Chapter 31

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Since Jake met his demise (finally) I've been staying in the loop of pack going ons. Shortly after the pack felt the bond to their asshole Alpha die out, they decided that instead of having the previous Alpha take over again they would appoint a new one. Ultimately the pack decided that the best candidate for the Alpha position was their Beta, Silas Scyther. The pack appointed his fraternal twin sister, Mila Scyther as the new Beta. The two of them are the perfect team to lead the pack. They both have stern sides but they are caring and have a deep loyalty to the pack.

Once I was identifiably stable, my dad mentioned that it was getting closer to him needing to hand down his title of being the Lord's right hand. I had immediately told him that I would not accept the title due to my dislike of being an authoritative figure. I had never wanted the title, not even when I was little. Being in a position of power hadn't been an the dream future for me. Never dreamt of being a princess, marrying a prince or anything of the sort. I always rathered blend into the 'background' and being overlooked. Not getting noticed has kinda always been my goal but, obviously that would be impossible.

(One week passes)

Sasha had told me to go for what I felt confident about and I did. I denied the role I never wanted and decided that me and Sasha would move to the very edge of town. That way we were away from all those nosy neighbours and would still have a community to be a part of. I began searching around and looking in newspapers as well as speaking with realtors. I haven't really had any luck lately at finding ideal places and am beginning to think that maybe we'd have to move for better choices.

Miraculously, I was able to find a beautiful house in an ideal location with four bedrooms for a really good price. I just called the realtor and was able to work out an agreement. I would continue to 'bid' on the property unless it passed a certain point and the realtor would try to be as transparent as possible. I know there are risks with a non-legal documentation of this agreement but I can't find a way to reasonably use legal documentation.

All day I have been hoping that nobody else would want the property because I absolutely love the place. I really wanted a decent sized house so I could have people stay over more often and still feel un-crowded in it. This place is just that! I am super excited about this, I can barely wait to have a place to really call home with Sasha. It's been a slow relationship due to my being in a coma for about a month of our 6 week relationship (yeah... that's more than half of it!) but I can tell she doesn't mind.

Also due to my recent pregnancy then miscarriage I should go get checked out because of how short the pregnancy of a werewolf is. I lost the baby around halfway through it so there will have to be some planing for a surgery or a medically induced labor. Which terrifies me... I already have so many scars and have been through so much pain neither option really sounds pleasant, however one would be wayyy less painful...

Another thing is that for some reason, the baby bump I had been able to overlook when I first woke up has grown a lot. The weird part is that it's been around a week since I lost the baby and the bump has continued to grow?! I definitely need to get a check up...

(One day passes)

I am in the waiting room of the (werewolf/supernatural) doctors office listening for my name to be called for my appointment.

"Alright, the doctor is now ready to see, uh... Ivy Martin now!" The receptionist calls out.

I begin trying to get out of the seat and with a soft laugh Sasha helps me. We walk to the examination room door and I take a deep breath trying to convince myself that there is nothing to worry about. There is probably a very practical reason as to why the baby bump has continued to grow. I'm gonna be fine!

Never mind... I can't do this... I'm not fine, not at all! Jeez! Why did I think I could do this?! Am I crazy?!

Then the doctor enters taking in my pacing and probably extremely worried looking face in, "First pregnancy?"

I nod

"I thought as much... Now what seems to be worrying you?"

"W-ell, about 6 weeks ago I was um... I was raped and fell into a coma for a month after pretty much dying from the injuries that had been inflicted on me. Obviously the asshole got me pregnant! Then just about a week ago there was an incident in which I lost the child. I had ended up loving the child during that one week so, when I lost it... it was difficult. Anyway the main reason I'm here is because of how far along I had been, there is no way the fetus would be removed naturally... I came to get checked to know what options were available to me. The other reason is that although I lost the baby, my belly is still growing as if it was alive although I can feel it isn't." I had stopped pacing and was now standing near Sasha.

"Okay... I may as well examine you first then ask a few questions to help me piece together why your uterus still seems to be stretching as if it were supporting a child." I nod and the doctor begins.

The doctor presses my abdomen in multiple different places and then she asks me if I wanted her to do a more invasive examination. I let out a heavy breath but nodded and did as she directed me.

With the examinations done she begins asking me some questions. "Do you have any idea as the how you lost the child?"

"I'm not sure if it would have caused my miscarriage or not but during the incident a week ago, a blast of my own magic hit my abdomen straight on and almost knocked me over... The only reason I didn't actually fall over was her," I point at Sasha "she caught me before I hit the ground."

"Okay... is there anything else that happened which could be the cause? I'm just asking because normally one's own magic cannot harm you or a child you're bearing. Which means that the blast was not actually your magic but perhaps a mixture of someone else's or something completely un-related to magic happened..."

I look at her for a second, about to tell her that nothing else happened but then I remember "I had been pus- I mean I had fallen onto my right side shortly before the magic blast..." I reply still surprised that I hadn't been able to remember what I just did, until now.

She looks at me and nods, "that lines up with what I was able to figure out when examining you. But trauma that severe also would mean that you had 'fallen' quite hard..." I can tell she doesn't believe my attempted cover up, she definitely implied quotation marks were supposed to be around fallen.

"A-alright, I will definitely be more cautious especially if I end up pregnant again... What- uh... What options are available to me for uh- getting the dead child out?" I know worry had seeped into my voice as my hands start shaking slightly.

"You will have to wait until after it was supposed to be brought into the world to safely remove it with the least harm. As of right now, the options you have are to have it removed surgically or have an induced labor to remove it in a more natural way. However, I was not able to figure out why it continues to grow so the first option may become unavailable if it grows much more." I don't exactly believe her when she tells me that she was unable to find the cause of continued growth but, she's the professional *internal shrug*

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