Chapter 26

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—————————Ivy's POV—————————
Sasha is only a little bit ahead of me but she keeps looking back at me as if she's worried that I'm just gonna disappear. I can tell she also wants to talk to me about something but she is really good at hiding her thoughts! I can't believe how good she is at it, like wow!

We pass the pack boundary and pick up our pace, knowing Jake has been alerted along with his beta. They will most certainly send warriors after us especially because of our pace. I smile and can't help but laugh a little at how much more pathetic Jake seems now that Sasha wears my mark as I wear her. The mark I have has changed a little now and near the puma there is a winged wolf. This wolf also has red detailing similar to the puma but both are extremely Individual.

Me and Sasha have now reached the main doors and I can hear the warriors scrambling behind them. Sasha looks at me and is about to say something when she thinks differently.

"Ivy, do you want to go for Jake or go find Reiya?" Sasha mind linked me! Oh wait that actually makes sense... *mental facepalm*

"I want to go find Reiya, I can also tell that you want to go for Jake..." I know she plans on killing him, I was awake earlier than I let on. I had been listening in on her thoughts for a while. She didn't think I wanted him dead but... I do. I want him to suffer then die slow and painfully. I can tell she's wanted him dead as soon as I told her how he treated me.

"...What? I don't have to go for Jake!" She's trying to deflect me from the truth.

"I want him dead too! My only request is to make him suffer..." Sasha looks at me wide eyed for a second then a foreign look crosses her face. She's smirking evilly a I can almost see Ember laughing maniacally in her head. I know I can trust them to do as I asked.

Before Sasha can protest I bring my hands up in front of my chest, palms facing outward, and push them forward and to the sides. The front doors fly open with such force the warriors that had gotten into formation were blown aside and I slightly, only slightly, winced. Then I see the Beta on the middle landing of the stairs. He looks extremely shocked and I can't tell if it's because I don't look fazed or because of how much force the doors flew open with.

Sasha quickly glances, pointing her chin towards the cells telling me to check there first as she races up the stairs. The beta looks at her and tries to slow her progress when she easily jumps and grabs the steps beside them and climbs over the railing. The beta is once again left speechless but soon recovers and begins chasing after her.

I just step over the warriors that had been blown into things and knocked out, the other warriors had tucked tail and left. What a bunch of experience-less pups! I am almost certain that most of them are older than me too!

I finally make it to the door leading to the cells as one warrior begins to stir. He comes to a lot faster than I expected but instead of either running or trying to stop me, he just looks at me a question obviously on his mind.

I make eye contact and nod my head in that 'what?' movement and he looks surprised I paid him any mind. But I was quickly losing patience... "Speak! You obviously want to ask me something so, speak!" I burst.

"O-o-oh uh... weren't you supposed to be the Luna to our pack? What happened?"

"Well long story short, 'Alpha Stevenson'" I say mockingly "cheated on me, his own mate! Then I rejected him and began a much better life away from here." I smile in a somewhat 'are you happy now' look then turn around and race down into the cell block.

I let Rose take front seat and begin to decipher how I've been acting and feeling lately. Then I focus a bit more on our hearing and notice a small and faint heartbeat... definitely too soft to be anybody's from the cells but not loud enough to be my own, let alone it's speed was way faster than mine.

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