Chapter 32

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After the appointment I felt disappointed, the fact that the doctor wasn't fully honest with me was upsetting. Sasha and I decided to stop by the house we'd been looking at. Sasha has only heard about it from me and I've only seen pictures. Approaching the house, I can't help but forget about the doctors' dishonesty.

Sasha looks at me and smiles, "This place is beautiful! It's in a great part of town and there's loads of space to let out our counterparts. I bet that Reiya would love it here too, there is a small grocery store just down the street." I smile back at Sasha and lean my head on her shoulder.

Since we had not book a viewing, we couldn't actually go inside however, it is way prettier than any of the pictures that I have seen. We walk back to the house we are currently renting and find Reiya reading a book she borrowed from the library.

She looks up from the book, "Oh, hey! I was wondering where you two were! I decided to read up on werewolves, y'know? To prepare for the baby. And damn do werewolves develop fast! *soft laughter*" Reiya is pretty much back to herself how she does still have a lot of weird food cravings! Like once, she bought a regular size tub of mint chip ice cream, scooped it all into one of those big mixing bowls then put raw fish on it! Bones and all! Like da fuck?!

I get a small cramp and walk towards the stairs, "I have a bit of a cramp, I'm gonna go relax and watch some movies" is what I tell them when they look at me confused. I make it to the room, grab the remote and flop onto the bed.

"Hey... are you alright Vee? Heck, why even ask, I know you have something bothering you. What's on your mind?" Sasha walks in and sits on the bed beside me.

" *sigh* I just can barely believe that although the doctor obviously knows something, she said she didn't... Couldn't she see how stressed I am? The fact that now there's something that could be very important which I wasn't told, even though it very much concerns me and my health!" I flip onto my back and scooch into the head board. Sasha moves beside me and I lean on her. "Why didn't she just tell me? Not knowing could be fatal, if she underestimated how severe what she knows about is... and I already practically died, I don't want to end up in a similar situation again..." My voice trails off as I continue.

"It bothers me too but, we have to trust her, she's the doctor. I know that this has been rough and we haven't really had more than two weeks maybe (?), to actually get to know each other and all... but, Ivy-"

I cut her off oblivious to how important what she's about to say is. "What do you think we should do about it? Should we consult another doctor..?" Sasha covers my mouth and shushes me.

"Ivy. There's something I need to do," she gets off the bed and walks around to the side closest to me, "Ivy Martin, will you marry me?" Sasha kneels down and open a tiny box, a beautiful ring resting at its centre.

My eyes go wide, "This isn't some joke... Right?" I ask still letting it sink in. Sasha shakes her head with an anxious smile.

"Eek! Yay!!!!!" Reiya shrieks in excitement.

"Oh Sasha..." I smile softly, "Get off the floor and just give me the ring already, you knew my answer before you even asked me." I begin to cry a little, filled with happiness.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Reiya doing a modified version of her happy dance quietly squeal singing "My ship has set sail~ My ship has set sail~!"

I kiss Sasha and we both start laughing, happy that a new chapter was about to begin and that even though we've all been through some tough times recently, Reiya has become a fiery but bright little light.

(One day passes)

Since yesterday I have been feeling a new sense of strength and have higher hopes for my future. With this newfound confidence, me and Sasha go visit the vampire Coven's house and request to speak with the Lord. My dad looks surprised by both my appearance at the Coven and by my very large baby bump.

My father doesn't question me about it and then notices the ring on my finger "So, you two are engaged now?" He sounds uninterested but I know he's just trying to appear professional and business-like.

A smile invades my features, "Yeah, she actually proposed to me yesterday!" I am beaming and Sasha is even wearing a genuine smile (she usually hides all emotions around everyone other than me and Reiya while in public).

"Come in!" Booms the voice of the Lord, power lacing it. We walk in and it's obvious that he's trying to intimidate Sasha and me, his aura is seeping through his pores and power showing through his posture. I don't back down but I also don't challenge him. Sasha looks like the aura is affecting her a lot more than it normally would and I remember that because of our link, I may be deflecting the aura to her. I quickly lend her mental strength and resist the aura filling the room. "Ah... So you are still as strong as everyone has been saying. Are you here to accept the position you were born to inherit? Or are you here to pursue the higher position?" He asks me this as if he believes I am actually coming to do either of those things. But, breaking news, I'm not.

"No, I am not here to pursue a position. I am in fact here to officially refuse my birthright position. I have no desire to be a figure of leadership or power. I wish only to live a life as any other civilian." At my words the Lord's face darkens considerably and I block out Sasha's connection to protect her from the aura he releases.

"Fine... However I hope you are aware of the final act a Lord can enforce..?" He's questioning me in a very taunting manner and I quickly remember what it is. "Well, in case you don't remember... The final act a Lord can enforce while passing his authority down, is that if his heir has not found or claimed a mate, he may choose any vampire to rule by his heir's side. This includes hybrids and does not exempt mated vampires from being selected. Of course they can continue their relationship with their mate however, the relationship with the heir will be the relationship that would be recognized officially." With the Lord's description of this 'last act of a Lord' Sasha's face pales and I grow cold, my vampire threatening to take control...

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