Chapter 70

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————————Reiya's POV————————

Oak grabs Mia and hops gracefully out the window landing softly. I walk closer to the window and he motions to drop Lyath. Knowing that worst comes to worst Lyath can probably catch himself. With both babies out it's time for me to leave as well. I climb out the window and begin my slow decent. All is going well until one of my hands slip and I fall backwards! Lucky for me, Oak moves fast and was able to put the babies down in time to catch me.

"Th-thanks!" I'm blushing so much right now... That was probably the most embarrassing thing I've done in front of him ever!

"No problem my little Ray of sunshine." I look at him once he puts me down and I quickly peck his cheek then pick Mia up.

"So, where to?"

"I— uh- I was thinking about going to the play park, how does that sound..?" I smile at his flustered state and nod, adjusting our direction.

"Did the cat have your tongue? It seemed like you were having trouble speaking at first..." I smile teasingly and look back at him because he still hasn't fully recovered.

"Wh— hey- Actually, as a matter of fact, she did..." he catches up to me and winks earning an annoyed pout.

"You couldn't just let me have the satisfaction of flustering you?"

"Nope! But maybe sometime I can make it up to you..." Oak looks at me suggestively and I playfully shove him away.

"Oh hush, just because you have dreams doesn't mean they'll become reality anytime soon." He mocks offence

"So are you saying, you haven't thought about the two of us like that..?" I blush hardcore and turn my face away from him.

"Stahp it!" I pout at him which makes him laugh.

"Good to know, good to know..." he's smiling smugly when I sneak a glance at him.

I playfully roll my eyes just as the park comes into sight, "last one there's a rotten egg!"

I sprint faster than I ever had, clutching Mia to my chest. Oak doesn't even humour me! Instead he slows down!

"Wow... not even going to pretend to try? Not even to raise my opinion of you..?" He uses his speed but looks really unfazed while he does.

Oak stops in front of me, "Well, I'm pretty sure you like me too much for something as little as not racing to a park to change it... I mean although you never said it, you kinda admitted to having made up some fantasies that involve me..." he kept bringing his face closer to mine and he brushes his lips against my cheek then neck.

My heartbeat is thunderous and I can feel him smile against me. I don't try to move away, I wouldn't really mind if he marked me, or whatever it's called, right here...

"If we weren't watching two babies right now, I would have loved to get a taste..." Oak whispers to me while moving away from my neck.

I stand shocked by the moment that we just had. So he really is serious about wanting to go for it with this bond thing... Once I fully process what he said my face is back to bright red and I turn to the baby swings abruptly. He laughs at my delayed reaction and put Lyath in a swing.

"What..? Did I say something, wrong?" I hear the teasing tone in his voice and can only manage to squeak in response.

I put Mia in the second swing and try not to think about everything I read about the mating process... It's impossible! My face must somehow get redder when I remember that in most cases after being marked, the mates take it to the next level.

"Seriously though, are you alright? You are really red... are you cold or- or sick?" I smile at Oaks concern and shake my head as my face returns to its natural colour.

(After the park)

Me and Oak are holding hands, one baby in our free arm. We're hoping that Ivy and Sasha have gotten 'everything' out of their systems...


The front door opens to reveal Ivy and Sasha both fully clothed thankfully! I hand Mia to Ivy as Oak hands Lyath to Sasha.

"Oak and I are going to hang out, you two have had your fun so now you two can watch the babies." I smile in an excessively sweet way then Oak and I turn around to walk away.

Oak takes the lead and we walk around the house towards the forest in the back. I easily can tell this is a short cut to the Coven house. Just as I assumed it becomes visible after a few minutes.

Once we're out of the wooded area he tugs my arm and starts walking faster. I quirk an eyebrow at his actions when he looked back at me. Oak gives me a mischievous look and tugs me again. After we walk through the door he picks me up and sprints up to his room.

Almost as soon as we get in his room he tosses me on the bed then shuts his door. Oak puts all his locks to use and leans against his door.

"Oak..? Are you okay?" Somethings bothering him but I don't know what.

"...Mhmm, fine..." his eyes are closed tightly and he is taking deep breath's through his nose.

"You don't look fine..."

"I'm fine. Just— just calming myself down so I don't do something stupid and mess this up..." I look at him curiously and tilt my head to the side.

"What do you mean by 'mess this up'..?"

*deep inhale* "I-I could sense your thoughts earlier— at the park— and I just, *sigh* I'm just trying not to loose control of myself..."

"Oh..! Uh-mm. I— uh..." my face flushes red as I catch on. Then I remember something about how sensitive supernaturals sense of smell is, which causes me to swallow noticeably.

"I— I don't want to do anything that you aren't comfortable with so I just need to take a minute." I just nod and grab the TV remote.

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