Chapter 15

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I look away from Reiya my blush still as evident as ever "I-I... I uh, I wouldn't mind that... If- If... uh... the offer was still on the table... that is..." I trail off not making eye contact with Reiya or Sasha.

Sasha giggles and as a response gently grabs my chin and makes me look at her. "Of course the offer is still on the table. You really think that after the reaction you just gave me I would back down?" She asks quirking one eyebrow up with a small playful smile on her lips.

I know my cheeks are still red but I push that thought away and surprise myself when *I* put my hand behind Sasha's ear and *I* with complete control, kiss Sasha. My actions seem to surprise her and a blush graces her cheeks to obvious to hide.

———————-Sasha's P.O.V-———————

(A half hour before meeting Reiya)

The past little while has been great! I feel such a strong pull to Rose, even though she is lying about her name... I can't blame her, the world is a dangerous place and I hadn't even been planning on telling her my real name. I hope she realizes that I will never hurt her the way others obviously have. I am getting so nervous about just asking her out. I know I will need to soon though, or my Puma (Ember), will... Although she means well, we don't need her in control right now...

I still can't believe how wonderful yesterday went, we met the gorgeous Rose and pulled off the riskiest mission yet! I was successful at assassinating the asshole who ruined my childhood and what's even better is that it was an official assignment I was given. Turns out he was a drug lord too, who woulda guessed (Me and Ember ofc!)

Since we pulled it off, we are extremely excited which just means that our emotions for Rose could just burst out without warning, if Ember were to be in control... well let's just say that we would probably skip a few steps of relationships (more like a lot of them)... we'd probably end up scaring her away with our intensity.

The past little while, we have been learning little things about Rose and telling her a little bit about us. Then as I mumble about how I had lived in this town my whole life but didn't have a choice about it, I finally got the last piece of vital information confirming my suspicions of her not being human.

I immediately suggest we go elsewhere to get away from humans and I can tell she picks up on my little bit of extra enthusiasm...

I half drag Rose down the streets to the secret supernatural centre. We duck around the final corner and after making sure nobody saw us we enter. Rose looks amazed and I know her focus is not on talking right now so I ask "So, what do you think?"

"I think you're beautiful!" Rose says before thinking. "I mean... I think this place is beautiful..!" She corrects her unfiltered thought.

"Hmm?" I teasingly press then decide not to push too much as I don't know where her comfort level is. "So you like this place?"

"Ahem... Yeah, this place is wonderful!" She blushes but is obviously thankful that I didn't press her further on what she had said at first.

I notice Rose is definitely talking to someone in her head. She blushes again then confesses her wolf had spoken up and to make her more comfortable I tell her about how my puma, Ember, had also seemed a lot more active lately.

(Skip to present)

Reiya just shrieked asking if we were going to begin dating now that we had kissed although, I confess I wasn't giving her much of my attention I was silently scolding but also praising Ember for making us lean in and go for a kiss.

Rose regains all my attention by saying "Why not see where this leads?" She catches my eyes and I notice her eyes are flashing between a dull red, a electric purple and her natural green-hazel colour. This piques my interest even more...

Reiya jumps up and down again, screeches again and then calmly says "Well then, I'm sure I will see you two here again soon." Then Reiya practically bounces past me and Rose, opens the door and leaves.

As soon as the door completely closes Ember forces me to give her control and I have a wonderful but worried feeling about her having full control.

Rose notices my small shift in personality and tilts her head cutely to one side obviously wondering why my eyes didn't change colour although she knows control has shifted. Taking the opportunity Ember swiftly, but still somewhat gently, pushes Rose to the wall and cups her cheek.

Rose is about to ask what we were doing when we catch her lips with ours, making it slightly deeper than our previous kiss. Rose flushes red and I notice she begins trying to take a bit of control of the kiss from Ember.
Ember of course decides to play a bit unfair and moves our other hand to trap Rose against the wall more securely. Her eyes open again and look a bit scared at first but as she refocuses on me and Ember she calms down again, practically melting into our embrace.

Due to the flicker of fear that I saw, I push against Ember and retake control. I adjust my hold on Rose to allow her a more comfortable amount of space.

"Where do you think you're going" Rose(?) drawls only breaking our kiss to utter those words and refill her lungs. "I think it's my turn now..." she claims and faster than I could really process it, she has flipped our positions. Her eyes fade back to green-hazel again and whispers "My name is actually Ivy" before pecking my cheek and retreats a few steps.

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