Chapter 77

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-------------------------------------Silas's POV---------------------------------------

I mind link my pack's warriors that I will be joining a random patrol group then head to the warrior quarters. Once I walk in everybody bows their head respectively and I do the same to them because they are some of the most equality-driven people I know. My attention is then (ironically) drawn to the back right corner, there is a more petite-looking female warrior being hassled by some of the heavier-built males.

"What is going on over here?" I release some of my alpha aura warning them to smarten up.

"U-uhh, Nothing Alpha Silas!" I narrow my eyes and look around the room, clearly not buying the pathetic deflection, hoping someone will speak up.

Thankfully, another warrior does, "They've recently started to pick on her. Many of the rest of us have tried to stop them but couldn't so we knew you would be able to today. There are some pack members saying that she refused to give herself to one of them even though she's his mate-- but I-I don't know what is the and what's made up..." the warrior rubs his neck ashamed that he didn't get info to tell me.

I nod at him, thanking him for speaking up, "Alright, thank you." I turn my attention back to the males harassing the female, "Now, which one of you is going to own up to that statement?" I pause, "Or is there something else happening..?"

A few of the guys bare their neck to me submissively but, one guy actually squares his shoulders! I look at him getting more annoyed by the second.

"Actually Alpha, there is something more happening. This girl," he says 'girl' with disgust, "is not attending to her mately duties... She refuses to accept the bond that is clearly between us and she went off to sleep with some human boy!" The warrior is becoming heated.

I look at him calmly then slowly shift my gaze to the girl who is shaking with fear, *deep breath* "Alright. The two of you please follow me to my office." Only the girl starts to move, "you too..." I motion to the male. "The rest of you just go to do your tasks"

The female hurriedly gathers her stuff from the changing room she had been stuck in front of and scurries out of the room looking grateful. On the other hand, the male huffs and angrily grabs his stuff. I shoot him a look that tells him he'd better be at my office soon or there'd be consequences, then make my way out of the room. Exhaling deeply I clear my head then catch up to the girl.

"So, I've only heard two sides of this three-sided story... What's your side?"

"O-oh? You actually want to hear my side..?" I nod at it which makes a small smile rise in her eyes. "W-well, he is supposed to be my mate..."


"But he--" she hesitates, "He didn't want me..." she looks away, "At least, not until this really kind guy showed an interest in me, a human guy..."

"Did your mate officially reject you?"

She shakes her head, "No, but I never did anything with the human. I had told him, the human, that I was already in a relationship but would be happy to be friends. He was respectful of that and never tried anything with me."

"So your mate, he only thought you cheated..?"

"We-well that's the part that I don't understand... I hadn't actually even agreed to be the human's friend until I cleared it with my mate, who said he didn't care about what I did..." The girl looks down, "M-my mate even went as far to say that he would never care enough about what I did, ever, that-- he didn't care about me." Her voice cracks and a silent sob escapes her.

"Oh... That must have been really hard to hear..." She nods, tears threatening to roll down her face.

"The human and I did normal, friendly things. We would hang out with his friends, all play video games, watch random movies..." She frowns, "Then one day, my mate showed up at the guy's house when a few of the guy's friends had left to pick up some pizzas and pop..." she shudders

"Do you want to take a second? We're almost at my office now which might be a bit safer feeling..?" The girl nods and gives me a weak smile. I nod understandingly then hold the door open for her.

"Thanks." I give a friendly but small smile. "S-so, my mate burst through the humans front door... I had been across the room, picking a random movie disc. The human was setting the TV up with the disc player..." She takes a shaky breath, "M-my mate slammed the guy against a wall, *shudder* th-the guy didn't freak out, he just looked confused." Closing her eyes, she inhales looking pained, "Then m-y mate started yelling about how pathetic the guy was for-- for stooping as low as me and how the only reason my mate had kept me around was that he wanted kids..." The girl tosses herself into the biggest most comfortable chair and begins sobbing.

I exhale, remembering how Jake had treated both Ivy, his first chance and Reiya, his second chance. He had only used them for an heir but yet even though they both got pregnant, neither of them had any desire for the children forced upon them to be put into the succession line of Alphas even after Jake was killed by them.

"Thank-fully, m-y mate di-didn't kill the human..." she is struggling against her sobs and unsteady breathing, "Th-en my m-mate tried to, to fo-rce hi-himself onto m-me... L-last night, to, to be spe-cific..."

My blood boils, how many fucking pack members are just like Jake!? Jeez! He, himself is gone but there seem to be so many different people who have followed his path of dishonour... I can barely believe that I had ever been Jake's best friend, I should have steered him away from that unjust behaviour. It's almost as if he's taunting me from the dead.

"O-kay" My voice breaks as I try to hold in the emotions that have flooded my conscious, I need to stay as impartial as I can to ensure that justice is properly served. "What, um, what was happening this morning..?"

"He, h-e was trying to pressure me into giving myself to him... His friends w-were there to drive his 'or else' tone home. I-I'm scared... The only re-ason he di-didn't succeed l-ast night w-was because, because my best friend came to o-our room for a sleepover..."

I nod, thinking about how to handle this situation. "How about, you check with your friend if you can stay in their room tonight..? After tonight, if things haven't been resolved I will call someone who has been in a somewhat similar situation so you can stay with her if both of you are okay with it..."

"Alright Alpha! Thank you so so so much..." she picks up her phone and probably texts her friend.

The girl looks up after a few seconds and nods smiling. I motion that she can leave now while mind linking the guy who seems to be her mate to come in. He walks in angry and annoyed.

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