Reiya will have to be pretty much stationary." I gulp finding it difficult to swallow, "Reiya... you won't be able to support me in person for the new moon..."

Reiya's face only falls slightly before she waves away my worry, "Who said I needed to be there to support you. I will be betting on you and your strength no matter where I am." She hugs me quickly and then Sasha starts stroking my hair to calm me.

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